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Complaints About New Vergil


Well-known Member
Some are legitimate, most are stupid and misinformed :/

1)"He isn't honorable, like Old Vergil."
Old Vergil wasn't honorable either.
You don't think so?

Then explain to me how partially destroying a city full of innocent people, with no warning, for the sole purpose of gaining more power is honorable(Got to 11:29):

2)"He uses guns."
He doesn't use them in gameplay, only once in one cutscene.
And, Old Vergil did the same: http://devilmaycry.wikia.com/wiki/Dante?file=Jackpot.jpg

3)"He's not likeable/can't sympathize with him."
He's evil.
But, to be more specific, you're not supposed to like him. The game(Both the Main and VD) never put him in a positive light when he acts like himself.
Also, he's not a good guy. He is greedy, petty, a control freak, and a sociopath who feels no remorse.
Why would you want to sympathize with that.o_O

4)"He shoots Lilith."
I don't see many people complaining about how Dante slashed, shot, smashed, kicked, and punched Lilith and her child.
So why are people getting so angry that Vergil shot her once?
It's not like the game puts it in a positive light.

Also, remember, EVIL.

5)"His backstory copies Bleach"
No it doesn't(Go to D0NN1E's first post on this page.): http://devilmaycry.org/threads/so-i-worked-on-dmc.18074/page-2

Director Bison

King of Games
Premium Elite
now i don't "hate" new Vergil

but i feel like he's just there to dump exposition to Dante and then be the last boss because he was the last boss in DMC 3
the hole game i was just thinking so when is he going to go evil
and then last level "oh ya i want to rule the world FYI"

in DMC 3 defeating Vergil was your goal from the very being you knew that you wanted to beat him and losing that first time just made you want to beat him more
to me he felt like the ultimate test
to me when Dante's DT awakened Dante and Vergil were equals
its just by the end Dante was fighting for more then just himself so that's why he won

but in DmC it shows you in the second level that Dante was stronger then Vegril with that flash back of him winning the sword fight as kids and then again when Dante literally says "i'm stronger" from a story stand point Dante winning isn't a surprise because its already happened before

when in DMC 3 winning felt like an accomplishment because you were defeated once already

these are my complaints i don't expect everyone to agree but oh well

point 2 3 and 5 i don't really care about

point 1 i think the only reason anyone calls Vergil honorable is because in DMC 1 Dante says to Nelo Angelo
"a man with guts and honor i like that"

point 4 shooting Lilith i don't blame Vergil for
it makes complete sense logically even if it is evil
they have Kat why give Mundus what he wants and why risk the baby becoming another Mundus
also i'm not going to feel sorry that some one just killed a baby that i was literally punching in the face less then 5 minutes ago

in Vergils downfall
Vergil thinking he wasn't the favorite was kind of lame
but i liked Vergils downfall more then the regular campaign

Captain Xin

Well-known Member
I like the Vergil in this game, rather than a badass villain, this one had a motive, he's still the kind of anime/manga power hungry villain that wants power for the sakes of wanting it. But this one had the brain to cover up his motives.

What I don't like about the new Vergil is the sudden move he made in the final mission. It's like Capcom suddenly decided to tell Ninja Theory that " Hey, remember to put Vergil into a villain. Because he was such a badass villain back in the days of DMC3." It felt forced, like the character's been waiting for this the whole time and finally got the chance to become a villain. It was the kind of plot twist that should be "after" the end credit. Like those little bits that played after the end credits of The Avengers. Not the final battle after you defeated the evil king himself.

To be fair, they did have some hints about his true nature behind that mask, and it would be rediculous for the final boss of this game that easy to beat. But I still think it would be great to keep these things more subtle.

Or they could just let it all out, like having the protagonist finding out it was Vergil who betrayed everyone and giving the hideout to The Order all along.

That would be cool.


Well-known Member
now i don't "hate" new Vergil
but i feel like he's just there to dump exposition to Dante and then be the last boss because he was the last boss in DMC 3
He doesn't just dump exposition, he tries to goat Dante into his way of thinking.
And is pretty crucial to the plot in certain points.

but in DmC it shows you in the second level that Dante was stronger then Vegril with that flash back of him winning the sword fight as kids and then again when Dante literally says "i'm stronger" from a story stand point Dante winning isn't a surprise because its already happened before
Boss doesn't have to be suprising to be tough.

