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Assassins Creed


The devoted
About how long would it take to complete the game i am going on holiday just 2 days after the PC release, and i dont wana wait ages to finish the storyline, please help


The devoted
ok, i just hope i can get it early on thr 28th, so i can get it over and done with by March 31st about 8am, when im leaving

Dark Drakan

Well-known Member
Vauxchen;71594 said:
ok, i just hope i can get it early on thr 28th, so i can get it over and done with by March 31st about 8am, when im leaving

The game needs to be appreciated for its scale and beauty in the environments and how fluid Altair is animated more than anything.


The devoted
well i dont like renting stuff, because im never done in time, so i buy it, then i can trade it in then im done, but i dont mind repetition


Gosh Napoleon...
Ultimadream;71720 said:
I advise renting it, the game gets painfully repetitive, seriously after you kill the 1st man its all the same except for the last chapter. Since i completed this game i havent played it at all theres not much worth doing.

I agree tottelly omg this game is the worst if you have it more then like a week,...lol

edit^ and Vauxchen i don't mind games being repetitive either..thats exactly what i said when i saw all of the comments but then i played and was like...wow really??


The devoted
but pretty much all games are repetitive, look at DMC, you can only use a certain amount of moves, you use your fav weapons so your are restricted to about 10 moved, not that great, but i dont mind, so its ok


Gosh Napoleon...
^ i know even dmc is repetitive but this is different, its the same thing that happens over and over and over...i dont know..maybe you will like it, its just so boring after while.

Dark Drakan

Well-known Member
Ultimadream;71720 said:
I advise renting it, the game gets painfully repetitive, seriously after you kill the 1st man its all the same except for the last chapter. Since i completed this game i havent played it at all theres not much worth doing.

The investigations get painfully repetitive but at least you dont have to do them all. The assassinations themselves are only restricted by your imagination as you can kill each target how you wish, i like to set myself little challenges to make things interesting.


Sir Fretalot

seriously it's mint. about the repetitiveness of it- i don't find it repetitive to be honest. it's probably because what i like about the different things you can do in the game is not the fact that you CAN do them, it's the WAY you do them, like when he climbs a wall or when you do the running stab(;))


Fearfully and wonderfully made
It took me about 2-3 weeks to complete Assassin's Creed. ^_^ But that's only because I was playing a ton of other games at the same time. My wife was kind enough to buy me: Mass Effect, The Orange Box, Command and Conquer 3: Tiberium Wars and Assassin's Creed, all at the same time.

I still haven't finished The Orange Box or Command and Conquer 3, come to think of it. :lol:


Well-known Member
Assassin's Creed gets painfully repetitive.
It's fun for the first 4 hours... then i had to force myself to beat it! Altair's a badass though. I can't hate the game!


Fearfully and wonderfully made
Yeah, I can understand that a lot of people found the gameplay in Assassin's Creed repetitive. I, myself, found Assassin's Creed hella' fun, though. I've actually been meaning to start again and unlock those achievements I missed the first time, though. ^_^

I'm really looking forward to Assassin's Creed 2, too.

Dark Drakan

Well-known Member
devilmaycry;77174 said:
Yeah, I can understand that a lot of people found the gameplay in Assassin's Creed repetitive. I, myself, found Assassin's Creed hella' fun, though. I've actually been meaning to start again and unlock those achievements I missed the first time, though. ^_^

I'm really looking forward to Assassin's Creed 2, too.

Yeah i need to start again on it soon, the engine the game uses is still breathtaking after playing it lots. Also they are mixing things up with the PC version and adding more variety in the investigations.

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