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Console and PC Gaming: Which do you prefer?


Your Friend and Mine
Continuing on from this discussion:


...I thought it'd be nice to see where everyone's preferences lie.

Personally I'm a bit too cack handed with a PC to use it reliably, and I'm lousy with keeping mine updated and functional. To that end I usually favour my consoles out of comfort if nothing else, but I do really enjoy firing up my PC for releases and experiences I can't get on consoles.

stalker 2 was cancelled and mods aren't games, they are cool but there as many embarassing ones as ones that actually do something cool, like for example, there are more nude mods for skyrim than actual mods for gameplay

STALKER still has 3 really good games as part it's series, and the fact that numbered sequel isn't available is pretty much redundant.

When it comes to "mods are bad because lots are bad", that's a really weak insult. The existence of bad elements in a medium does not mean that the best elements don't exist; Carlos Mencia being alive does not undo the fact that Bill Hicks existed, you know?

Besides, if it weren't for mods we wouldn't have this:


You know how much you have to pay for that mod? Nothing.

because we all know the quality of naughty dog games, and the quality of quantic dream games, they're usually amazing if not at least great artistic experiences

It's still erroneous to claim a game you haven't played yet sets a unassailable benchmark across the entire medium. Personally I've not been overly keen on Naughty Dog's work since Rubin left, even though I have a fondness for Uncharted 2.

never said that there weren't, just that at this time, consoles are doing better than pc games and delivering better content

I thought you just said that sales aren't an indication of quality? And "better" is meaningless as a critique unless you back it up in some way.


I am middle ground, i like both because both console and pc have genres i like. I dont see sense in limiting yourself if you have enough time and money for few systems.

When it comes to "mods are bad because lots are bad", that's a really weak insult.
I agree. I love most rpgs made on infinite engine. Thanks modders there are mods allowing higher resolution or adding bunch of content.

Deleted member 25469

I have pretty much every common system there is, but my preferred game system by far is the PC.

I only very ocassionally play a couple exclusive console games, but I am very demanding when it comes to framerates and resolutions as well as VSYNC, Antialiasing and Anisotropic filtering, all of which are pretty big problems for consoles (choppyness, blurriness, jaggedness or screen tearing PHYSICALLY discomfort me. It's really, really jarring and bothersome and I just can't enjoy a game as much like that).

Also, I am extremely picky about controllers/input methods, and I like to play games with whatever I want and the way I want. Consoles are very limiting in peripheral choices and button layout configurations. When it comes to racing simulators, flight simulators and Shooters, which are some of my favorite genres, it becomes very evident and bothersome if you are an enthusiast.

Thankfully, pretty much all of my favorite games are on PC.

I also love modding (should come as no surprise), and I am quite skillfull (and addicted) with system builds and configurations, as I am a rabid computer hobbyist and a near-graduate in Computer Engineering.

The PC gets all of my love, but I won't shun anyone who mainly games as consoles so long as they correctly recognize the PC's virtues.

Whether or not these virtues result in superiority is purely personal preference. There's stuff going for consoles too (with the main ones being ease of use and a few exclusives), it's just not my particular cup of tea. It's fine if it's yours, though.

Chaos Raiden

Avid Gamer & Reviewer
I prefer to play on consoles since I do not have to worry whether my console has the necessary hardware such as graphic card to play new games available and because I prefer to play on joystick controller.

It is certain that multi-platform games will have better graphics on PC compared to other consoles, but graphics is not my main concern when playing games.


This partys getting crazy
Whether or not these virtues result in superiority is purely personal preference. There's stuff going for consoles too (with the main ones being ease of use and a few exclusives), it's just not my particular cup of tea. It's fine if it's yours, though.

I'm a console player exclusively, though PC gaming is by far superior. I tend to stick with console because of the ease of the systems like you said, though I think cost would be a better word to describe it ;)

I honestly cannot think of ANY reasons PC doesn't just wipe the floor with consoles, especially with the growing ease of peripheral compatibility (controllers)
You can say exclusives but that's not actually taking the systems into account just the games that certain developers have chosen to release on that platform. If you want to go down that route PC destroys again with it's immense back log of games. Console games can likely only be played on one generation, where as you can always purchase and play a PC game (even if it does require emulation)
PCs also run different genres of games better and overall more efficiently. Anyone who's played an RTS on console will know what I mean and certain simulation games such as racers are far more superior on the PC it's uncanny.

