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Dear Mr. Credo,


Well-known Member
In light of some unfounded BS against your epicness as a mod I decided, with the support of several other members, to write this here letter/thread/thing to you. I'm not really sure where to start, so bare with me if I start to ramble a bit.

First of all I'd like to ensure you and everyone else that I stand by everything I said in response to a certain (former?) member's *cough* post against you. Why do I stand by it? Because everything I said is fact and that is an inarguable point. I have been on several other forums in the past and the staff on each of those sites fail in comparison to this forum's, especially compared to you, Mr. Credo. I've noticed there are several types of mods and for the sake of dragging this out (because all good heart felt posts are dragged out) I'm going to describe each one.

1. The Apathetic Mod

Either the admin just picked him/her because they are friends, or because they couldn't care enough to pick a half decent mod, so they just pick the first person they see. This mod doesn't do anything. They just post and act like a regular member and never bother to do any, I don't know, modding maybe? Quite simply, these mods suck.

2. The Troll Mod

This gem is rare, but a treat to come by. This type of mod is just as bad if not worse as the trolls and flamers making everyone's life miserable. They will often stick up for the troll, even just playfully, and laugh at the other members for calling out the trolls or try to report them. These mods are idiots. And they suck.

3. The Insane Mod

This mod likes to punish everyone all the time for no real reason. They take the banhammer to seriously and use it to freely. They are scary and crazy. And they also suck.

4. The Good Mod

This is you, Mr. Credo. This is the guy or girl that takes no crap from people. They call out the idiots and dish out punishments when need be, but are always fair. They are good people that do their best and are a pleasure to talk to. They don't stomp around acting all cool and tough, but they won't heistate to give a troll or flamer a taste of their own medicine.

Now unfortunately its lonely at the top. The good mod can often be seen as cruel or unfair to other people. This is to be expected. Even the worst members have friends and those friends will speak up when justice is brought down on their friend's heads. These defenders will say stupid things in order to bring down and discredit the mod. These people also suck and everything they say is baseless and stupid. They should be ignored. Everyone who silently agrees with them is also stupid.

Anyway, the point I'm trying to make here is that, Mr. Credo, you are a tremendous mod. The entire staff here is great at what they do, but there is a certain epicness about you that puts you on a level all your own. You were chosen for the job for a reason and you still have your job for the same reason. The reason being you're a level headed, mature, respectable, and fair guy. I believe that that should give everyone here peace of mind knowing that if someone is warned or punished that there was a good reason behind it.

You, Mr. Credo, are an awesome mod, and please know that I fully support you and the great work you do here. Its a great feeling being able to log on here knowing that the place is in good hands and that this will always be an enjoyable place for all of us thanks to great people like you.




A little while ago I made a social group in honor of our two mods. I encourage everyone here to join and to show your support in this thread as well.



The Dark Avenger © †
Premium Elite
Supporter 2014
Xen-Omni 2020
A very touching Thread Meg, have some rep ^_^

Mr.Credo, if I may also add my two cents here, then please let me to do so. What Meg has portrayed here is a fine way of appreciating you as a Staff Member, and as a person altogether.

You my friend have never failed to bring justice where it was needed. And that is why I soulfully support you in any particular action that you may take here. What you do is completely within your rights as a Moderator, and you use your power for the good of this place. You bring about peace and order. You're a credit to this entire Website, and an admirable person as a whole.

The Staff never get the true appreciation that they really deserve. And you Mr.Credo, do deserve it. When I went through bad times, you always helped me out. And when something is going wrong, you always keep your cool. You're a remarkable Moderator. An all round nice chap. It is a pleasure to have Staff such as yourself. You truly fit in amongst Angel, Steve and Dark Drakan.

If anyone's words here have ever meant so much to me, it's the words you used it your PM to me. And as I told you, that's one I won't ever get rid of. You're respect towards me as a member is sent right back at you, but times by a billion.

I wouldn't want to fail to mention Keaton here though, who has been a brilliant Moderator here also. You two Mods have a good friendship with one another, that's what make the two of you so awesome.

It's an honour to have you as a Staff Mod. I hope that what with how things have been recently, you haven't been feeling bad about anything. You're a legend at what you do, and don't let anyone tell you otherwise.

You'll always have my support, Kyle ^_^

Brilliantly written by the way Meg ^_^

Darth Angelo

Tuck-yet-chi-say-denie trieve trick-dis-nie
Well said Meg
I liked the list you did, definitely QFT:lol:.
I think you and LoD pretty much summed it up. Nothing more to add without repeating what has already been said.



Well-known Member
What's QFT? :lol:

Thank you though. And thanks for joining! :D

EDIT: Never mind. I figured it out. :lol:


God of Hyperdeath
Supporter 2014
Nothing more needs to be said from my mouth. They did all the talking, and they did it right. ^_^

Don't ever stop modding, Credo. This place would fall apart without you.


Your breasts are illegal!!
I like Angelo Credo, so no dislike from me.

I'm not on here much anymore so I cannot dispute your claim on him being a great mod but he is a great poster, so whatever.

Was this thread really needed though? Cause I don't think many people here actually dislike Angelo Credo.


Well-known Member
Esura;295913 said:
I like Angelo Credo, so no dislike from me.

I'm not on here much anymore so I cannot dispute your claim on him being a great mod but he is a great poster, so whatever.

Was this thread really needed though? Cause I don't think many people here actually dislike Angelo Credo.

