Dante or Wesker?

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Dante or Wesker?

  • Dante

    Votes: 27 75.0%
  • Wesker

    Votes: 9 25.0%

  • Total voters
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I think Dante shall... if not win, make this bout a tie. He has so many thingies under his sleeve, while wesker has his superstrengh, speed, agility, healing factor, martial arts and handgun. Dante can counter his martial blows with royal guard or just escape with trickster style (being nearly as fast as wesker). Dante's sword fencing skills and availability of devil arms and weaponry gives him upperhand, as well as quicksilver and doppelganger skills (if he uses them) will make Wesker suffer. Imagine: Dante slows time down and starts to beat WEsky up, and there's nothing he can do.... However, our blondie is not a weakling.

It could be a magnificent fight which might end in a tie. But I still voted for Dante....

By the Way - Wesdker's voice remindes me of Jeremy Irons. And Wesky himslef looks like him a little bit... especially if you watch die hard 3 once again you might notice a resemblance.... That is definitely one point for Wesk
aka958;222477 said:
Stupidity, there is no proof that Wesker is dead... None at all.

Dante has royalguard! Yay! It makes him god, right? NOOOOOOO!!!!
Try to block attacks of that speed that Wesker has with the "allmighty" royalguard.

Wesker survived the lava to even take a grip on the friggin' plane. Wouldn't he have died already? I don't think those rocket launchers is enough to kill him either, not at all...
When plane missiles only stunned him how could two rocket launcher shots kill him?
He could easily get out of the lava and continue with his awesomeness.

Dante's trickser is slower than Wesker. And for Dante to gain his full potential he must go into DT, but only for a short period of time he has this power. Wesker has strength surpassing Dante's normal strength and speed much faster than Dante's.
Wesker don't need weapons to kill his opponents, he hit them with his BARE HANDS. Yupp, no gauntlets, no swords, only bare hands, maybe a gunshot inbetween to make use for his awesome revolver.

Dante can't hit Wesker with his guns, in almost no way, maybe if he stuns Wesker he could get a couple of hits.

Have you ever tried to come at Vergil full force? It doesn't work he just deflects everything you throw at him and considering how the two were evenly matched why couldn't Dante do the same? Seems like a pretty handy way of using his super strength against him thats all.

Throwing somone in lava and firing rockets at his face seems like a pretty desperate attempt at getting rid of somone to me not to mention thats often how RE often puts a full stop on a baddie.
wow...didnt think it's get like dis.
personally i think its a tie(strains my brain 2 figure out the fight)
ps.y iz it that most characters with hoodies never hav da hood up?
pps.(?) shud i hav made it vergil vs wesker?
D.E.Mortal;222619 said:
wow...didnt think it's get like dis.
personally i think its a tie(strains my brain 2 figure out the fight)
ps.y iz it that most characters with hoodies never hav da hood up?
pps.(?) shud i hav made it vergil vs wesker?

1 neither did I.
2 I disagree.
3 I dunno lol.
4 No. Wouldn't have made much difference.

And I'm still waiting for that explanation. :P
Darth Angelo;222599 said:
Have you ever tried to come at Vergil full force? It doesn't work he just deflects everything you throw at him and considering how the two were evenly matched why couldn't Dante do the same? Seems like a pretty handy way of using his super strength against him thats all.

Throwing somone in lava and firing rockets at his face seems like a pretty desperate attempt at getting rid of somone to me not to mention thats often how RE often puts a full stop on a baddie.

Not to throw them in the lava but rockets killing the bad guy is like a trademark for the RE series.

Vergil wasn't even close to as fast as Wesker, Vergil could however instant teleport, making it look like he was faster.

Wesker does a damage output as strong as Dante does with his devil arms, yes, bare handed, Wesker is as pwning as Dante is when Dante is fully equipped with weapons.

Wesker is superior, Dante can get stunned more easily, Dante dies via bloodloss, Dante is far from immortal.
Wesker is also far from immortal, but the argument that often makes people vote for Dante is that he is half demon and invincible in some kind of way.
There's no antivirus for the W virus. Chris and Sheva simply injected dosages of vials which virtually maintained Wesker's stability of the virus.

Osaka, your explanation is here...

Dante relies heavily in weaponry. That's his weak point.

As the explanation of the quotations a page behind said, Wesker is invincible to conventional weaponry - swords, gauntlets, rockets - he can dodge at point blank every kind of firearm. A normal human would be crushed under tons of steel yet Wesker was back in his feet.

