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BATTLE FOR THE TITLE: Strongest Demon in the Devil May Cry Series

Who is the top loser of the other losers?

  • Shadow (DMC1)

    Votes: 5 35.7%
  • Nobodies (DMC1)

    Votes: 1 7.1%
  • Hell Vanguard (DMC3)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Fallen (DMC3)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Bianco Angelo (DMC4)

    Votes: 1 7.1%
  • Blitz (DMC4)

    Votes: 6 42.9%
  • Drekavac/Dreamrunner (DmC)

    Votes: 1 7.1%
  • Imprisoner (DmC)

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters

Stylish Nero

We Dem Boys!!
This is not considering the boss or story characters just the random enemies.

So to make this fair, I decided to pick the strongest 2 enemies of each game (except for DMC2 cause well......you know why

The top 2 of each game are chosen based on overall abilities, the sheer amount of times they probably kicked our a$$ when we first fought them and still fights them. This is to assess not which demon mook was the most challenging but if these demons were paired up to fight each other on who would logically win or the toughest demon based on their abilities and combat prowess, strategy or depth. They are also based on which demons/enemies I heard other players b*tch was so hard and personally gave you a hard time.

Representing DMC1 are the of course the Shadows.

View attachment 633

Lets face it these dark mofos were tough and probably killed us in our first encounter. Just seeing one makes me want to run away and when he popped up and that theme plays you know you're going to get f*cked up. One time I saw like 3 of them in an area and my reaction was "HELL NO!! I'm getting the f*ck out of there!!" A majority of enemies in DMC1 are like but these guys take the cake for having the most convoluted and hardest method of beating/damaging them and really fast attack patterns and fast hitting attacks with a wide range and quick movement and variety of deadly attacks.

Also from DMC1 which was a tough choice are the members of Organization XIII....I mean demon spawns from hell Nobodies!


Now hear me out. Originally I was going to put the Frosts or Plasmas on this list but since the Nobodies are enemies who appear much later, in fact the last enemies in the game they're logically the toughest. Plasmas weren't very hard and Frosts are hard in DMC1 when put in DMC4 with the same attack pattern and methods in DMC1 they're in fact just tough not uber tough. Nobodies have great durability and attacks that are hard to read and sometimes hard to counter and attacks that deal insane amount of damage. Base form they're Frost and Blade/Assault level but when those F*ckers transforms and gets bigger well they can easily top or rival the Shadows. Alone they're a nightmare but in groups its total hell. Hearing their sounds makes go into direction.

Now representing DMC3 are the Hell Vanguard of course.

View attachment 634

This demon is pretty much mini-boss level. He is challenging the first time but once you get his pattern and how to counter each of his attacks as well as abuse DT Impact and JC he becomes quite easy but as a challenging foe he is a worthy one to say at the least. Fighting one is easy but 2 or 3 is just ouch. They can teleport and have quite a lot of health when they're enemies rather than a boss I noticed they take more damage to kill them. Although they're not as trick as some other enemies (Arachne) or as painful to fight (Fallen) they're up here due to them being the strongest of the Hells and their leader and was a boss fight who possibly thought us how difficult the game was going to be.

*Sigh* I was going to put the Arachnes on here or the biggest one (due to their speed and annoying spider web attacks as well as my fear of spiders) but now I think of it there was enemy who we all hated to fight and that is the Fallen.


There on here for the same reason why the Shadows and Nobodies are on here. They're a dread to fight but for different reasons. Technically not fully demons like the rest these angelic bastards are like fighting a hacker or troll online or for a better case Sosuke Aizen who likes to f*ck withe the rules and have an unfair advantage. Unless you got the right weapons and right style and a strategy they will be a hassle to fight. Them being airborne enemies that DON'T suck on Normal mode they're basically Harpies in DmC on DMC mode due to their variety of moves and ranged attacks and most of all A.F*CKING.SHIELD.THAT.CAN.REGENERATE and it doesn't help these guys are really immobile and takes a lot to break. If these fallen angelic bastards can give Dante/Vergil a hard time they must have a strong handicap over other demons making unfairly haxxed.

Now representing DMC4 are the Bianco Angelos.


Being one of the few if not only enemy in a DMC game to done its own theme song it rightfully earned that theme song. Its basically mini-boss level like the other demons on this list but are pretty weak by themselves so for the sake of this discussion/contest/debate they're accompanied with the 2 other Alto Angelos. Why is that allowed? Since part of the Bianco Angelo's design is to command other Altos and has various attack procedures and formations with them making them the most structured and organized demon mook in the series (with only the Witch from DmC behind him). That is bad thing for it when it comes to the player but when it comes to facing other demons are good advantage. It is shown to be a demon slayer as well slaying not only demons in cutscenes but during gameplay could harm other demons that aren't Angelos.