Thank you for being civil about it:D

I like the Vergil in this game, rather than a badass villain, this one had a motive, he's still the kind of anime/manga power hungry villain that wants power for the sakes of wanting it. But this one had the brain to cover up his motives.

What I don't like about the new Vergil is the sudden move he made in the final mission. It's like Capcom suddenly decided to tell Ninja Theory that " Hey, remember to put Vergil into a villain. Because he was such a badass villain back in the days of DMC3." It felt forced, like the character's been waiting for this the whole time and finally got the chance to become a villain. It was the kind of plot twist that should be "after" the end credit. Like those little bits that played after the end credits of The Avengers. Not the final battle after you defeated the evil king himself.

To be fair, they did have some hints about his true nature behind that mask, and it would be rediculous for the final boss of this game that easy to beat. But I still think it would be great to keep these things more subtle.

Or they could just let it all out, like having the protagonist finding out it was Vergil who betrayed everyone and giving the hideout to The Order all along.

That would be cool.
I actually made a thread based on that complaint : http://devilmaycry.org/threads/who-thought-vergils-true-intentions-were-suggested-well.17673/

Are you talking locked on stupid or locked because it's a firestarter topic?
As long as we keep it semi-civil, things should be fine.
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Well-known Member
Or they could just let it all out, like having the protagonist finding out it was Vergil who betrayed everyone and giving the hideout to The Order all along.

That would be cool.

I agree. I'm sure Dante felt betrayed by Vergil's sudden revelation, but I didn't. I felt inconvenienced. Like Vergil why would you choose now to do this everyone was happy you absolute melon. If he'd been playing Dante + Kat from the start and betrayed the Order as a whole, then I would have felt betrayed.


Well-known Member
Xen-Omni 2020
I thought he was okay , but i vastly prefer the classic vergil over him. Have to say though i loved his gameplay in vd more than the main game, wishnit was longer.


Well-known Member
I agree. I'm sure Dante felt betrayed by Vergil's sudden revelation, but I didn't. I felt inconvenienced. Like Vergil why would you choose now to do this everyone was happy you absolute melon. If he'd been playing Dante + Kat from the start and betrayed the Order as a whole, then I would have felt betrayed.
Remember, Vergil thinks this is just the natural order of things.

He didn't think he was making some grand revelation, in his eyes, he was just stating a fact.

I only have these complaints:

1. DmC Vergil was way too easy as a final boss.
Am I really the only one who found him hard to beat?
2.I still hate the way DmC yamato looks.
3.I wished they did more thinking with the big Vergil is evil reveal.
I like the way they did it actually.
It really shows that Vergil truly believes what he's saying and thinks it just logically how things should go.
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The Final Offer

Well-known Member
1. DmC Vergil was way too easy as a final boss.

Honestly, only thing he didn't have was the full DT and the barrier. The barrier stopped you from hitting him and drained whatever DT you had. Then you got the Helm Breaker spam. Seriously...why? This is like a Final Fantasy boss just using Ultima each turn.

2.I still hate the way DmC yamato looks.

It's shorter than the classic, doesn't have a sageo, and it's all black. DmC Vergil uses it like a cane also, so it's tailored to disguise him further.

3.I wished they did more thinking with the big Vergil is evil reveal.
Actually, they did. Unlike DMC 3 where he just randomly shows up. DmC made me believe that Vergil is not going to betray me or be evil in this one from the way the reunion went. Then I started understanding what was at stake and why those decisions were being made. By the time the game reached the final conflict, I was shocked. I actually felt some type of way from a hack and slash. That's never happened before. Then I got ****ed at Vergil for playing me the entire game. Then I listened to what he was saying to Dante.

"The path is clear for us to rule."
"No, NO! We'll be nothing like Mundus."
"Don't be simplistic. Humans are frail. They need protection."
"We, you and I, have saved them."
"If you can't see the chaos that humans will cause. If you don't want the responsibility of protecting them...then stand aside, I will rule alone. "

In his head, Vergil still believed Dante would agree with him and appreciate the offer. In truth, he was doing these things for them both. That is always overlooked by fans.

