Capcom Halves Forcast: Blames "Excessive Outsourcing"

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Terrutas was right. You don´t make much sense.

You defend Ninja theory like crazy.

Which is ironic because the animation you made compared to Vergil´s downfall is on a different level.
Your animation is smooth and full of frames.

The cartoonish in VD seems to have very little frames.

And i dont care about if it was NT, a clown or Capcom who did the animation.
It sucks ****, and u dont have to be a animator to KNOW THIS.

The background had no animation...
Most of time objects/creatures was the things that were animated.
And it was lazy as ****.
Just because you don't like it doesn't mean others can't. It's your opinion, and on the internet others are not guaranteed to agree.

Got to admit I was surprised that they used that animation instead of CG models like DmC, but it grew on me. However I would have liked to see the bit with Kat becoming a demon in CG, but that's about it.
You know, no body here said that the animation was the best thing in the whole world. Yes, maybe they could have done better. But again: Maybe they didn't have the money. And it's not as bad as you try to make it. Seriously, it's better then some Anime's animation in some aspects, at least their chins move while talking :/
And let me ask you: Have you ever tried to animate something? Because it sure isn't easy. And no, doing something like VD isn't easy either.
Also: The background isn't moving? You really don't seem to know much about movies. The background isn't supposed to move. Because that would be distracting and chaotic.

I asked Incarnated Demon to calm down. She hasn't.

I will no longer try to maintain the peace here. I may even eventually snap at her myself.

Terrutas, talk to Demon. Let her know that what she's doing isn't appropriate.

Or I will.

I asked Incarnated Demon to calm down. She hasn't.

I will no longer try to maintain the peace here. I may even eventually snap at her myself.

Terrutas, talk to Demon. Let her know that what she's doing isn't appropriate.

Or I will.
Have i called someone something?
Have i said they are stupid?

If anything i´ve done i´ve used words that have been censored. And the word that was very bad in a earlier post i edited it off.

Now if you want to be a "good moderator", how about you do your job and adress ZeroLove. Because i could swear this is basically calling me ignorant because i got into a discussion with Alchemist about animation.
Ignorants tend to simplify what they do not understand, and then look down upon it.
Why even do that? It's stupid.

It's not funny, and it just makes the thread go down even faster because you're baiting other people into doing it. It's completely pointless.

Freaking 9GAG level of humor, come the **** on.

Cool down man, just ignore this. But there's nearly one entire page discussing what can start a flamewar and how VD's animation is crappy (and how harder is to do an animation). I'll be waiting for other peoples opinions on the subject Unknown first mentioned in the original post.

I asked Incarnated Demon to calm down. She hasn't.

I will no longer try to maintain the peace here. I may even eventually snap at her myself.

Terrutas, talk to Demon. Let her know that what she's doing isn't appropriate.

Or I will.
Let 'er rip dude. I'm too tired to be bothered. Sorry.

Cool down man, just ignore this. But there's nearly one entire page discussing what can start a flamewar and how VD's animation is crappy (and how harder is to do an animation). I'll be waiting for other peoples opinions on the subject Unknown first mentioned in the original post.
Not even mad, it's just pointless and dumb. Nothing against you.
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Terrutas was right. You don´t make much sense.
terrutas is a child who gets off on passively trolling this forum, except unlike marionette cherry who's posts are endearing his are usually blatant insults, and yes my posts do make sense which is why people are agreeing with mine in the form of likes like they usually do
You defend Ninja theory like crazy.
because they are a good company and i defend good development comapany
Which is ironic because the animation you made compared to Vergil´s downfall is on a different level.
Your animation is smooth and full of frames.
because it has no background and isn't detailed at all
The cartoonish in VD seems to have very little frames.
because of how ridiculously detailed each frame actually is, making it so that the frames actually sync up to what they are saying with something as ridiculously stylized as the cutscenes in the dlc is hard to do
And i dont care about if it was NT, a clown or Capcom who did the animation.
It sucks ****, and u dont have to be a animator to KNOW THIS.
no it doesn't because unlike you obviously, i can see that they were going for a distorted stylized creepy look and not completely fluid animation like mine
The background had no animation...
the background was composed of around 20-50 layers which gives everything a sense of depth, something which my animation does not have
Most of time objects/creatures was the things that were animated.
if the scene is slowly zooming in which it does alot that means that they had to consistently draw it to appear as if it was getting smaller, so everytime it zoomed in or the camera shook took a ****load of effort, not to mention making the characters move, but of course i wouldn't expect someone wh
And it was lazy as ****.
yeah, you still don't know how animation works and your posts are reminding me of stylish nero's where no matter how many people are telling you that you are not correct when you use words like lazy, that you still believe its absolute
Oh boy Oh boy! How fun it is to ruse everyone with my oh so clever tricks!