This one is a given.


The Blitz is well an unique enemy and no doubt the enemy that gave us the most trouble in DMC4. Having multiple attacks, attacks patterns, and secret techniques this enemy is probably the most unpredictable enemy in the series and lets not forget that speed, no doubtly the fastest enemy in the DMC series. Combined with a lightning armor that is hard to hit and one must approach this boss with the utmost care and strategy. His main flaws are the fact it is blind and can only sense movement and attacks anything that moves even other demons, the fact its shield can dissipate if hit with the right attacks, and can overheat it (if taken too much damage) and blow up. Although its greatest asset is its suicide thunder attack that can 1hit KO an opponent at the cost of its own life its still not that hard once you figured out its pattern and develop a trick to defeat him but that would require not only knowledge of the deep underlying combat mechanics but mastery of it....or you can spam Lucifer spikes or Omen like I do. Can this speedy demon crush the competition with sheer speed and unpredictability alone?

Now representing DmC is of course the Dreamrunner or Drekavac.


Being a member of Mundus elite guards he should be pretty strong and he achieves that quite well. A fast and agile striker he can wrap through warpholes and appear anywhere making him a hard enemy to track and hit. He is rather tough and can parry ranged attacks and fights with his 2 dual blades. He is rather intelligent knowing when to run from a fight or attack from an enemies blindside but will his cunning intellect and being hard to hit be enough compared to other heavier hitting and heavy to hit enemies?

Now lastly...........yeah this was a tough one but go with the Imprisoner from Vergil's Downfall.


Well it was a tough deciding between the Witch and Butcher but decided to look at Downfall and remembered this dude. He is the most bulky enemy in the DmC game and has a lot of attacks which is interesting since DmC enemies tend to have small amounts of attacks. He is very fierce and big and gets on here due to his sheer size alone and brute force. Yeah he is sort of slow and somewhat dimwitted and simple but stamina, size, and power wise he is mini-boss level.

So who would win or who should receive the title "STRONGEST DEMON MOOK IN THE DEVIL MAY CRY SERIES"

Or for better words who is "The Greatest Turd of all the Other Turds?"


"Fair" DmC Skeptic
I went with Shadows.

On hard mode those things where almost impossible to beat at times.


I Saw the Devil
I'm going with the nobodies. They are pack demons and they are pretty damn agile so skill and size are just not enough to take them out. Plus the acid blood just make it the more dangerous.


Well-known Member
Xen-Omni 2020
shadows for sure followed by blitz i still remember when i first played dmd back on dmc1 they were brutal to fight


“Must not sleep... must warn others."
Shadow >Blitz>Fallen>>>>The others

Those ferocious felines just don't let up, uggh >_< Blitz were a serious pain because my weapons just feel ultimately weak against them.... then when sh*t gets serious you're, basically f*cked if you aren't ready for that sporadic and cheap suicide death. Fallen were kind of tough because then like to stay just out of reach. It's even worse when you're surrounded by them as they'll continue to regenerate when you stop destroy ones shield and avoid the crazy reach of the other. Personally I feel that the Hell Vangaurd and Dreamrunner are pushovers. They were tough on a first encounter but afterward, go down quicker than Chelsea Handler (Oh know I didn't!)

But yeah in all seriousness, HV have an easy to read pattern and if you're using quickster, they're aren't too bad at all. Dreamrunners are just plain easy if you know how to parry or just be patient and wait for them to leave themselves stupidly open after a warp. Just my opinion...


SSStylish Swordsman
Shadow >Blitz>Fallen>>>>The others

Those ferocious felines just don't let up, uggh >_< Blitz were a serious pain because my weapons just feel ultimately weak against them.... then when sh*t gets serious you're, basically f*cked if you aren't ready for that sporadic and cheap suicide death. Fallen were kind of tough because then like to stay just out of reach. It's even worse when you're surrounded by them as they'll continue to regenerate when you stop destroy ones shield and avoid the crazy reach of the other. Personally I feel that the Hell Vangaurd and Dreamrunner are pushovers. They were tough on a first encounter but afterward, go down quicker than Chelsea Handler (Oh know I didn't!)

But yeah in all seriousness, HV have an easy to read pattern and if you're using quickster, they're aren't too bad at all. Dreamrunners are just plain easy if you know how to parry or just be patient and wait for them to leave themselves stupidly open after a warp. Just my opinion...

