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Dark Void.

Angelo Credo

Kept you waiting, huh?
Dark Void is a new game currently being published by Capcom and under development by Airtight Games, who's last and...Well, only real title of note was Crimson Skies: High Road To Revenge, a brilliant, arcade like dog-fighting game which really shouldn't be missed.

Now, imagine that mixed with a little Gears of War and a touch Rocketeer, you'd be part way towards summing up Dark Void.
You play William Agustus Grey, a cargo pilot who crashed his plane in the middle of the Bermuda Triangle and is transported to an alternate reality, this reality is ruled by an Alien race known only as The Watchers.

Boring story segments aside, what we're really here for is the, quite frankly, exciting as hell gameplay.
What Dark Void is can be hard to really define, you make use of a jetpack in combat, which allows you to switch from the classic foot based shooter combat and airbourne dogfighting.
So far, it's looking to be something really spectacular, it makes use of a new cover system not unlike Gears of War's system, known as Vertical Cover.

Basically, what this allows you to do is use the jetpack to stick yourself to some piece of cover and shoot up, doesn't really sound impressive, but when you see it in action, it really is something special, it's absolutely brilliant, stomach-churning, vertigo inducing action.

As it stands, it looks really well done, really unique, brilliantly crafted and absolutely beautiful, all I can say is I'm really quite looking forward to this game.
There's no set release date yet, and very little information as it stands, other than the platforms it's going to be released on, which thusfar is the Xbox 360, PS3 and PC.

But if you wanna find out more, check out the official website and a couple of gameplay videos here.

Gameplay Video 1.

Gameplay Video 2.

Dark Void Official Website.


Well-known Member
Nice find, I'll be checking those vid's out shortly ^_^
I had always wondered why Rocketpacks never made it into video games more ;)

Angelo Credo

Kept you waiting, huh?
It looks like it's gonna be great stuff, the team are doing some really unique things with the gameplay, the rocketpack being one of them.
Can't wait to get my hands on this. ^_^


Well-known Member
It truly looks amazing, especially if you will have conflicts with enemies on both the X and Y axis :D

I'm also hoping that they allow some level of exploration with the Rocket Pack, ie: you explore an anemy base so you fly around it and choose from several access points which one to use :)

Angelo Credo

Kept you waiting, huh?
Well it looks like it has sprawley areas for you to explore, and I'd imagine the whole point of the rocketpack function would be to expand your options, so you wouldn't be limited to one or two points of entry, you could really mix things up.

Looks like this could really be something spectacular.

Angelo Credo

Kept you waiting, huh?
^ Most likely, they've still got a lot of work to do on it as far as I know, still, if they plan on taking a long time with the game, you know that they're fine tuning every last detail to perfection, it's gonna be worth the wait.


Well-known Member
Angelo Credo;182897 said:
^ Most likely, they've still got a lot of work to do on it as far as I know, still, if they plan on taking a long time with the game, you know that they're fine tuning every last detail to perfection, it's gonna be worth the wait.

I'd prefer they take their time and squish as many bugs as possible, waiting an extra year for a GREAT game is fine, but waiting an extra year for a mediocre game is simple fail, hopefully they will put their time to good use. (Reminds me of Zero Punctuations Duke Nukem Forever review lol)

Angelo Credo

Kept you waiting, huh?
We all know the DNF team have just been ordering in pizzas and hookers, and have then pretty much spent the rest of their time picking their noses.

But yeah, I do hope that with this massive delay, Airtight are gonna make use of their time to fine tune absolutely everything, I imagine they could do some great things with that game.


Well-known Member
^So far it seems to have a great premise, its offering gamers someone very very rare...something new, graphically it looks fantastic and it seems like it will be a whole-lotta fun. Here's hoping this doesn't become another Alone in the Dark (the new one...not the olde PC version).

Dark Drakan

Well-known Member
Angelo Credo;183005 said:
We all know the DNF team have just been ordering in pizzas and hookers, and have then pretty much spent the rest of their time picking their noses.

But yeah, I do hope that with this massive delay, Airtight are gonna make use of their time to fine tune absolutely everything, I imagine they could do some great things with that game.

I agree, no game EVER should take over a decade to make.

Angelo Credo

Kept you waiting, huh?
Dark Drakan;183038 said:
I agree, no game EVER should take over a decade to make.

Unless it's going to be a monolithic. 1000+ hour super game that covers every single aspect of gaming ever created, as well as inventing new and exciting ideas which shows that they've really been making use of this 12 or so years in a perfectly suitable fashion.

Instead of...Y'know, getting paid high salaries for 12 years to sit on their arses, order in take-aways and maybe pitch one idea every 5 years for a game that everybody stopped caring about 10 years ago.

But I digress.

I'm honestly looking forward to this game, first time in about 2 years I've actually had something in the gaming world to set my eyes upon.

Angelo Credo

Kept you waiting, huh?
^ Quite, but because I haven't really had anything in gaming to look forward to in quite a while, I'm remaining optimistic in the hopes that they won't screw it up.


Well-known Member
^I share your notions Black Angel and Angelo Credo.
A game of this style will be defined not just by its ideas but its controls. Controls are the lynchpin that will be the deciding factor about wether it is a fantastic and potenciall classic game, or a spectacular failure. If it controls well (which it should based on the Developers gaming back catalogue), then it will be awesome...if its clunky and unresponsive it will be a bargin bin dust collector. :S

Dark Drakan

Well-known Member
Angelo Credo;183040 said:
Unless it's going to be a monolithic. 1000+ hour super game that covers every single aspect of gaming ever created, as well as inventing new and exciting ideas which shows that they've really been making use of this 12 or so years in a perfectly suitable fashion.

Fallout 3 has entertained me for around 200 hours so far and i still have 2 DLC's pieces to complete. Might not be a 1000+ hour super game that covers everys aspect of gaming. However it only took around 5 years to create (as opposed to over a decade) and ive been rather happy with it. :lol:
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