:lol:I love that grin on his face and that he's sitting on a kiddy bike, it's so funny. See even when he was little, he was cussing. Least he toned it down a little when he grew upHere is another picture for fun:
I can only speak for myself: I wouldnt be angry if they mad minor and natural changes needed.
But changing him up completely with becoming angel and this and that. Then your moving into a teritory thats dangerous and you should just create a new character.
Because honestly i dislike the idea of DmC Dante replacing Dante. I dont care much about it nowdays though.
I think the mistake NT did was giving that speech about how original Dante would get laughed out or how he wouldn't fit into a contemporary setting therefor changing him is necessary.
Which as i pointed out: just change his clothes and he will fit into a contemporary setting easily.
I dont mind a new character replacing Dante. But a version of him made by developers that made a invalid point and also said Dante woud get laughed out is just...stupid.
It was not necessary for NT to explain their actions.
They got a job. Capcom said change Dante.
Its a job, most sensible people wud understand that your not responsible for changing of Dante.
Damn, too much things here for a simple comic.
Not really. And where did Kamiya talk smack? Please get me those sources. I'd appreciate it if you could find them for me.So you'd rather have a developer who said his character could comepletely rape Dante in a fight, and then says all this crap while also talking smack to his own fanbase?
And if you don't know who I mean, I meant Kamiya.
Not really. And where did Kamiya talk smack? Please get me those sources. I'd appreciate it if you could find them for me.
Well, you can clearly see people were harassing him in the first posts.
as for the rest, it seems to me like it's just a regular conversation. :<
Am I missing something?
And he created Dante. HE CREATED HIM. He has the right to talk about his creation.
But Tameem did not create Dante, that is the difference.
But him saying Bayo can beat Dante is his statement, and i dont care if he is arrogant as **** or not. Because he created Dante.
As for him being anger over DmC tweets, he shudnt have replied so badly but he was annoyed. People tweeted him only when DmC was announced and stuff.
And he left after DMC 1.
Well, I don't think so.If Tameen said any of this in response to the actual fanbase when he was getting harassed, It would have obviously been treated differently in other's eyes.
But the point is Kamiya talks a lot of **** to people.
Dude, you know everything Kamiya-related here is bad thing! You don't need to think about it!Well, you can clearly see people were harassing him in the first posts.
as for the rest, it seems to me like it's just a regular conversation. :<
Am I missing something?
Since I sometime read his Twitter, I know how he is always asked about the same thing everytime. Time ago someone asked him about something I don't remember, he linked a Twitt with someone that asked the same, the response was too a link about the one before that, in the end was a giant chain just to read really small comment about the thing (wasn't worth it). And his account is always like that. The rest are just opinions of him (as a player/game designer).Plus there's the "Use your own head" comment, and the "Bayonetta could effortlessly defeat Dante."
But when Kamiya talks about Dante being laughed out of a bar, all hell breaks lose.
No...i said Kamiya has right to say what he want about Dante because he created him.If Tameen said any of this in response to the actual fanbase when he was getting harassed, It would have obviously been treated differently in other's eyes.
But the point is Kamiya talks a lot of **** to people.
It doesn't matter if he created DMC1 or not. That's not a protective blanket he can wear when the heat is on him. And in what way is it fair that when Kamiya is harrassed by fans, he can get annoyed , but when Tameen does, he gets a sh!tstorm? And there is no way that the reason for that is because "Oh, Kamiya made DMC1, so he doesn't get as much hate" because if that's the reason, that's pretty weak.
A bit off but...guys, why Kamiya is always bringed to disscusion when we talk about DmC and Tameem?
No...i said Kamiya has right to say what he want about Dante because he created him.
And? I still don't see how its fair when he can tell fans to get the f*ck out or say "use your brains" But if Tameen says it's bad.
I never said Kamiya can say whatever he wants and get away with it.
You didn't, but that's how most of the fanbase seems to be allowing.
Do you know many people sent Kamiya alot of twitter about how DmC was ruining DMC?
And do you know that these messages appeared only 3 games after Kamiya left Capcom?
So around 2001 he left, and in 2010-2012 on twitter people tweeted him.
So? Tameen gets a sh!t ton of hatred along with his own company from the comics to the "death threats" they get just from making a game. All this even before he said his comments.
I undersatand him getting annoyed.
However Dragon noone annoyed Tameem prior to his statements about Dante being laughable and didnt fit and so on.
It was after that he got alot of heat, AFTER.
Even so, it feels a bit double standard.
I've defended Ninja theory when people falsely claimed that NT meant that Dante was gay with this picture:
Instead i explained what NT meant with it.
I also told Tameem on twitter that some guy was impersonating him on Youtube and that he should take action.
Again i dont get how Kamiya is relevant. Or are you like others on this forum also on my head for liking Platinum games?
Holy ****, I laughed.Nope. This all started with no one knowing how to respect an opinion.
Holy ****, I laughed.
No because disagreeing =/= disrespecting. I don't believe you expect people to put IN MY OPINION everywhere and but thats your opinion : )))))))sad but true. That's what this fanbase has turned into.
Since it seems he can get away with anything while tameen get's the hate for the very same arrogance that Kamiya shows.
Kamiya and Platinum are unrelated to DmC/Tameem/NT discussion.
Nope. This all started with no one knowing how to respect an opinion.
*Le Monkey Face*
No because disagreeing =/= disrespecting. I don't believe you expect people to put IN MY OPINION everywhere and but thats your opinion : )))))))
In someways no it doesn't, but in such a way that has something to do with opinions being taken bad by one guy, but just fine by the other, yeah.Kamiya and Platinum are unrelated to DmC/Tameem/NT discussion.