The PS2 was immensely popular in 2004. It isn't called the king of home consoles for nothing. Also, the report stated the sales of DMC3 in general and the sales number was released in 2008, 2 years after the release of the special edition. They have no reason to leave out the special edition in an official sales report. What's more, games cost $50 back in they ps2 era for a reasin. We also do not know whether or not all that mocap stuff is expensive or not so what you're saying is pure speculation. Advertising is prolly the only point of yours I agree with.DMC3 didn't have nearly the budget that DmC did in advertising or production with that expensive mocap equipment. It also came out at a time when the market was much smaller. DmC was advertised like crazy. Everytime I walked into GameStop I saw two cardboard cut outs of Dante and the trailer playing on their TV. There's also the app and all the YouTube ad campaigns. DMC3 didn't have anywhere close to that.
Also, 4 years? Any source on that? Because the sales charts from Capcom do not include the special edition which came out only a year after DMC3. I suspect DMC3's sales plus the special edition are closer to 2 million.