Contributing to discussions?
**** this
Well you have to take into consideration that Hideki Kamiya, the one who made Dante didn't direct any of the other games after the first one. So obviously there's going to be some inconsistency going on since the vision for Dante isn't the same anymore.

I think the reason DMC3 Dante was a wisecracker and such, is because they figured "Well, he's younger so he should have a more light hearted approach to the world.". And people seemed to like that, so they just kept going with it.
and this
But I can't help but wonder.

How do you know what's going to be on the game? They obviously don't reveal all of the content immediately, so how do you know for a fact regardless of research, that they didn't rip something out before release?
Seriously, you're in no position to criticize me Alchemist. Even people on your side can't stand your nonsensical bullcrap. So just keep pandering like you always do. Don't ever change. I'll be quite upset if you do.

Oh and don't forget to defend your almighty gods, the theoretical ninjas. I can't help but laugh at you when you defend such a company when you don't even realize they don't know who you are, you're just another unit sold to them and you get on the internet and call anyone who says the slightest negative thing about them a troll and a hater. And let's not forget the edgy emoticon! "-_-". Which you have burned into my mind.

If we replace Ninja Theory with Pewdiepie on this matter, you don't change much. The only difference is that your English is slightly better. Slightly.
Have i called someone something?
Have i said they are stupid?

God, I hate multi-quoting --

You keep saying that Alchemist is working for NT. And if not you, then other people on this thread. Stop. It's a tired insult at this point. You keep accusing him of having this blind devotion to NT and that's simply not the case. He has stated many times that he knows that NT and DmC have flaws.

He's only responding to your accusations of the animation being "****ty". That's all. And yet you keep coming back with more aggressive responses.

Besides, all that's subject to opinion. Don't just go around insulting other people's works. Especially since there are people out there that like the animation in VD.

We like it. You don't have to like it. But you can't say it's crap. You can say you don't like it because of this-or-that reason, but you can't just say it's ****.

If anything i´ve done i´ve used words that have been censored. And the word that was very bad in a earlier post i edited it off.

And that's exactly what you did wrong. You keep swearing when presenting your opinions. It's offensive. I'm not being "overly sensitive". A lot of people dislike the way you just go at it without any regard for other people's feelings.


Calmly state why you dislike the animation and NT. Don't just tell people that this or that sucks **** or is total ****. Like I said before, there are better ways to present your opinion. And you keep going about this the wrong way.

Now if you want to be a "good moderator", how about you do your job and adress ZeroLove. Because i could swear this is basically calling me ignorant because i got into a discussion with Alchemist about animation.

Stop saying that I want to be moderator. Why would I want to be moderator? I'm trying to keep the peace on this thread only. You're ****ing people off and I'm trying to get you to stop before you end up making them scream at you because of your lack of manners. Relax.

Seriously. Being moderator's too much work and responsibility. I have no desire to be one. I just want people to be civil.

Ignorants tend to simplify what they do not understand, and then look down upon it.

Don't call Incarnated or anyone else ignorant. It's unproductive to conversation.

And because you were a naughty boy, I have taken away my like in regards to your post.


