I'd say some people are afraid of change if they fly off the handle so readily without having all the information on a subject. People got so ****y three years ago over a 90-second trailer, and believed unfounded rumors instead of the information coming straight from the people making the damn game. Plus, people being completely unreceptive to the changes proves they're afraid of change. We even only have to go as far back as DMC4 when people bitched about Nero to see that :/ Even when told that DmC has nothing to do with and doesn't affect its predecessors in anyway, people instead ignored it in favor of believing DmC replaces it, which inadvertently justifies their vitriolic behavior. Seriously, the crap I've seen people get angry about is absolutely astounding at times.
And please, don't claim "companies are constantly mocking the fans," because that's utter bullshit. Everything that anyone has ever shown me has been contrived bullshit and sentences taken out of context. There's also the entire logical fallacy of a company insulting its consumers while trying to get them to like and then buy a product.