Dante is actually, if you're not simplistic about it, the asshole in this situation. Vergil has a place for Dante in his plans to rule, no matter his decision. Dante doesn't have a place for Vergil in his plans and proved that by nearly killing him. If it weren't for Kat seeing that flaw in Dante's plan, Vergil would be dead and Dante would be sporting the Dark Dante look.

What really got me though...what really really ****ed me up. Is that I put myself and my brother in that situation. I felt that fight the same way I felt about Joel's daughter in Last of Us. That feeling that the writers got you to actually feel something. You know, that "Son of a bitch" feeling.


Don't Let the Fall of America be Your Fall
Am I really the only one who found him hard to beat?
Compared to DMC3 where I literally had to grind my ass off just to get his life down to half, hell yeah new Vergil was easier. Not a bad thing, but still.

I'm a huge fan of swords, especially katanas. in DMC3 I LOVED Vergil's yamato. the white tsuka wrapped in leather while the tsuba was inscribed in floral designing. The saya was long and slender with the sageo flowing in the breeze. And of course the slender curved blade with the yakiba shimmering with each cut or battojutsu draw Vergil unleashed was beautiful even with DMC3's graphics.
But then we get to DmC's yamato and I feel it's not as great. The tsuka is a bland black color while the tsuba is so small and uninteresting. The saya can hardly sheath the entire sword and stops halfway on the habeki. And finally the blade itself just looks like a rusty and poorly tempered blade. And the thing that just urks me the most about it is the kissaki (the stabbing curved part). It's litterally just a slant. Like the sword was cut diagonally and is just a crappy slant.
during gameplay it looks great and when its mod to look like the classic yamato, it looks better but when you look at it on its own...it's not great.

I like the way they did it actually.
It really shows that Vergil truly believes what he's saying and thinks it just logically how things should go.

True, but for me I would've liked it if Dante figured out Vergil was evil and pulled a gun on him to stop him as he explains how he knew Vergil was evil from the subtle hint from Phineas and observing Vergil's actions like with Lilith and leaving Kat.


Well-known Member
Compared to DMC3 where I literally had to grind my ass off just to get his life down to half, hell yeah new Vergil was easier. Not a bad thing, but still.
I mean, I found all the DMCs hard, but never that hard.

I'm a huge fan of swords, especially katanas. in DMC3 I LOVED Vergil's yamato. the white tsuka wrapped in leather while the tsuba was inscribed in floral designing. The saya was long and slender with the sageo flowing in the breeze. And of course the slender curved blade with the yakiba shimmering with each cut or battojutsu draw Vergil unleashed was beautiful even with DMC3's graphics.
But then we get to DmC's yamato and I feel it's not as great. The tsuka is a bland black color while the tsuba is so small and uninteresting. The saya can hardly sheath the entire sword and stops halfway on the habeki. And finally the blade itself just looks like a rusty and poorly tempered blade. And the thing that just urks me the most about it is the kissaki (the stabbing curved part). It's litterally just a slant. Like the sword was cut diagonally and is just a crappy slant.
during gameplay it looks great and when its mod to look like the classic yamato, it looks better but when you look at it on its own...it's not great.
I didn't really pay attention to the design of either swords to be honest, so I didn't mind the cosmetic changes.


(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
Actually, Vergil's changes didn't bother me as much as Dante's. I think most people's complaints about DmC Vergil, or DmC in general come down to this:

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Well-known Member
New Vergil strikes me more as a people person. Old Vergil felt like he only tolerated your existence if you had something he wanted. New Vergil seemed like a guy who could recruit and get people to fight for him, which is evident given The Order and how devoted Kat was to him. I felt his motivations were more fleshed out than in DMC 3 and I could understand his mindset. I also liked the way they played him as the more intellectual brother to counterbalance Dante's brawns. I enjoyed his interaction with Dante too.

I did find his boss fight easier than in 3, but I found the whole game easier than its predecessors. Did take me a bit to realize I was supposed to DT for that final strike, though.
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