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Buy or Don't Buy

To buy or not to buy?

  • Buy!

    Votes: 6 46.2%
  • DONT!

    Votes: 4 30.8%
  • Help him pay but don't pay much

    Votes: 1 7.7%
  • Ignore him until he shuts up =D

    Votes: 2 15.4%

  • Total voters


Unloved Someone
Ok, my stupid boyfriend keeps hounding me to help him buy Metal Gear Solid 4 or whatever the hell it is that just came out and personally, I have absolutely no idea whether or not I should, haha. So I want everyone's opinion on whether or not it's a buy or not cuz well.... chances are I'm not going to be the one playing it :lol:

Come on Devils! Help a Demi out =D


Evolve today!
Ignore him i have learn not to buy games to my girlfriend and my friends they always end up not liking the game or not finishing the game or they finish the game and don't play it again.but maybe you're boyfriend is different.


Well-known Member
Buy it if his birthday is coming up...then you can say its for that.

If its not his birthday, just say something like "I would...but its too mature for you" my girlfriend does it to me all the time >.<


涼宮ハルヒの憂鬱 SOS団
Buy it, but make sure he loves a beatiful and trully deep wonderful story that is bursting with thought!
It also helps it has amazeing gameplay and the mood of the game is trully moveing!
Metal gear solid is a master peice in every aspect of it's existence!
Sleepy huh Asia?!


Is not rat, is hamster
MGS has some amazing reviews and I've yet to find someone who has reviewed it as a poor title - I don't see the appeal myself but then different people prefer different qualities in a game.

If it's something your BF is into and he'll play it then chances are A) you won't see him for the next fortnight or so and B) when you do see him, that'll be what he's thinking/talking about for the most part...if he's got the money then he can get it himself - especially seeing as you say you're unlikely to play it. But you can always watch some video reviews and see if it's the kind of game you might get into and then it could sway you into getting it?

Otherwise, birthday or nothing - I only ever buy Steve games if it's a special occasion because we have very different tastes in gaming. I'm not wasting the best part of £40 on something I'll never benefit from :lol:


The devoted
dont get it cuz i dont like connor lol
or ask him "its either this or*whisper the rude word*"

Dark Drakan

Well-known Member
As i quite like the MGS series and it has some great reviews and critic ratings id say buy it. So long as you get something in return. ;)

Angelo Credo

Kept you waiting, huh?
As a long time fan of the MGS series, it kills me to say "Don't buy it."

I've personally played this game from start to finish and I despised it, I even typed up a review upon it. (As you do.)

I found nothing I enjoyed in the game, but then again, the things I disliked (everything), might be what people enjoyed, really, I timed, on a stop watch, from the second I pressed "New Game" until my first encounter...23 god forsaken minutes, and that's the problem with the game, it's 95% cut scene, 5% actual game play, it literally plays like a movie, with very little emphasis on the action.

Half the cut scenes go into detail more about things anyone with a brain could've picked up by paying vague attention to the first one, it tries to sell itself as a tactical espionage action, but that goes out of the window when you discover you have a gun that knocks everyone out and never runs out of ammo.

If I had to sum up MGS4 in one word, I'd tell you to stop being such a moron, but if pressed I'd go for inconsistent, (Or schizophrenic.) it can't decide what it wants to be, a movie or a game, there's painfully little action in the game and even less sneaking, it basically becomes little more than a game of Pac man with better visuals and guns.

I'll state one last problem, Snake may be able to climb over certain things, but there are others he just can't, if he can climb over a knee high wall, then he shouldn't have much more difficulty climbing over a chest high wall, or for that matter, blowing up a barbed wire wall, when things like this occur, that's it, the fourth wall gets obliterated in a shameful fashion.

Sure, this may have been lengthy to read, but I'm a critic, therefore I criticise, it's sad to think that after Hideo Kojima made so many cracking games, it was all let down by this one, I hope I helped in some way or form.

Dark Drakan

Well-known Member
Angelo Credo;98152 said:
I found nothing I enjoyed in the game, but then again, the things I disliked (everything), might be what people enjoyed, really, I timed, on a stop watch, from the second I pressed "New Game" until my first encounter...23 god forsaken minutes, and that's the problem with the game, it's 95% cut scene, 5% actual game play, it literally plays like a movie, with very little emphasis on the action.

I take it you have watched this:

The Escapist : Video Galleries : Zero Punctuation : Metal Gear Solid 4

The dark knight

Well-known Member
I found it enjoyable. Have you even played the others? I doubt it.EDIT: Oh wait. You have. It is a great game! And you tell fans to stop being morons? How wonderful. You are calling people morons because you don't like something. I call you a moron for not respecting other peoples opinions. And for that I don't respect your opinion.

Angelo Credo

Kept you waiting, huh?
No, I never explicitly called anyone a moron, you've clearly misunderstood me, what I SAID was that if anyone were to ask me to sum up MGS4 in one word, I'd tell them to stop being a moron, I didn't call any fan of the series a moron because that would be sheer hypocrisy, as I myself am a fan.

Would you care to pick out where I actually said that MGS4 fans are morons? Please, read the statement.


Devil May Cry's a Rockin Baby!
I recently got it and now I can't stop playing =]. It's awesome!
The graphics are good, the story is brilliant (as always) and now I'm sad it's the last one :(.
Buy it if you want but be prepared for long long cutscenes ;).

Dark Drakan

Well-known Member
Haven;98248 said:
I recently got it and now I can't stop playing =]. It's awesome!
The graphics are good, the story is brilliant (as always) and now I'm sad it's the last one :(.
Buy it if you want but be prepared for long long cutscenes ;).

It wont be the last one, Hideo Kojima has already gone back on what he said with that. Its just the end of Solid Snakes story but MGS will continue.
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