i think DMC2 was exactly what capcom wanted it to be; bigger, more epic; and new stylish moves.
Exactly! That's what I always thought!
Granted the level design made it feel way larger than any of the other games and it still had a very ominous feel to them, but it left the camera completely out of place, especially for a hack and slash.
The areas were kept at night or dawn to keep ominous-ness which I felt DMC was good at. Camera wasn't as good tohugh, felt more like a Final Fantasy game then a DMC game to me.
It had CGI moments that made Dante look as bada$$ as he does in dmc4 but in dmc2 he looked way cooler overall.
I noticed that. Like the cutscene when he fights that giant demon coming out of the building, and he looked at it, that was cool, but the graphics didn't look so well for him in regular cutscenes though. He just looked way too old for someone to still be doing this stuff. But Dante is Dante.
And then it introduced crazy moves, which were inspired by "the matrix" and at the time, wall running, REAL dual wielding, and a new combo move set was innovating to me.
That's one of the reasons I still have DMC2 now. It had superior wall running and acrobatics.
Everything about it should of been brilliant but the plot, and dante not really talking too much (which didnt bother me because we was the Legend now, what bothered me was the stupid coin thing, but it was cool that both sides were the same and he was playing her all along) and it was way too easy. You shouldnt be able to kill everything with guns.......