Capcom and Ninja Theory announce DMC

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meg127;273534 said:
@Kittn- I'm sure as hell not being "someone else."

*grasps at straws* Hmm....well I thought about it and was able to think of a bright side. Ok, so let's assume that Dante is 17-18 in this game. In DMC3 he said that it has been a year since he and Vergil maybe Vergil will be in it? Maybe the brown hair is because Dante rejects his demonic heritage or something and Vergil makes him realize who he is?????

since we're throwing threories out there

my theory is, that it's one of many ordinary people in a psych ward being experimented on with with dante's blood, this guy happens to be special and survives the blood infusion

and judging from the patch of white hair on his head, he is slowly getting more powerful
being the tool that he is, he becomes so full of himself he considers himself as the famous son of sparda, dante

it's gotta be somethin trivial and corny like that

just my take from watchin the trailer
heatlancer;273568 said:
since we're throwing threories out there

my theory is, that it's one of many ordinary people in a psych ward being experimented on with with dante's blood, this guy happens to be special and survives the blood infusion

and judging from the patch of white hair on his head, he is slowly getting more powerful
being the tool that he is, he becomes so full of himself he considers himself as the famous son of sparda, dante

it's gotta be somethin trivial and corny like that

just my take from watchin the trailer

God I hope your right. I really really do. >.<
He has chunks of white hair on his head if you can stand to watch the trailer again. It's a dye job. Capcom fb page defending the black hair and smoking as 'weren't you rebellious during your teenage years?'

Which just makes me think they are only going to arrogantly defend whatever this is, no matter how many core fans they tick off, step on and lose in the process. And its not like they didn't know we were here. And I honestly don't see what's there to attract the new fans and the sales they were hoping to get to make up for it.

If this is a reboot. That means its the new Devil May Cry 1. That statement alone is just devastating on so many levels.
*Kicks back and holds up flame shield*

I feel totally alone in saying this, but give the god damn game a chance before slagging it off entirely would you? Personally I think it could be quite awesome, I'm liking the look of it and it could turn out to be pretty damn good, so everyone...Take a chill pill, relax and wait until the game is released before we go ahead and toss it aside, ya?

Feel free to flame at will now. *Runs away*
Gamer May Cry...

Oh well, I wanted news. I got news.
Angelo Credo;273575 said:
*Kicks back and holds up flame shield*

I feel totally alone in saying this, but give the god damn game a chance before slagging it off entirely would you? Personally I think it could be quite awesome, I'm liking the look of it and it could turn out to be pretty damn good, so everyone...Take a chill pill, relax and wait until the game is released before we go ahead and toss it aside, ya?

Feel free to flame at will now. *Runs away*

Before you leave mr.Credo just look at this :

Devil Bane;273480 said:
Ok...opinion time...this looks good,no doubt.Love the Constantine[yes,the DC comics hero,the one played by Keanu Reeves,he looks EXCACTLY like him] look and the no doubt the game will be good.If it is a reimagining,I'm ok,if that's the direction the series will continue from now or if this is a reboot,then HELL NO!Not even hell and it's army of unholly gods combined with the Lovecraftian gods will save Capcom and the guy who coined the idea.

Castlevania could work and they made it awesome for a reboot.This,OBVIOUSLY won't work as anything BUT a reimagining for a break before the series continues for real.

And then when thinking more about it :

Devil Bane;273521 said:
Actually it struck while I was writting at some other forum...this not's the total opossite and everything Kamiya DIDN'T want Dante to be in DMC.Are we out for revenge against Kamiya just to satisfy your egos CrAPCOM?????EH?????????????

And last but not least,from another forum,this is what a dear friend wrote and I responded :

Balder said:

I ask my fellow forum members to pardon my French but...WHAT THE ****?!!?

I mean, really, are they serious? :facepalm: And oh look! he's got a stupid hipster haircut and he SMOKES. How adorable! I bet this means we are also getting curse words and boobies because this is clearly a mature game intended for mature audiences!

And if we get lucky we might get a sex mini-game where this guy who goes by the name of Dante gets it on with two apparently super hawt demon babes who look butt-ugly because Western developers can't properly render a girl to save their lives, followed by a cutscene of Dante crying about his mother.