Look. Just stop name-calling. You can get your point across without doing so.
Hopefully Capcom admitting their mistakes will result in DMC5, that and Sengoku Basara 4 localized would make me forgive them.
So, has anyone got any ideas for what Capcom's next move should be?^_^


Just joking. But i think that they can make what they said here on this article:

It would give a hype to the older fans while still being appealing to the new fans, and by new fans i mean people who started playing RE with RE4, who was a good game but the beginning of a great change to the series that ended up not being that good. Capcom has many titles and franchises to explore, they could even start to make some remakes, i'm still eager to see a Resident Evil 2 remake.
So, has anyone got any ideas for what Capcom's next move should be?^_^
I'm going to quote myself just to try and get this topic back on track. Enough with the arguing. It solves nothing.


Just joking. But i think that they can make what they said here on this article:

It would give a hype to the older fans while still being appealing to the new fans, and by new fans i mean people who started playing RE with RE4, who was a good game but the beginning of a great change to the series that ended up not being that good. Capcom has many titles and franchises to explore, they could even start to make some remakes, i'm still eager to see a Resident Evil 2 remake.
Got to say, I would like a DMC5, but they'll have to do more than that.

I think it's not just about games released but about the company itself. They gave up on Megaman and have pulled bad moves in outsourcing which I don't think were popular with Japan either.
Plus the company has gone through a lot of leaving and coming and going with important staff. Maybe they need to take a look at who they have doing the top jobs? Or a change in company policies and ethics?
I don't know, but something need to be done.
Have i called someone something?
Have i said they are stupid?

If anything i´ve done i´ve used words that have been censored. And the word that was very bad in a earlier post i edited it off.

Now if you want to be a "good moderator", how about you do your job and adress ZeroLove. Because i could swear this is basically calling me ignorant because i got into a discussion with Alchemist about animation.

It doesn't matter if your words were censored, you were being rude. Your attitude is appalling, and having the right to an opinion doesn't valitate it the slightest.

So please, everyone in fact, think, before you say anything that might upset people. Because if you go about it aggressively, any negative response you get from people who don't agree you only bring on yourselves. Stop behaving like kids and drop the sarcasm and digs at each other.

So, has anyone got any ideas for what Capcom's next move should be?^_^
And honestly, I really don't know. They mentioned DLC's, could that include DLC games that they might be considering? [e.g: I am Alive/The Walking Dead game]
So Ninja Theory claimed they were going to announce something by now and still haven't, and Capcom says they cancelled a bunch of western projects.

Think they canned DmC2?
There was a lot of things wrong with Resident Evil 6. As a horror fan and big RE fan you can understand why RE 6 to me was the worst game I played last year. However RE 6 sold about 2 and half million dollars. This is a complete failure?

The new Tomb Raider sold over 3 million copies. This is a failure?

Square Enix called it a failure.
Ok, i'll try to avoid cursing (even though they are censored so herp derp).

I think the animation of Vergil's downfall cartoon cutscenes was very lacking and bad.
The animators are supposed to be professionals.

DmC is a story driven game (cutscenes more important in story driven games).
And before you say "DmC is not story driven" please refer to what was sacrificed for the story or graphics.

Now...for a game like i wouild expect motion capture as main game. I dont care if Capcom has no money and they had to do cartoon. If they cant do it then its a disappointment.

Fair enough they didnt do motion capture cutscenes. I am ok with it, no harm done. Though i think they should have provided motion capture cinematics.

So let's go to the cartoon cutscenes. It looks bad.
The background isn't animated and looks still.
There is little motion that it actually looks bad. And when they were gonna show that Vergil turned corrupted they showed animation of a nuke which was lame.

If they went with a crap looking cutscenes why did they then have cg cutscenes?

It looks really bad. And someone (Sarioko or whatever) said that the cartoon cutscenes of Vergil downfall is better than anime animations. I want to point out just how ridicolous that is:
Anime animation

And these animators are supposed to be professionals...
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