I really dont care if he smokes or not and about kids taking up smoking: they dint need video games to take up smoking alright. There are people smoking every where so Dante smoking wont really make much of a difference
There are no taunts as well.I was kinda hoping they would keep the smokes. It opens up some cool gameplay ideas, like the taunts I mentioned earlier. Mind you, he is a demon/angel hybrid. It's not like he will get lung cancer.
And yes, I do know the TGS 2010 trailer forced the idea that smoking is "cool" but that is just a teaser trailer. They kinda have to force certain aspects of Dante in the trailer. If it is incorporated in the game, it will probably be as subtle as Dante's pizza in the old games. But then again, Dante seems to like pizza in the reboot too.
the act of murder is what i was refering too. Just look at Transformers movies. Transformers can brutally murder eachother on a huge screen and have the rating at pg13, all the while knowing that ripping someones limbs off is pretty much bad in any situation.and shouldn't be so available for kids to watch.lol wat? Why don't you try to answer that yourself.
Yeah Max Payne does it and noone complains because it was part of his character. Smoking was never part of Dante's character, and in fact, was one thing Hideki Kamiya intentionally made sure original Dante did not do.i was disapointed cuz in all fairness if he smoked then quit further in the game itd be a good turning point for him plus id have more respect for his character. and im pretty sure they threw it out cuz of "fan" reaction. i mean max payne does pills and scotch. you dont see anyone complaining about that
Yeah Max Payne does it and noone complains because it was part of his character. Smoking was never part of Dante's character, and in fact, was one thing Hideki Kamiya intentionally made sure original Dante did not do.
>>Am I the only one who would actually like it if Dante was smoking in this game?
umm No but that doesn't mean its what everyone wants to see :troll:
>>I'm a smoker and I do it because I like it..
Oooh i was just curious other than boooring old tobacco what do you smoke ??
>>And fourth, it is a sign of Dante's humanity. Smoking is considered a weakness, an addiction, both of which is very commonly human.
It isn't a weakness unless it harms you or disables you Dante is half demon so its obvious that it cannot damage his health if you ask me personally i don't see smoking as cool activity
1. That wasn't what I was implying either. I just wanted to see if there were others than just me.
2. Just plain old tobacco. Drugs are for losers.
3. Though it won't harm him, such as giving him cancer, it could still make him addicted to it. Original Dante had an alcohol problem, maybe he didn't get drunk or ruined his liver by it, but could still have been an addiction.
Its okay if you like him smoking or driking its just the way they're portraying it they made him look like a complete punk in first trailer it doesn't mean that smoking makes ppl look like punks see solid snake for example i love watching him smoke even though i don't like it
^_^ lol i was kiddin
well it doesn't harm you it isn't weakness addiction is another thing
Edit: Forgot to say that the image you put up isn't showing.
Yeah exactly he is a punk in this game i like it the way it is supposed to be especially after that really hectic DMC4's story yeah i like the "realistic" take on DMC to some degree
I have only seen you say bad things about this game. This surprises me. What's happened?