You also should know that Dante has limited stamina, whether Wesker's grows more and more as time passes by.
Out of all the Dante vs. Whatever threads this is the one I really want to see an actual fight. The only thing about your argument, Mr. Sparda, is that Dante's weapons are demonic. Wouldn't that count for something? :huh:
guys dante beat vergil. vergil is also insanly fast. he cut beowulfs head to peaces in a split second. and deflects bullets easily. but in the end dante won.

oh and want to know something interesting. not even superman is immune to magic weapons. dante isn't exactly carrying around a pocket knife. oh and dante's guns are made to kill demons so they are not coventional weapons.

dante wins. he always wins ( unless he is fighting vergil, then he wins half the time.) the charicters in resedent evil are outmatched because they are only human. dante is quite a bit more durable than humans. and alot faster. and alot stronger. and has Devil Trigger.
Sparda™;222684 said:
There's no antivirus for the W virus. Chris and Sheva simply injected dosages of vials which virtually maintained Wesker's stability of the virus.

Osaka, your explanation is here...

Dante relies heavily in weaponry. That's his weak point.

As the explanation of the quotations a page behind said, Wesker is invincible to conventional weaponry - swords, gauntlets, rockets - he can dodge at point blank every kind of firearm. A normal human would be crushed under tons of steel yet Wesker was back in his feet.

You also should know that Dante has limited stamina, whether Wesker's grows more and more as time passes by.

Well if there's no antivirus as you proclaim then I'm sure it could be countered with another type of virus that would upset the balance. Plus as it's a virus there is the possiblity that it could always mutate into something completely different in the future.

Actually I've just looked at the resident evil wikia. As I've not played 5 yet I have to go by what I read and if this is what happened to him in the end -

Wesker used Uroboros in a last ditch effort to kill his nemesis. The tendrils wrapped around several shards of metal and circuitry before spreading to most of Wesker's upper body, giving him a large, deadly, tentacle like appedange. Endowed by the virus, Wesker attacked Chris and Sheva, all the while exaggerating about natural selection, superior DNA, war and pestilence, and his loathe of the current state of the human race. All of this demonstrated that Wesker's calm, collected, and refined exterior had been completely dissolved, along with the last of his sanity. He made repeated attempts to kill both Chris and Sheva, swinging his large arm in a deadly circular manner and lobbing projectiles forged from his tentacles at both of them while they were separated by the breaking ground of the volcano. After taking much fire from Chris, Wesker's other arm succumbed to the growing infection rate of Uroboros and was also absorbed by the virus. Despite this, he somehow managed to keep the rest of his intact. Eveuntually, the fight came to the last surviving platform at the center of the lava river. With a feral shout of Chris' name, Wesker jumped to the platform and prepared for the final portion of the conflict. Wesker was then engaged in battle as both Sheva and Chris impaled him on both parts of his weak points.

Wesker's demise

However, despite his incredible powers, Wesker was held off by Chris and Sheva, until the ground gave way from under him, causing Wesker to fall into the lava. While Wesker screamed in pain, a helicopter piloted by Jill and Josh Stone came in to rescue Chris and Sheva. They barely managed to climb the ladder Jill threw to them as the ground under them also gave up and sank into the lava. When they were safely aboard, they looked down upon the sinking Wesker, who became enraged and shouted Chris' name for one last time. Refusing to acknowledge his own mortality, and obsessed with killing Chris Redfield, he used his tentacle-consumed left arm to grab hold of the helicopter and viciously tugged at it in hopes of taking them with him. However, Chris and Sheva fired a pair of RPG-7 rockets at him as he screamed in anger and pain. The rockets went straight through his head, decapitating him, and the resulting explosion sent out a wave of lava that rocked the helicopter and consumed Wesker's mutated remains. Albert Wesker, the diabolical villain hell-bent on world domination, was finally gone forever, and Chris Redfield and Jill Valentine were free of his influence once and for all.
So he isn't fantastic after all. You both forget to mention that death fact.....

And as for you pointing out the fact that dante relies to much on his weapons- has wesker come up against demonic weaponry before? Because correct me if I'm wrong but I don't think he has. And the DMC games are not solely martial arts theamed so obviously we're not going to see whether dante is kickass enough to kill everything with his bare hands and feet (and other body parts.)
Osaka;222887 said:
Well if there's no antivirus as you proclaim then I'm sure it could be countered with another type of virus that would upset the balance. Plus as it's a virus there is the possiblity that it could always mutate into something completely different in the future.