Some extra love and encouragement never hurt anyone. :D


Your breasts are illegal!!
Storm Silves;295915 said:
He's been a bit down lately, so this was to cheer him up.

Oh, because of the incident? Ah he'll get over that. If not because of that, he'll overcome whatever situation making him down (I hope).

BTW I'm a bit down too, cause the government killing my damn Christmas bonus paycheck, so make a thread about me!!! jk

Dark Drakan

Well-known Member
Always nice to see some appreciation towards staff/a staff member as people think being on the staff is great (it is if you are thick skinned) and its not without its perks granted. However it is a pretty thankless job and most people dont realise that until they become staff. You have to take care of and deal with a whole range of issues and can never please everyone all of the time and criticism will happen no matter how good of a job you believe your doing.

So long as its in the best interests of the community and the forum some actions must be taken, might upset some people but so be it. Lesser of 2 evils must be chosen from time to time. People seem to forget that behind the banhammers and titles the staff are human too and have lives to live away from the boundaries of the forums. Well apart from me, I was created in a lab and have fed on trolls for years to survive in the basement of an abandoned building.


The Dark Avenger © †
Premium Elite
Supporter 2014
Xen-Omni 2020
Dark Drakan;295938 said:
Always nice to see some appreciation towards staff/a staff member as people think being on the staff is great (it is if you are thick skinned) and its not without its perks granted. However it is a pretty thankless job and most people don't realise that until they become staff. You have to take care of and deal with a whole range of issues and can never please everyone all of the time and criticism will happen no matter how good of a job you believe your doing.

So long as its in the best interests of the community and the forum some actions must be taken, might upset some people but so be it. Lesser of 2 evils must be chosen from time to time. People seem to forget that behind the banhammers and titles the staff are human too and have lives to live away from the boundaries of the forums. Well apart from me, I was created in a lab and have fed on trolls for years to survive in the basement of an abandoned building.

Well said Mr.Drakan. I suppose it's a lot like anything in life. It doesn't matter how good you think you're doing something, someone will always tell you otherwise. It's like, you can't please everyone. You know that I always try my best to thank the Staff, as do others here also. Maybe some people just wouldn't know how to word their appreciation, but it doesn't mean it isn't felt.

I always see that you guys have lives. You have priorities of your own. So I don't just see you as an Admin here, but as the person you are. And you're all excellent Staff Members, as well as excellent people. And I always knew there was something different about you Andy :ninja:

Esura said:
Damn Government stopped my Christmas bonus pay-check

Major sympathy from me =(


Well-known Member
Well, I just came here to say that I'm a really big fan of Angelo Credo after what he did back there. I couldn't be happier over what happened. He did what needed to be done, nothing more, nothing less.

If anyone has said this already then sorry. But it just goes to show that this would very much bear repeating since Mr. Angelo is very much worth it.


Well-known Member
aka958;295962 said:
What happened!?

Can't anyone please tell me?

The point of this thread isn't to dwell on what happened. Its to appreciate the awesome-sauce that is Mr. Credo. So with that said I'd rather not say who said what. The topic is dead and buried and should stay that way. ^_^


The Dark Avenger © †
Premium Elite
Supporter 2014
Xen-Omni 2020
Meg;295966 said:
The point of this thread isn't to dwell on what happened. Its to appreciate the awesome-sauce that is Mr. Credo. So with that said I'd rather not say who said what. The topic is dead and buried and should stay that way. ^_^

I couldn't agree more ^_^

Just come here to show your appreciation. The past is the past.


Don't trust people
Meg;295966 said:
The point of this thread isn't to dwell on what happened. Its to appreciate the awesome-sauce that is Mr. Credo. So with that said I'd rather not say who said what. The topic is dead and buried and should stay that way. ^_^

Hard to understand the appreciation and help when I... you know... don't know half of the stuff you are talking about and why. What incident? Can't someone PM me if they don't want to tell it in the thread?

Angelo Credo

Kept you waiting, huh?
Esura;295919 said:
Oh, because of the incident? Ah he'll get over that. If not because of that, he'll overcome whatever situation making him down (I hope).

BTW I'm a bit down too, cause the government killing my damn Christmas bonus paycheck, so make a thread about me!!! jk

Nah, not about that incident, I've got more important things to worry about than the negative opinions of me voiced by the faceless, nameless masses.

Azurel;295952 said:
Well, I just came here to say that I'm a really big fan of Angelo Credo after what he did back there. I couldn't be happier over what happened. He did what needed to be done, nothing more, nothing less.

If anyone has said this already then sorry. But it just goes to show that this would very much bear repeating since Mr. Angelo is very much worth it.

Troll harder next time.


My thanks for the thread and I appreciate the kind words, it's always nice to see appreciation for the staff here, but there was really no need to go to all this effort. :lol:


Nein, not ze puppies!
Meg wanted to show her appreciation towards you, obviously, if she didn't, Meg wouldn't have made the thread for you. ^_^ Others have agreed that you need some more love too! :) You are doing a great job Mr. Credo, and so are the other Mods around here. Keep up the great works guys. *Hugs for all*


Well-known Member
Angelo Credo;295977 said:
My thanks for the thread and I appreciate the kind words, it's always nice to see appreciation for the staff here, but there was really no need to go to all this effort. :lol:

Yeah because taking five minutes out of my life to make this thread took quite the effort. You deserve it, so DEAL WITH IT! :p :lol:
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