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Benvenuti al Colosseo


Elite Hunter
By that logic beowolf has large wings, all he has to do is fly up into the air and float there and then make it rain energy spheres on them. He can also swoop down and attack, and he uses cages in the story to throw so he can use the environmemt too.

He can throw spheres indeed, but A&R could simply dodge them. Or create a huge fire hurricane or something like that to shield themselves.


Well-known Member
Xen-Omni 2020
He could pick one of em or both of em up and soar up into the clouds before divebombing.them into a crater. He could disarm them with brute force , he has more.options. They can't do anything if he is beyond there reach. Also he is invulnerable.when he explodes with light so he can negate.there attacks.


Elite Hunter
also all abilities of A&R are close quartered, while Beowulf has long target seeking-projectiles.

A&R can perform long range attacks too. The can send fire and wind flying slashes, similar to those Dante used with Yamato to destroy the Hell Gate in DMC4.


Well-known Member
Xen-Omni 2020
I doubt there range can reach high in the sky, and he could use his light powers to make a shield or cover himself with his wings.


Elite Hunter
He could pick one of em or both of em up and soar up into the clowds before divebombing.them into a crater.

It's always the same thing. He would have to manage to grab them first. Agility again xD
I think Beowulf should use his powers first, rather than go with the close quarter. And then, after they're weakened, he could go with what you said.


Well-known Member
Xen-Omni 2020
He has agility too look at the way he leapt through the hole in the roof after fighting dante, he can run on ll fours and fly. Plus what if he picks something up as a weapon. Regardless of what he has to do , he will beat them both. Agni and rudra.are stupid too they catch each other in there attacks like.


Well-known Member
Xen-Omni 2020
Look at it.this way , dante wrecked A&R and he only just got through beowolfs fight. Vergil was the one who killed a weakend beowolf , going by that beowolf is better than them both.


Well-known Member
Xen-Omni 2020
The two brothers are better.fighters , but Dante had more.skill than them combined and more speed and ahility and it wasn't enough, beo is just a powerhouse. They could howeber beat geryon nevan and gigapede and possibly cerberus too. Beowolf though is too much for em.


I Saw the Devil
When I think about fights like those I think about how they fight in the game, the programed patterns and animation.

With Agni and Rudra they attack for a bit and then they run to one side of the room and they barage one at a time slamming against the opponent. They block, they slash, and they go berserk when one is killed.

Beowulf in general punches and kick blindly and runs around and then throws towers at his opponents.

If you think about the fight not confined by the game's mechanics I think I'd go with A&R just because of how unbeatable they are when you kill one.


Same as it ever was
Now normally I'd say Agni & Rudra because I like their boss fight more and that's how I usually decide on my vote, but yeah I'll have to go with Beowulf.


Well-known Member
Due to their superior speed and agility, Agni and Rudra have a high chance of beating Beowulf in a fight.

The major source of Beowulf's strength is his size. A hulking giant of a demon, his fists pack a lot of punch and he can tank most attacks. His only physical weakness is his eye. His dash attack utilizes his endurance and size to run over his opponents. His light attacks help back opponents away with a radial blast or take then from afar with fast feathers of light. Lastly, by stomping the ground, he causes large torture chambers to fall and throws them at his for, using his environment to his advantage.

The twins, however, are quite quick on their feet and are about as durable as he is, flinching only when their attacks are parried. Their elemental attacks give them a lot of versatility, ranging from powered up slashes to large gusts of wind and blasts of fire. Their major weakness is their tendency to get in the way of each other's attack but this is due to their strategy of surrounding and flanking their opponent.

The major drawback for Beowulf is his size. If the area is too small, then he would have trouble moving around. His light attacks are his only real advantage but with his eye being his major weakness, he would have a hard time using his light powers while preventing his opponents from getting to his eye. If they do get to his eye, then he becomes blind for a short period of time or permanently depending on how deep they cut it.

The twins however would have no issue in this fight. Their agility and speed gives them quite an edge and their strategy of surrounding and flanking, utilising their strength in number, are a perfect counter to Beowulf's size. Beowulf would be forced to use his elemental abilities to keep up but that's being a lot. The twins can deflect his feathers and stay at a safe distance away from his radial blasts and only need to strike when the time is right.

So, my money would be on Agni and Rudra.
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