Sorry if anyone read my post about locking this thread, I misunderstood things.
Ahem...I think the original series is doomed, actually. It's sad to believe, but why would Capcom change things, and then go back all of a sudden? Unless the end of DmC does in fact have neoDante becoming origiDante, we might not ever see our old white-follicled bad-posterior demon-slaying friend again in the canon.
It just wouldn't make sense to go back and forth like that. Maybe DmC's a spin-off? But it wouldn't get all the news it's getting, now would it? They would've said from the start, anyway. Unless Capcom pulls off a "YOU DIDN'T HEYA?" trick on us.
So, I think DMC won't be Rick-roll'd this time (kudos if you get it) and DmC is either going to continue the series or clogg it's arteries.