lol internet tough guys go sit your ass down somewhere and chill out.
I never claimed to be an internet tough guy, whats the matter? you are the one who started this crap
lol internet tough guys go sit your ass down somewhere and chill out.
I never claimed to be an internet tough guy, whats the matter? you are the one who started this crap
A ''true'' dmc fan likes and continues to support the series no matter what reboots or remakes are made
Easy just recently
But somehow this is imaginary disrespect too right?
Are u mad faggot? Try to be productive and don't whine like a girl who has her period
I can do what I want let's get that straight .:lol:Nero, you could never quote my post in the first place and you are still mad son, so ok lets not spam this crap anymore in this topic
I dont know if that's actually true, I mean your no more or less of a fan just because you don't care for a certain game in a series. I love Ninja Gaiden, but I skipped 3 because what I played I really did not like. I would never bother doing any of the stuff the hardcore haters have done to DmC in protest, just wont pick up the game is all. If Ninja Gaiden 4 comes out, I will be much less excited to play it but I will still give it a shot to prove my uncertainty wrong.Actually no, I'd say he's on to something there. Anyone who has love for the product/franchise isn't so easily broken by change, and they find ways to embrace it. And if they don't find a way to embrace it, they don't get all ***** about it.
I dont know if that's actually true, I mean your no more or less of a fan just because you don't care for a certain game in a series. I love Ninja Gaiden, but I skipped 3 because what I played I really did not like. I would never bother doing any of the stuff the hardcore haters have done to DmC in protest, just wont pick up the game is all. If Ninja Gaiden 4 comes out, I will be much less excited to play it but I will still give it a shot to prove my uncertainty wrong.
I think if you are too loyal to a series then you pretty much give the developers and publishers permission to release any old crap they want because they know the fans are loyal and will buy it anyway like Resident Evil series, Madden, Call of Duty, Halo, Assassin's Creed. Now im not saying every game in those series are bad but the developers know they could make Master Chief a walking turd and would still sell a million copies because the fans are just that loyal.
It is a really solid shooter that I used to spend hours upon hours playing. Kinda lost my taste for it after Halo 3 but that does not mean i'm going to go around crying and complaining and making rant videos over it just because I didn't like ODST or Reach.Halo is freaking amazing!
I dont know if that's actually true, I mean your no more or less of a fan just because you don't care for a certain game in a series. I love Ninja Gaiden, but I skipped 3 because what I played I really did not like. I would never bother doing any of the stuff the hardcore haters have done to DmC in protest, just wont pick up the game is all. If Ninja Gaiden 4 comes out, I will be much less excited to play it but I will still give it a shot to prove my uncertainty wrong.
Yep it's a give and take relationship with developers and fans. We have to give them the freedom to do new things and experiment without freaking out otherwise our favorite games become like Madden, the exact same game every time with next to no innovation to actually move the series along. We also can not just take anything they hand us. Its a tough balance to maintain.I agree with this.
While its not ok to start raging out and attacking others like some fans did after this reboot was revealed it also is not ok to say that your not a true fan if you don't embrace this reboot either.
You should never give a company a "free pass" by embracing anything they put out simply under the notion that your being a "true fan" by doing it.
I dont know if that's actually true, I mean your no more or less of a fan just because you don't care for a certain game in a series. I love Ninja Gaiden, but I skipped 3 because what I played I really did not like. I would never bother doing any of the stuff the hardcore haters have done to DmC in protest, just wont pick up the game is all. If Ninja Gaiden 4 comes out, I will be much less excited to play it but I will still give it a shot to prove my uncertainty wrong.
I think if you are too loyal to a series then you pretty much give the developers and publishers permission to release any old crap they want because they know the fans are loyal and will buy it anyway like Resident Evil series, Madden, Call of Duty, Halo, Assassin's Creed. Now im not saying every game in those series are bad but the developers know they could make Master Chief a walking turd and would still sell a million copies because the fans are just that loyal.
Yep, you get me dude lol. I think at the end of the day people just need to step back and get their little emotions in check about these things. And to the Ninja Gaiden 3 point, even if I didn't like it, I would still give it kudos and acknowledge any parts of the new game that could make the series better as a whole. In that game's case it has zero elements that could make the series better.Well, that's what I'm saying. A real fan can look at something, and either be okay with changes and embrace them, or not be too keen on them and simply move on. You didn't like NG3, that's perfectly fine, and you know and care about the product enough to know there are missteps. What you didn't like, you voiced, but then moved on, but yeah, you're not going insane like some of the people who don't like DmC.
And yeah, loyalty is nice, but you have to be a smart consumer to prevent what you love from stagnating. I think it's stupid to say someone isn't a true fan if they have a legitimate reason for not liking something, like you not liking NG3. You're no less of a fan if you didn't care for it - but it's all a matter of at least being able to respect what's being done by having reasons that hold water.
Yo. We don't accept that sort of behaviour here so don't let anyone catch you using that language again, kk? Ta.Are u mad faggot? Try to be productive and don't whine like a girl who has her period