Like I said I'll always be a console player but I find it crazy how people can feel there even is a debate between the two. We're all allowed preference like you said, but to deny PC gaming is superior is just plain silly.

Deleted member 25469

Totally console gaming.
Console Advantages
1. The most obvious advantage consoles have over PCs is cost. The majority of consoles sell for well under $500, often with a couple games in the bundle. A PC adequate for running the latest games can easily cost twice that much.
Sorry, but this is a common misconception and quite simply untrue.

Deleted member 25469

There's not much to detail, really. The PC specs needed to play games comfortably are blown WAY out of proportion (people say i7 processors are barely sufficient for high-end gaming, lol) and when building a gaming PC, you are already cutting the costs by 50% when compared to equivalent pre-built systems.

Just by knowing what to buy and how to build you can buy a very good mid-high end rig that'll play anything better than any available console for 500 bucks or very slightly more. And a PC will do many more things that just "game".


This partys getting crazy
I've been a PC gamer most of my life, and I always will be.

We are ofcourse, a master race. :p

Pfft, you can't do THIS on a PC! :p


That's the pose of a champion right there...


Pain and pleasure... I've got it all.
Personally speaking my preference for PC gaming is growing while everything i hear about the next generation consoles is decreasing my faith in console gaming.

However i do acknowledge that not all games are suitable for keyboard and mouse, i have a wired 360 controller that i use for games like Sonic Generations, Devil May Cry 4 and some other third person games that don't feel natural with a keyboard. FPS does reign supreme with WASD though, that's just common sense.

However the weakness with just having a PC means that it's becoming more common to see sloppy console ports for PC releases, games just aren't released for it and of course we have the fact EA have decided that if you want to play any of their games that you need Origin which is a piece of ****.

I currently have no plans to get anything aside from maybe a Wii U, if a few more enticing games show up for it that is, but it does mean that unless a couple of good things show up on the system that i'll be missing out on whatever Mario/Zelda/whateveritisthatsonyandmicrosofthaveican'tevenrememberanymore titles show up and of course it'll mean missing out on Bayonetta 2 as well, that's less of a PC weakness and more of a not-getting-ported-to-what-i-own problem.

Overall i say that as long as you've got a decent PC, a good wired controller and the port of the game you wish to play is a good one then you've got the best experience possible, you'll no doubt have fans busting out fan content and mods to enhance the game to your liking. Even Resident Evil 4, a game that i believe is a terrible port (I mean come the hell on, it didn't even have MOUSE support! What the HELL guys?) has some GREAT fan content attached to it. I personally have modded my Team Fortress 2 several times and now it's quite the different game to look and listen to.

Not just that but PC games themselves tend to be cheaper to buy, Steam is a cruel mistress that wants your money and will always let you know what's going on the cheap. At this time of writing Resident Evil Revelations on PS3/360/Wii U (after a quick price check on Amazon) has it listed for pre-order at £32.99, meanwhile on Steam it's £29.99 with more rewards being unlocked the more people pre-purchase it, currently unlocked is a free digital copy of the artbook and the soundtrack, two more tiers above will grant people the first Lost Planet game and a free DLC season pass for Revelations itself.

But at the end of the day there's alot of games you're missing out on from just being a PC gamer and great games become bad with the wrong people porting (Fans HAVE been able to bust out fixes from time to time if the developers don't but it's not a guarantee that fans will even do the same themselves) but for when the PC releases are done correctly, you've got the best version to play in my opinion.


Darkest Dungeon
There's not much to detail, really. The PC specs needed to play games comfortably are blown WAY out of proportion (people say i7 processors are barely sufficient for high-end gaming, lol) and when building a gaming PC, you are already cutting the costs by 50% when compared to equivalent pre-built systems.

Just by knowing what to buy and how to build you can buy a very good mid-high end rig that'll play anything better than any available console for 500 bucks or very slightly more. And a PC will do many more things that just "game".
Yes and no, building a good gaming PC isn't heavy at all for your wallet but the problem rises from wanting to stay updated with your hardware. I built my PC around 7 years ago for 500 bucks and it still runs pretty good, except I havn't had the time, money or knowledge to buy new parts and upgrade and it makes me suffer when it comes to the new games where I can't no longer run on the highest settings. Consoles owners doesn't have this problem.