I enjoy fighting blitz with nero but with dante their annoying as **** so i usually try and save up my pandora bar and use the stun technique to drop the sheild and then go nuts with rebellion gilgamesh and lucifer and those fallen are annoying for sure but if your smart they can prove to be just as easy as chelsea handler(oh yes i did) lol and yah HV's are just fun after the first time easy style points


“Must not sleep... must warn others."
I enjoy fighting blitz with nero but with dante their annoying as **** so i usually try and save up my pandora bar and use the stun technique to drop the sheild and then go nuts with rebellion gilgamesh and lucifer and those fallen are annoying for sure but if your smart they can prove to be just as easy as chelsea handler(oh yes i did) lol and yah HV's are just fun after the first time easy style points
Yeah they were especially tough with Dante. I was a champ with him during DMC3 but after taking such a long break with him then all of a sudden forced to go back and play as him against such a difficult enemy to begin with, was unpleasant to say the least. I will admit that HV's can be quite annoying in DMD difficulty though. Dreamrunners just weren't all that impressive to me after the first fight though.


SSStylish Swordsman
Yeah they were especially tough with Dante. I was a champ with him during DMC3 but after taking such a long break with him then all of a sudden forced to go back and play as him against such a difficult enemy to begin with, was unpleasant to say the least. I will admit that HV's can be quite annoying in DMD difficulty though. Dreamrunners just weren't all that impressive to me after the first fight though.

Yah not looking forward to dmd lol on dmc3 anyway


Well-known Member
Xen-Omni 2020
I enjoy fighting blitz with nero but with dante their annoying as **** so i usually try and save up my pandora bar and use the stun technique to drop the sheild and then go nuts with rebellion gilgamesh and lucifer and those fallen are annoying for sure but if your smart they can prove to be just as easy as chelsea handler(oh yes i did) lol and yah HV's are just fun after the first time easy style points

dunno how you fight with dante but he is way better and faster at killing blitzes than nero drop the shield do some dri and blitz is dead in seconds


SSStylish Swordsman
dunno how you fight with dante but he is way better and faster at killing blitzes than nero drop the shield do some dri and blitz is dead in seconds

last time i tried that the damn blitz wouldnt give me a chance to ri him


Well-known Member
Xen-Omni 2020
then use the rows of exploding swords from lucifer keep doing them then coyote charge shot and dead as for dri if you get one then you line up the next ones by timing them for when he is grounded from the first one also if your pandora bar is full you could drop the shield and use the boomerang shuriken


SSStylish Swordsman
then use the rows of exploding swords from lucifer keep doing them then coyote charge shot and dead as for dri if you get one then you line up the next ones by timing them for when he is grounded from the first one also if your pandora bar is full you could drop the shield and use the boomerang shuriken

Will the stunning move from pandora drop his sheild? cuz those rows dont work the way your talling em they do he wont stand still and when he does i end up hitting his shield


SSStylish Swordsman
like he will disappear and then explode and reappear and stand there for a couple seconds and ill try for the rows and they wont work cuz ill hit his sheild as im making a row i was think of just using pandora's stun move to drop his sheild and then ri him and million stabs with rebellion but lucifer isnt working for me atm


Well-known Member
Xen-Omni 2020
you get near him and throw out 4 or 5 rows at him and the shield drops you don't have to do them in one go they do work , opening the briefcase works to drop the shield too but there is a delay til it closes i usually jc with gilgamesh while air guarding with rg then dri til dead or royal release and distorted stinger through him


Well-known Member
Xen-Omni 2020
like he will disappear and then explode and reappear and stand there for a couple seconds and ill try for the rows and they wont work cuz ill hit his sheild as im making a row i was think of just using pandora's stun move to drop his sheild and then ri him and million stabs with rebellion but lucifer isnt working for me atm

its up to yourself but dante curbstomps em


SSStylish Swordsman
you get near him and throw out 4 or 5 rows at him and the shield drops you don't have to do them in one go they do work , opening the briefcase works to drop the shield too but there is a delay til it closes i usually jc with gilgamesh while air guarding with rg then dri til dead or royal release and distorted stinger through him

Okay so when you say throw do you mean drop the rows and then use the gunslinger style to shoot them at him from a short distance? and if i do use the case ill wait till he disapears and then comes back and stands there to do it to make up for the delay and then go nuts i perfer nero i love the buster combos just punch the crap out of him sharge blue rose he falls back down shoot him then another punch combo then dt then another combo the either charge shot x3 or maximum bet quickly and SSS but i need to get that confident with dante im fine with other enemies i actually perfer fighting other enemies with dante now all except for blitz and mephisto's
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