Really?Dream runners are the best enemies in the game because you can damage them using all the weapons just some weapons are more effective than others.
Really?Dream runners are the best enemies in the game because you can damage them using all the weapons just some weapons are more effective than others.
Which reminds me, why the hell out of all the games getting unnecessary co-op, why the hell hasn't Devil May Cry yet?
you are 100% correct in the case of the bloodgoyles and maybe the long range guys i mentioned. you made an argument that doesnt apply to my post at all. of course enemies that make you switch up your strategies are the way to go but this is mostly present in the 7 sins as they all behave differently and have attacks and movements that require different strategies but still give you freedom in the ways you can defeat them while providing some challenge, those enemies are about as good as it gets in any action game. i never claimed that i enjoyed button mashing if i did i wouldnt be playing DMC. i simply said that overall i like the enemies in DmC more than DMC3s because the annoying enemies in DMC3 are far more annoying that the annoying enemies in DmC. if you need examples then fine: the soul eaters arent the enemies that give you the high from figuring out how to beat in a tactical way as you exagerated, they are intangible pricks who can only be hit for mere moments, theres nothing stylish about defeating them, they slow the action to a screeching halt, and seem to be there just to increase your mission timer and the exact same can be said about the dullahan. next are the fallen they hardly ever flinch which would be ok if they werent constantly floating in circles therefore eleminating all the lock on directional attacks from the equation and making you resort to whatever strong air attack you have at the time such as yamatos air slash (god help you if you dont have sword master or X slash available), and even if you manage to get them into a corner you wont benefit at all since they simply phase through the walls. these behaviors/weaknesses may have taken months to program but they are still horrible for a game that revolves around fast action and disposing enemies as stylishly and quickly as posible, much less whats known by some as "the best action game of our generation." Do you ever see someone in a combo video going to town on a fallen or a soul eater? dont worry il wait.snip
Bloody Hell
If Classic DMC made mistakes, it's the responsibility of any subsequent iteration that wears it's name to improve upon it's past failings as much as possible as well as add additional content. Any less than that is inexcusable, because it's the whole point of making new games in an established franchise.
I'd rather not get into a debate about composition on a forum so il ignore that. I agree, with the quote you posted and ive already said that i much prefer the annoying enemies in DmC to the annoying enemies in DMC3 that i mentioned, my only problem with DmCs enemies is that the lesser demons arent aggressive enough. In my opinion DMC4 had the best enemies all around, because there was many ways to dispatch of them while still being creative, such as the Blitz or Faust. thats speaking mostly for dante, as you know Nero was a bit limited in this regard. Anyways please link me a video of said "stylish ways" to dispatch of a soul eater or a dullahan for example.... oh wait you generally use evidence to back up your points but since you didnt this time im gonna assume you couldnt find any and just thought id simply take your word for it, no sir.For the love of Yig, learn to paragraph!
For one thing, people have mastered killing the enemies you mentioned in stylish ways even on the highest difficulties, and secondly: