This is a DanteXLady fic with no connection to any of my other fics however...it's all fluffy and this is my first attempt at humor so be nice...^_^
Dante kicked open the door of Devil may cry and stormed in with hurried steps. He slammed the door close causing the locks to shatter into pieces, but the silver haired man hardly noticed it. He had far more important things in his mind right then.
****, ****, ****! [/FONT]! Were the only words that came to his mind right then.
How could I be so stupid! He cursed himself, remembering the incident that had caused him to have nausea in the middle of summer.
Okay, Dante, chill, Lady won’t be able to come here as fast as you could, meaning you have at least a twenty minutes head start. Plenty of time to think out a solution.
Think, dammit, think!
Dante collapsed into the nearest couch and rested his head on the headrest.
Thank god Vergil is out, or I’d have to tolerate his sarcasm as well.
I’m so screwed.
He and Lady had gone out on a job this afternoon when all of this started. Their employer had told them that there was a minor inconvenience in his mansion due to some demonic spirits, but upon reaching there, Dante and Lady had found out it was much more than that.
There had been a large throng of hell Vanguards, sin scythes, shadows and many other types menacing devils. Dante was very amused to fight the seven sins once again, but Lady found it highly difficult to keep up with him as he moved through the never ending waves of demons to the attic room of the mansion. They found the man there, a sorcerer in league with the demons, who had been trying to set a trap for Dante. He had called them in hopes of taking revenge on the man who had been killing the servants of his “masters”.
The problems of being “the son of Sparda”, Dante grimaced as he recalled the man’s confession.
He had, of course, killed the ***hole, then together they made their way back to the mansion gates.
That’s when it happened…
A very, very, very HUGE fire demon had conjured out of nowhere, and before Dante could do anything, grabbed Lady who was caught off-guard, making her drop the Kalina Ann.
Out of desperation, Dante had picked up the rocket launcher and threw it straight through the fire demon’s head. The bayonet had smoothly pierced the right eye and become stuck there, forcing the demon to release Lady from its clutches as it screamed with pain. She hadn’t been hurt, as Dante managed to quickly catch her before she hit the ground.
But by the time they disposed of the demon, Kalina Ann was in…a less than perfect condition.
The demon was completely covered with fire and two hundred degrees of heat had almost melted Lady’s favorite rocket launcher. Lady was lucky its hand was covered with armor or even she would have been incinerated.
“How could you be so stupid!” She had shouted at him. “One more minute and it would have completely melted because of the heat!”
“So would you have liked to get burnt instead of this stupid weapon of yours?” Dante had answered back with irritation, seriously, what the hell is with her and this launcher? “Why the hell do you get so itchy when it comes to this thing, huh? Do you use this as a dildo or something?”
That, unfortunately, had been the
most unwise choice of words.
Lady had practically jumped on him and tried to strangle him to death, and if not for the swarm of hell prides that appeared at the nick of the time, she would have succeeded.
Just before the last demon fell under the rainstorm of Lady’s guns, Dante made a run for getting out of the mansion. He didn’t dare to face Lady again and get his head chopped off for his one stupid remark.
Damn you Dante, after all these years finally she was starting to warm up to you and you had to ruin everything with that big, fat mouth of yours!
Lady had, of course, made it her mission to hunt him down, so he had followed an alternative route back to Devil may cry, all the time being careful not be sluggish for even one moment.
But now, it seemed a real bad decision to come back here, considering the fact that this would be the first place Lady would check for him.
He held his head with his hands, desperately trying to think of a way to get out of this uncomfortable situation.
Then the idea popped in his head. Lady is mad at
Dante, right? She would try to
kill him if she got the chance.
But she won’t do anything to
Yes! Dante sprang out of the seat and hurried upstairs with a wild grin on his face, it seems he’d have to play the old trick he and Vergil used to do when they were kids,
switching places. Sometimes they did it just for fun, and sometimes to escape potentially hostile situations.
Like now.