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Best AI you've ever played against


Elite Hunter
We all know that more often than not, enemies in videogames can be dumb as ****. But here, list the videogames you've played that feature the best enemy AI you've met.
As for me:

- F.E.A.R.


Anyone who played this game knows what I'm talking about. These enemies's AI is the most realistic I've ever seen, possibly the best ever in games.

They talk to each other during battles, and depending on the situation, they adopt different tactics. For example, when they're taking losses, they organize for regrouping and retreating, shooting while running away, or when you're taking cover, they try to draw you out by throwing granades at you.
When their group has an armored guy (like in the picture above), they stick behind him when entering a room, for protection, and then once they spot you, they let the big guy pressure the player while they try and flank you or taking you from behind.
And holy crap, they are good at it. More than once they managed to take me by surprise.

Even the things they say adapt to the situation. When you throw a granade at them, you'll hear them say "****!", "Granaaaaaaaaaade!", when they're in disadvantage they insult the player, and other stuff like that.

They feel smart, realistic enemies to fight, and I've never seen an AI equal to this, ever. It's sad to notice that, despite the exponential growth in processing power, developers still struggle to reach this level.

- Crysis


These enemies feature a pretty damn sophisticated AI too, just like Far Cry (the first one) before it.

It mostly revolves around how the player uses the nanosuit's powers. For example, if you shoot them and then turn invisible, they'll be spooked as hell and will fire like madmen at the last place they saw your figure.
If they feel threatened, they stick together and search the area talking to each other.
They too throw granades at you to draw you out of your cover and will use vehicles and fixed turrets if needed.

Such a shame they are so dumb and generic in Crysis 2 and 3 in comparison... but we know where the budget went for those games...

Far Cry 1 and Crysis 1 for me, represent the good old Crytek, that made beautifully gorgeous fap-inducing games AND awesome AI. They both were their trademark. Now, only graphics is...

- Enemy Territory: Quake Wars



A strongly teamwork/objective based tactical FPS needs smartass bots if you're gonna include a single player mode.

And God, these bots are smart. Now, this game's mechanics are complex, I'm not gonna explain them, just know that both factions, GDF and Stroggs, have different classes (and dude, classes here ARE actually important, you can't even think of slaughtering an entire enemy team with a Medic like in Battlefield), each with their usefulness. The bots in this game actually collaborate.
You're going for killing that guy who's building an anti-air turret? A sniper is most likely covering his ass. You are in need to rush do destroy an objective? They sure as hell planted a carpet of landmines for your arrival. You're taking a vehicle to bring destruction to them? They'll have anti vehicle turrets positioned and an Engineer always in its vicinities.

The teammates are equally smart and it's all balanced so well you might forget you're playing against bots. Too bad the muòtiplayer for this game is pretty much dead...

Director Bison

King of Games
Premium Elite
id say Ninja Gaiden Black had some pretty great AI
you actually had to pay attention to there movements and counter attack accordingly
if you tried to block for too long they would grab you
and if you spammed flying swallow to much they could counter it

and on the harder difficulty you fight an exclusive boss Evil Ryu
he has all your move's and can probably use them better then you can

while NG2 and NG3 take a more spectacle approach to the combat
NG Black is still the most satisfying to play due to the amount of focus and skill it takes


Well-known Member
Xen-Omni 2020
I gotta go with ninja gaiden black on master ninja , mgs2 on extreme and any of the batmans on the hardest modes


Sleeping DMC Fan
Supporter 2014
To me it was DMC1 with it's normal enemies. They are actually tried to combo you and adapt to your moves unlike any other DMC
I will add Dark Souls 1 as well. Fight against Ornstein and Smough was ridiculously good coordinated. If you try to attack Ornstein he just double backs so Smough can hit you with hammer. He also kited you out of defence zone and supported Smough if you tried to attack him instead.


the horror was for love
Would have to say some of the enemies in the Batman Arkham games. Not all of them, but a good deal of them. For instance, in Origins, Slade learns your attack patterns pretty quickly, in Knight the militia also learn your attack patterns in predator mode so it gets tricky when there's lots of guys and not many hiding spaces. In all the games, enemies try and flush you out of hiding spaces if they see you leave and they chat back and forth about what's going on. It's pretty great. ^^


Elite Hunter
in Origins, Slade learns your attack patterns pretty quickly

Sorry to break this, Shadow, but Slade's AI is mostly based on scripted events. He doesn't "learn". He actually has a hole in his defense which is pretty easy to find out, he's pretty vulnerable to the quickclaw. Seems to never dodge that.


the horror was for love
Sorry to break this, Shadow, but Slade's AI is mostly based on scripted events. He doesn't "learn". He actually has a hole in his defense which is pretty easy to find out, he's pretty vulnerable to the quickclaw. Seems to never dodge that.

Really? He dodges it for me, after a point. I'll get him a few times for it, then I can hardly grab him.


Well-known Member
The enemies in fable. They block your attacks, and evade. Balverine Will jump and disappear for a few seconds and then fall behind you. Bandits will switch between melee and ranged weapons.


Well-known Member
Xen-Omni 2020
Really? He dodges it for me, after a point. I'll get him a few times for it, then I can hardly grab him.

If you use it a lot he will dodge it and then after a counter you can grab him with it again , however on I am the knight mode he dodges way more frequently and the blue visual cue for the counters are gone so fighting him and copperhead is very tough


Elite Hunter
I must have played a different game then, cause Slade falls for my quickclaw almost every single time.

Also, the absent blue clue on enemies's heads aren't a problem with Slade, as they keep kind of a slight slow mo effect when he strikes. But that's not something AI related.


Well-known Member
Xen-Omni 2020
You obviously read what I said wrong , I said he dodges it if you use It a lot but then after a counter you can use it again until he starts dodging again

that doesn't translate to he never gets caught by it

and your own words even state almost every time meaning he does dodge you at times


Elite Hunter
and your own words even state almost every time meaning he does dodge you at times

Yeah at times. A few. He still falls for it a lot. In fact quickclaw is my fav tool to end that battle quickly. Except for when I want to enjoy the awesome combat animations.


This one little piranha plant in Super Mario Bros. 3 Springs to mind. Yes, I'm serious. In one of the later mini boss-castles there's one themed around piranhas in pipes and there's this one tricky jump with one in it. It popped out, then went back in the pipe. I waited. And waited. I waited up to a minute for it to come out so I could see some kinda pattern. But it never happened. Then when I finally go for it and jump to the pipe, it pops out and kills me. I could've sworn it knew. My friend screamed in frustration at the pure bullshit, haha.
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