Deleted member 25469

Yes and no, building a good gaming PC isn't heavy at all for your wallet but the problem rises from wanting to stay updated with your hardware. I built my PC around 7 years ago for 500 bucks and it still runs pretty good, except I havn't had the time, money or knowledge to buy new parts and upgrade and it makes me suffer when it comes to the new games where I can't no longer run on the highest settings. Consoles owners doesn't have this problem.
Neither do console owners "run at the highest settings". There's no settings on consoles, and their graphical quality, which remains near constant through time except for a few optimizations, is pretty bad.

Wanting to stay updated and needing to are very different things. You can still run newer games with graphics at least, if not better due to optimizations, as good as you could when you bought it. Which is exactly what consoles are stuck with, but if you started on a higher level, you stay on a higher level.

I don't know if I expressed myself clearly :p


Pain and pleasure... I've got it all.
The problem with there is that most games don't go beyond the console level of graphics and if they do, they don't go TOO far from it, this year will mark the seventh year since the PS3's release and the eighth since the 360's.

The generational gaps are quite large and thus you have plenty of time to save up money to bulk up your PC where it needs it and until then you can still run games on lower settings, not ideal but at the very least you don't need to constantly buy a new several hundred £/$ console that's taking up even more space in your home and forcing you to either reorganise your entertainment setup or outright putting away older consoles.


Lord Cheesington
One thing that always annoys me about PC gaming is the fact that I can't play games straight from the discs.


Pain and pleasure... I've got it all.
Since when was multiplayer gaming on a PC hard? It's just as easy, if not easier, to play online on a PC then it is on a console.

And you don't even need to know how to build your own PC, you have choices you know. You can buy pre-built (more expensive granted) or you can ask somebody to build for you.

Hell i built my own PC setup just by watching videos on youtube for crying out loud, no prior PC building experience or anything and it's not hard in the slightest.


Keyser Söze
I have to say both.. Consoles for more fighting games and online multiplayer and PC games for more convenience and budget
4. Console games are more readily rented than PC games, and more easily returned to the retailer if you're not satisfied with them. Generally speaking, it is difficult to return PC games because they are easy to copy.
As cheap as PC gamesa are you don't really have to rent them


Is not rat, is hamster
Easy guide to setting up a custom-built PC gaming rig:

Step 1: marry Steve
Step 2: choose your rig so that it looks pretty and matches your shoes.
Step 3: ask Steve to pay for said rig
Step 4: once all the bits and pieces arrive, make a cup of tea, watch some Come Dine With Me and let Steve build it all for you
Step 5: remind Steve when it's time to make your rig prettier and/or more powerful

Works for me at least.

On a slightly more serious note (although all of the above pretty much did happen), I am more of a PC gamer now than I used to be because with PC games I can cheat to my heart's content and mess about with mods. I use my 360 for achievement hunting and my PC for gaming with others or just playing for fun. I love all the indie games that the Steam store has and on the whole you get less idiots playing online on PC for the games I enjoy than you do on the 360.

Games are cheaper, generally speaking, and using my PC doesn't mean that the family TV is out of action until I'm level 1000 on something life-suckingly time consuming. Once the new XBOX whatever comes out, if it's not entirely backwards-compatible then I will not be continuing with the console. If I can't play my current set-up of titles on it, what's the point?

I'm utterly hopeless with a keyboard and mouse configuration, however, so I also have a 360 controller wired in so I can still play games without being more useless than normal. To me, the PC is the best of both worlds.


Pain and pleasure... I've got it all.
I am more of a PC gamer now than I used to be because with PC games I can cheat to my heart's content and mess about with mods.

This is my entire point really, it's allowing gamers to have fun with their games, be it with cheat codes or mods.

You can't really do that on a console because companies have stopped people from being able to use stuff like Action Replay and Gameshark on consoles, hell the Wii was the only console of the current three that even had a Freeloader (A disc to play games from other regions) and Nintendo quickly put out an update that stamped that out. I mean i understand that there's somewhat of a risk of people homebrewing their consoles through these things but what is so bad about people wanting codes for their games?

GTA San Andreas is a perfect example, the action replay codes for that game are amazingly fun to mess around with and have produced hilarious results, but you can't do that on consoles anymore.

At least on PC you have a choice, something that has been taken away from gamers.
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