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DANTE; protagonist, half-devil, hypocrite, maniac. (and some other stuff)


Well-known Member
it hase come to my attention that dante, the son of the good knight sparda, IS FRIDGING INSANE.

he is a hypocrite, he says demons who saved his life like are trish are human because they can cry, i understand the symbolism, but if you think about it, being able to cry doesn't make you good, think of the worst human you possibly can, do they have the ability to cry? unless they are not human (in which case you're cheating) or have some serious issues, the answer is most certainly yes. even further, what's the say the other demons of the series can't cry? Dante rarely ever meets them outside a battle context and Dante never cries in battle because it's random and stupid, yet the demons don't have a mental breakdown in battle because he's gonna chop their heads off if they do.

and humans may actually be worse than demons, the devil may cry agency uses a secret password, meaning that there isn't a demon army rampaging through every city, if demons majorly attacked humans, it was a very long time ago for nobody to be aware.

And Dante's business may be making things worse even, by agreeing to hunt down devils, not only is he proving that random people who happen to know the password through wherever aren't complete crackpots, but rather, tottaly sane, how would people react to this? simply put, i do believe that all strange occurrences would be put down to demons, this would change ideas going from "lets sceince to work that out!!" to "DEMON!!"

even worse , militiary action would probably be called for, even MORE bad news, demons would be used for proganda, im thinking "the PEOPLE IN WHEREVER WE ARE HAVING A WAR WITH DONT AGREE WITH US COS THEY ARE DEMONS, NOT BECAUSE OF THE SLIGHT CHANCE WE MAY BE WRONG"

and since they are demons, cold, hard killing machines, nuclear action wouldn't be even slightly frowned upon.

now, dante may not have thought of all this, but i'm pretty sure he at least has some idea, it's probably why he has a password to, the number of times he could prevent himself form a prank call isn't many, considering thta his exact number would require a lot of luck to get by chance, he has the password to protect humans, because like i mentioned before, he is biased against all demons.

and then there are the demons themselves? did you know they have a soceity? and even human and animal things like conformity? want proof? ok in dmc1, demons are ranked as upper, lower, or middle class demons, sorta like humans, though it's based on power rather than cash, which is funny, cos being rich kindof is power since a poor man can't quite a buy a mega doom ray of super awesome, but if you had enough money and it existed you tottaly could. demons don't just have rankings like us, they have comformity as well, take a look at the most common death enemy, the scissors, why do so many choose to inhibit scissors rather than, i dunno maybe a sword? since that would the killing tool demons are most familiar with, not only do the deaths have no reason to favour scissors, it looks dumb as well why would they freely choose to do something like this? because, there friends are doing it. want more proof of demon social life? demons, the personification of evil, officially fear the hell vanguards for being TOO brutal.

and back to the whole demons are real revelation, notice something about the dmc anime ending and dmc4? in dmc anime a large, scary demon clearly appears, and then so do a bunch more, in a city, with cameras, and news coverage... dmc4 only shows us a small island and the inside of Dante's office, demonville for all!

im not sure what point this is meant to have, uuuh, what mr sheep said.
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Rebel Dynasty

Creator of Microcosms
I think you've put too much thought into this. ^^;

He's shown mercy to more than just Trish; there was that Brad guy in the anime; he was a demon, but Dante spared him because he showed he was capable of humanity. He also spared Sid, until the damned idiot got a hold of the Demon Abigail's power and tried to destroy everything. In essence, I don't think he automatically kills all demons; they have to be posing a threat for him to get involved.

Okay, I get what you're saying; there are some pretty damn evil humans out there. I think the reason he doesn't kill them can be drawn from the same logic as a pro martial artist; it would be irresponsible for him to use the level of power he possesses to harm a human, which I'm sure we can agree, are far weaker when compared to him.

In short, I don't think he's really biased; I think he just doesn't take any chances, when the lives of innocents are on the line.


I think you've put too much thought into this. ^^;

He's shown mercy to more than just Trish; there was that Brad guy in the anime; he was a demon, but Dante spared him because he showed he was capable of humanity. He also spared Sid, until the damned idiot got a hold of the Demon Abigail's power and tried to destroy everything. In essence, I don't think he automatically kills all demons; they have to be posing a threat for him to get involved.

Okay, I get what you're saying; there are some pretty damn evil humans out there. I think the reason he doesn't kill them can be drawn from the same logic as a pro martial artist; it would be irresponsible for him to use the level of power he possesses to harm a human, which I'm sure we can agree, are far weaker when compared to him.

In short, I don't think he's really biased; I think he just doesn't take any chances, when the lives of innocents are on the line.

Spoilers ahead in the quote:

That singer that was possessed by some Sindel-like demon was spared by him too, he managed to kill only the demon possessing her.