I'm calling it now - this is going to be EXACTLY like GoW. The whole story will be him wangsting about his dead family to make the player sympathise with his sorried ass, but since he's a complete and utter jerk on everything he does, we'll end up hating his guts instead.

I know the DMC series are hardly the epythome of "class", they've always been cheesy. But that's the thing, "cheesy" is fun. Seeing Dante getting impaled only to get up and grab a slice of pizza, the whole gothic castles+guns&swords+heavy metal+over the top cutscenes formula is what makes the series great. Putting aside a few key sequences, Dante does everything "with a smile" - to me that's what makes the character likeable. Now my first impression is that they're trying to make this "gritty" and "edgy" like every boring, half-baked Western action game. "Cheesy" is good. This is "disgustingly tacky". DMC was good for it's cheeky can't-take-this-seriously value. And now, they striped it of it.

I'm at least happy Asura's Wrath is more faithful to the DMC spirit then this.

Can I blame Kobayashi for this? I'm sort of getting that urge... I think this make-over is partly because of the crisis the Japanese gaming industry is undergoing.

Capcom themselves acknowledged that, so I imagine next titles will be made to cater to the taste (more like lack of it!) of the average Western gamer. Inafune has even claimed they want Dead Rising to be Capcom's top franchise, suplanting the RE series.

Anyway, my apologies for this long winded angry venting. Having a bit of a rough day here, and this didn't help at all. :bowdown:

:mellow: ... :huh: ... :hmmm: ... :OMG: ... :realangry: ... :facepalm: ....FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU- CHOU HENSHIN!!!!!That's it,I'm going to Ultimate Mighty Kick each and everyone inside CrAPCOM and my primary aim will be their nuts!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Just to say,that even a fairly fair and calm person can rage when something like that happens,mr.Credo.Now you can go because sh1t's going to hit the fan and we all will get messy...O_o
I'm usually the one saying the give the game a chance thing, but people have their standards. :P To me, character design is one of the top things on my list. And since I liked Dante (obviously) this is a pretty big downer for me. I'm not slagging it off entirely, though. I'm just not going to pre-order it or play it until I see some evidence somewhere that says this isn't really the Dante we're being made to believe he is.

Which I hope he isn't. I think there's a chance all the nega-Dante (That's what I'm callin' him now) theories hold some truth. But I'm not feeling confident enough in Capcom to put money on it right now.

Though why they even decided to ok this at all... what made them think this would be received with overwhelming praise and enthusiasm from dmc fans... these things, they are a mystery to me.
Just think, Now Dante could be Nero's dad.
Look at him, rebellious, 'badass'. Vergil looks like a friggin saint

Let's have some email addresses posted for capcom, and we can tell em what we think of it.
i honestly don't know what to say, im gutted and soooo p***ed its unreal i would give it a go if it was just the gameplay i enjoyed, but that's not the only reason i love DMC, its the humor,style and overall feel of the franchise.I don't want a troubled psychiatric patient not sure of who he is,filled with angst and anger, sure the trailer implies he still has gunslinger but i doubt he'll have trickster or royal guard or anything new and it looks like hes got the scythe from god dam dantes inferno!oh well hopefully when this game plummets like that prince of Persia reboot they might give us what we want and deserve, just when i started to get into the series :(

p.s no smilley can show my anger so i had to be upset!

p.p.s WTF will vergil look like and there D.T!
Geez im seriously ****ed off atm. Ive waited all this time to see what they would come up with only to find a emo kid on crack claiming he's dante! I also dont want them to make the story about a younger dante. ****s stupid as ****. dam
WTF. I have no words.......

Well maybe a few....

I always said as long as they make a new game I'll be happy 'cuz then the series isn't dead, but it looks just like a load of other stuff out there these days.

*curls up into the fetal postition*
*Dresses like a priest and heads out*

[Gaming]Armaggedon is coming.REPENT!REPENT I SAY,SINNERS!

Seriously thought as someone very cleverly and rightfully answered :

If this is what westernised is,then by all means,go back to being full japanese!
oh hi guys i thought you should know how the director of dmc5 looks

he was on stage during tgs
or was he the dood responsible for concept art? i forget but he was involved in the making of the game
Just out of question, does anyone what what the game is being released on (umm, console format)

Curse: woah!!! that's boosting his ego isn't it...
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