Actually I've just looked at the resident evil wikia. As I've not played 5 yet I have to go by what I read and if this is what happened to him in the end -

So he isn't fantastic after all. You both forget to mention that death fact.....

And as for you pointing out the fact that dante relies to much on his weapons- has wesker come up against demonic weaponry before? Because correct me if I'm wrong but I don't think he has. And the DMC games are not solely martial arts theamed so obviously we're not going to see whether dante is kickass enough to kill everything with his bare hands and feet (and other body parts.)

Your argument has a major flaw, that you haven't played RE5, so all I can do for you is give you an advice and play the games before jumping on the RE Wiki taking stuff out of the context.

Wesker could have killed Chris and Sheva in a matter of seconds but for gameplay purposes It was made like the heroes prevail. If you get the simple fact you're putting a protagonist who doesn't die with an antagonist which dies in games, you'd understand this simple fact and get straight to the detail of storyline proven abilities of both characters.

And no, Meg, demonic weaponry or not, the fact Dante uses weapons and relies heavily on them (we haven't seen for once what Dante can do without weapons) just tells me that Wesker would easily use this on his advantage. Wesker uses his bare hands for God's Sake, thrust punching and kicking the **** out of Dante.
What's the difference between demonic weaponry and normal weaponry when none can hit Wesker?

Vergil is slow in comparison to Wesker, stop compare those two.

All that Dante is a half demon shnit is just excuses, Wesker is human, but that doesn't make him more mortal than Dante.
Dante get stunned more easily, he relies to much on weaponry (as stated by me and SpardaTM already), he ain't as fast, and he can, this may suprise some, Dante can actually die! :O

We did not know that! Dante can die! That has got to be the news of the century!
aka958;222949 said:
What's the difference between demonic weaponry and normal weaponry when none can hit Wesker?

Vergil is slow in comparison to Wesker, stop compare those two.

All that Dante is a half demon shnit is just excuses, Wesker is human, but that doesn't make him more mortal than Dante.
Dante get stunned more easily, he relies to much on weaponry (as stated by me and SpardaTM already), he ain't as fast, and he can, this may suprise some, Dante can actually die! :O

We did not know that! Dante can die! That has got to be the news of the century!

Even though It's obvious by miles that Wesker is faster, more agile and more raw and technical than Vergil, here's something...

Someone who dodges bullets at point blank range is fast. (Wesker)
Someone who deflects bullets from a range with a sword is agile. (Vergil)

They're two complete different things, so here's where your comparison falls, people.

People also tend to forget that Devil Trigger is for a short amount of time, so what will happen when Dante runs out of Devil Trigger? Get his ass handed in the most shameful way ever by a genetically enhanced human. And there's your winner, which was since the beginning of the comparison and virtually default as stated by me earlier.

AND, I loved that last sentence. That irony is just razor sharp. Yummy! ;)
Sparda™;222955 said:
People also tend to forget that Devil Trigger is for a short amount of time, so what will happen when Dante runs out of Devil Trigger? Get his ass handed in the most shameful way ever by a genetically enhanced human. And there's your winner, which was since the beginning of the comparison and virtually default as stated by me earlier.

ppl seem 2 b 4getting dat dante gets super-strong in dt form...if he wer po'd enuff wesker wud die in a heartbeat, that and demonic weapons cud hav ANY effect so something mite alters wesker's dna :P ,and besides, if dante iz using quicksilver its a done deal
D.E.Mortal;222973 said:
ppl seem 2 b 4getting dat dante gets super-strong in dt form...if he wer po'd enuff wesker wud die in a heartbeat, that and demonic weapons cud hav ANY effect so something mite alters wesker's dna :P ,and besides, if dante iz using quicksilver its a done deal

If demonic power would alter Wesker's DNA, Dante would lose. Wesker is powerful as he already is.

Quicksilver doesn't affect Wesker as Wesker's eyes are able to adapt at any visual framerate. From tens of frames per second to hundreds of frames per seconds, which means Wesker is faster than Dante in any case given.
Sparda is your sig Resi Evil5?
(His sig has wesker in it. So i am on topic... a bit:D)

Also, wouldn't the gene get more powerful over time?
And Sparda? How the hell do you know so much :lol:
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