He feels sorry for Griffon too in DMC1 and got really angry with Mundus after he dispose of Griffon like he was some piece of trash, meaning that he has some compassion even for demons. What i think that Dante really doesn't forgives, is when anyone takes action against innocent people or those incapable to defend themselves (and if you think about it, Vergil implies that it was his motivation too: unstopable power to be able to protect, at least is that the dialogues leaves implicit), probably relates to his trauma with his mother, even if some think that she was some kind of witch or powerful human (besides she could be like Lady? Idk, i think she was a normal human). The conclusion of DMC3 talks about this too, when lady is narrating things and says that there are humans out there that can be evil as any devil, and that you can find compassionate demons that even can "shed tear for those they love". Then we can go to DMC4 and we see Dante killing Agnus, kinda cold-blooded if you ask me, he says that Agnus "disposed" of his humanity.

I think that the "humanity" the game talks about, is the ability to love and care for other people, and the ability to be peaceful with those who do not harms you. Nero reminds Sanctus that Sparda was cabable to love other people too.

Rebel Dynasty

Creator of Microcosms
The conclusion of DMC3 talks about this too, when lady is narrating things and says that there are humans out there that can be evil as any devil, and that you can find compassionate demons that even can "shed tear for those they love". Then we can go to DMC4 and we see Dante killing Agnus, kinda cold-blooded if you ask me, he says that Agnus "disposed" of his humanity.

I think that the "humanity" the game talks about, is the ability to love and care for other people, and the ability to be peaceful with those who do not harms you. Nero reminds Sanctus that Sparda was cabable to love other people too.

^ This! A hundred times, this. When Dante refers to humanity, he refers to the positive aspects. So, even though Agnus could take the form of a demon, he was still technically human. He disposed those positive aspects of humanity within himself all in the pursuit of power. He was corrupt, every bit as much as Sanctus was. Whether any of them really believed the b.s. they spoonfed the town's people is anyone's guess. Frankly, I think they simply used it as an end to justify the means.

I didn't feel it was cold-blooded when he killed him, but that's just my opinion; Agnus had experimented on humans and demons alike, quite a few without their consent. In the end, he didn't even beg for his life; he was upset that his research had been destroyed by that shot from Ivory-he put his research above everything else that truly mattered. If he had shown remorse, I think Dante might have shown mercy.


“Must not sleep... must warn others."
^ This! A hundred times, this. When Dante refers to humanity, he refers to the positive aspects. So, even though Agnus could take the form of a demon, he was still technically human. He disposed those positive aspects of humanity within himself all in the pursuit of power. He was corrupt, every bit as much as Sanctus was. Whether any of them really believed the b.s. they spoonfed the town's people is anyone's guess. Frankly, I think they simply used it as an end to justify the means.

I didn't feel it was cold-blooded when he killed him, but that's just my opinion; Agnus had experimented on humans and demons alike, quite a few without their consent. In the end, he didn't even beg for his life; he was upset that his research had been destroyed by that shot from Ivory-he put his research above everything else that truly mattered. If he had shown remorse, I think Dante might have shown mercy.
Indeed. Another example is Arius form DMC2. He's in the exact same boat.


^ This! A hundred times, this. When Dante refers to humanity, he refers to the positive aspects. So, even though Agnus could take the form of a demon, he was still technically human. He disposed those positive aspects of humanity within himself all in the pursuit of power. He was corrupt, every bit as much as Sanctus was. Whether any of them really believed the b.s. they spoonfed the town's people is anyone's guess. Frankly, I think they simply used it as an end to justify the means.

I didn't feel it was cold-blooded when he killed him, but that's just my opinion; Agnus had experimented on humans and demons alike, quite a few without their consent. In the end, he didn't even beg for his life; he was upset that his research had been destroyed by that shot from Ivory-he put his research above everything else that truly mattered. If he had shown remorse, I think Dante might have shown mercy.

I can agree with this, he even say things in a light and "friendly" mood, but still, i think that Dante is like a judge; he is not a saint or anything to these lines (no hero is, to be honest, any hero has some sin) and he judges that is right to kill Agnus because of the things he did. Not that it matters, even Agnus doesn't seen to care about his own life as you said, he's obssessed for knowledge kinda like Vergil is for power.

Rebel Dynasty

Creator of Microcosms
Indeed. Another example is Arius form DMC2. He's in the exact same boat.

*Curses herself for still not having played more than the first few missions of DMC2*

So, what's the basic rundown of this Arius guy? He's the head of a corporation or something, right? I could look it up on the devil may cry wikia, but anyone can edit those. So, I'd like to hear from someone who's played through. What was his motivation? What was his end game?

Rebel Dynasty

Creator of Microcosms
I can agree with this, he even say things in a light and "friendly" mood, but still, i think that Dante is like a judge; he is not a saint or anything to these lines (no hero is, to be honest, any hero has some sin) and he judges that is right to kill Agnus because of the things he did. Not that it matters, even Agnus doesn't seen to care about his own life as you said, he's obssessed for knowledge kinda like Vergil is for power.

*Nods* That's how I view him, too. He's not perfect, but he has that sense of right that helps him make those judgment calls. Not the way some other people push their morals on others (believing that they are the only true "moral" people) but by taking stock of their actions before, during, and after.


*Curses herself for still not having played more than the first few missions of DMC2*

So, what's the basic rundown of this Arius guy? He's the head of a corporation or something, right? I could look it up on the devil may cry wikia, but anyone can edit those. So, I'd like to hear from someone who's played through. What was his motivation? What was his end game?

