i got new dmc4 info regardin dante, nero and the new weapons:
after all that talk about nero being the new main character, capcom has finally revealed former series protagonist, dante, will play a much larger role then initialy thought. in fact, the players control will swithch over to dante about halfway through the game and will remain as the son of sparda until the final boss is beat.
not much info is known how the plot will account for this but we know by now that dante and nero will join forces and fight some devils, but as we all know the 2 don't start out as buddies, the tutorial sequence shows you how to play as nero while he fights dante, while trying to conceal his devil arm. they also said that in london they showed off the new arsenal of weapons that dantes gonna use. his new gauntlets are called gilamesh, and it turns out that lucifer allows dante to strategically position several floating enrgy dartsaround the enviorment(almost like artemis without the gun...), then send them shooting off with the drop of a rose, the theres pandoras box which may seem as a breifcase at first, but can turn in to a chaingun, a laser gun turret, and many more heavy weapons.
the only mystery that remains, is how the game mechanics will work between both of our heroes, if you spend the first half of the game lveling up nero, will you have start from scratch with dante? all these questions will be answered when dmc4 hits shelves in febuary!