He's kinda like Arkham, but less conspirator and more straightfoward with his bullshit. He wants power, and he seeks some relics to make some ritual and summon an ancient devil and inherit his power.

Rebel Dynasty

Creator of Microcosms
He's kinda like Arkham, but less conspirator and more straightfoward with his bullshit. He wants power, and he seeks some relics to make some ritual and summon an ancient devil and inherit his power.

So he doesn't utilize deception to gain said power? Sounds almost like a more honourable villain, though you gotta admit, Arkham was pretty ingenious, the way he strung everyone along. Of course, he became a complete moron when he gained said power-since it went to his head. He became arrogant, and underestimated his opponents.

Does Dante encounter Arius a lot in DMC2?


“Must not sleep... must warn others."
*Curses herself for still not having played more than the first few missions of DMC2*

So, what's the basic rundown of this Arius guy? He's the head of a corporation or something, right? I could look it up on the devil may cry wikia, but anyone can edit those. So, I'd like to hear from someone who's played through. What was his motivation? What was his end game?
Lol yeah in a nutshell. But to go deeper into it Arius was once or still is a scientist. He used his talents for wicked reasons though, turning humans into subjects (which is kind of why a lot of the city is empty in DMC2) He surrendered his humanity to demons so he could poses dark magic and such. Afterwards he became head of his own company and used artificial demons as his underlings for the new world he would create with himself the ruler. //Spoilers One of these creations were Lucia. Despite herself being a demon and Dante learning this, he reminds her that true devils never cry and despite her true heritage, she was still more human than anything else. This is in contrast to Arius who actually is human but modified himself using demonic DNA I assume. Spoilers// Dante trolled Arius numerous times and oddly enough never really attempted to take his life until he had finally gotten fed up with him. Dante ended up shooting out of a skyscraper while mocking his dream to become a demon king. Ironically he survives and absorbs the power from a real demon king. I think Dante knew this and allowed Lucia to finish him off, thus severing the ties that troubled her (i.e the truth)


“Must not sleep... must warn others."
So he doesn't utilize deception to gain said power? Sounds almost like a more honourable villain, though you gotta admit, Arkham was pretty ingenious, the way he strung everyone along. Of course, he became a complete moron when he gained said power-since it went to his head. He became arrogant, and underestimated his opponents.

Does Dante encounter Arius a lot in DMC2?
He's certainly much more straight forward than Arkham. He really doesn't seem to care that Dante knows of his plans because he thinks nothing can stop him. I suppose he's been planning for years with nothing but success so he got a little carried away and underestimated the son of sparda.

Dante doesn't have as much interaction with Arius as Lucia does unfortunately.

Rebel Dynasty

Creator of Microcosms
I don't mind the spoilers; it gives me something to look forward to when I do get around to completing the game. :) So DMC2 isn't devoid of a storyline; it just doesn't happen to be particularly deep, or at least the story telling itself was really what was lacking. You know how it goes; you can have two different people tell the same joke, but how they tell it makes a world of difference. The same goes for game story lines. :)


“Must not sleep... must warn others."
Oh okay, I'm glad the spoilers didn't upset you... just wanted to tag it to be safe lol. But yeah DMC2 has a pretty decent story on the surface but it was implemented in such a sub par way thanks to the lack of much dialogue and build up. I just feel that if it had more cutscenes it probably could have sold it off pretty well. What would have also helped is if the demons themselves could talk like they did back in DMC1. But yeah the joke analogy is a good example XD


DMC1 Dante is the only guy with those specific attributes.

In DMC3 he does not show anger neither finishes most bosses out of nothing. Cerberus became a devil arm recognizing Dante's superiority in battle, Geryon stops for a momment and gives Dante his powers, he takes Agni & Rudra with him, the doppelganger is assimilated by him too, Nevan only gets finished because she tries a cheap trick, they (Dante and Vergil) don't even kills Arkham that makes the whole mess even more messed up, the one who kills Arkham is Lady.

I don't know why people try to make Dante look "immoral". People try too hard to do this, the same with Vergil.

Oh, and by the way, "DMC1 Dante" (>implying that they really are different characters) finishes most bosses he fights along the game. This includes Phantom, Nelo Angelo and Nightmare.
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Well-known Member
nice ideas, oh and i thought of some other stuff

anyone here know how devil arms work? apart from cerberus it seems like enslavement, judging by the fact beowulf probably wouldn't personally choose to belong to a son of spardaaa!

Rebel Dynasty

Creator of Microcosms
nice ideas, oh and i thought of some other stuff

anyone here know how devil arms work? apart from cerberus it seems like enslavement, judging by the fact beowulf probably wouldn't personally choose to belong to a son of spardaaa!

In Beowulf's case (this is merely conjecture on my part) he was pretty much beaten into submitting his power. That is to say, I don't think he really retains a consciousness in that form.

As to the others, well, you already know they willingly gave Dante their power, or at least grudgingly accepted their defeat.
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