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Dante's Stalker

"Outrun this!"
Supporter 2014
Counsellors are money-grubbing bastards VB. They didn't help me either. Look at me, I'm still battling with the same **** as I did when I was a teen.

Laurence Barnes

Still not dead. Just not really here any more.
when i'm in a fight over the internet i turn to a depressed smart ass who wants everyone including myself to die

Angelo Credo

Kept you waiting, huh?
I used to suffer from severe clinical depression, still get it coming back to haunt me at times on my worse days, I've developed a habit of drinking the issue into a stupor as well, because the issue is usually gone by the time I wake up the following morning.

Still, not the healthiest of habits in the world, nice to see we're all a little damaged in one way or another.


Well-known Member
Vergil'sB*tch;216914 said:
Yeah, but they just aren't interested. The amount of counsellors I've seen is unbelievable. They just smile and nod... that's why i say i could talk until i'm blue in the face...

agh! i thought only mine did that. i saw a therapist for a while, but she didn't help me at all. i helped myself. hmm. well let's see. are you religious? if so then go speak to a religious leader about it. they care.

Daring Dylan

This is all we got now.
Paranoia (at the smallest things I freak out.)
Depression (I'm a cutter...on my inner thighs.)
(possible) Bi-polar mania (random mood swings, angry-happy-sad-et cetra).
ADD (Do I even need to say anything for- oh, look! My cat's licking her foot!)

So yeah, I'm pretty ****ed up. Add this to my list of fears, and yeah...


Enma Katana no Kami
i have a few issues with crowds. even a few people i don't no being close to me somewhat less than happy.

and i have never been good at dealing with conflicts. i tend to want to make the other person go away... permenitly. it is hard to handle a situation calmly when trying no resist the urge to do something that a lot of people whould regret.

it dosn't help that i don;t really feel any connection to anyone even if it is a person i like. most of the things around me people included just don't seem important.

with all that i am in therapy talking about my plans for after high school.


Dante enthusiast!
I relised that no one could help me but myself.

I had to do something about what I was feeling (depression, anxiety, self hatered, general hatred of the world around me!) or I'd just get worse and end up in even more of a mess.

So I did. It's hard to describe on here, but I made myself look at positives rather than negatives and eventually gained enough courage to apply to university and when I got in that was a massive boost.

I still have bad days, but what I'm saying is no one can really help you but yourself.

Man - that was deep for this time in the morning! sorry!


I am Nero's Mom & Obsessed fan girl
meg: my faith is somewhat... lacking.

If life was like Dmc4 ad Sparda was a figure of worship... I might show a little more interest.
But sadly, stuff has happened.


Well....among other things the doctors say I have PTSD (thanks to my family ._.) and "schizophrenic tendencies" (bah.)

Oh! I'm extremly OCD too.

And I have a crippling fear or too.


I have rituals....
Ugh. Between the violent continuous nightmares and the fact that I will go absolutely insane if
1. there's a clown in the room
2. ANYthing ANYwhere is even slightly lopsided/dirty or
3. I'm surrounded by people (sourrounded being more than 5)
it's a wonder I am functioning.
Strange, no?

Angelo Credo

Kept you waiting, huh?
Oh god OCD, I suffer from that mildly too. :lol:


If I walk out of a room on the wrong foot, I have to walk back in and repeat it.

I have to press a button just right, for instance, switching a light on or off or being the first to press the button on the traffic lights, for that second one if I'm not the first, I'll just wait for them to go back to green before pressing it again, really loose a lot of time on that one. Luckily the pressing the button right thing doesn't seem to apply to typing. :lol:

If I notice a lopsided picture/painting whatever, I will freak until it's right.

I quite often have to organise everything on my desk at college into order according to size, sometimes colour too.

If I see even the slightest speck on my glasses I compulsively clean them for about 10 minutes or so.

That last one is a great time killer if you're bored in a lesson.


God of Hyperdeath
Supporter 2014
I have very slight OCD, nothing that impacts my life, but jebus...

If there are enemies in a room in a game, I HAVE TO KILL THEM, no exceptions. Even if I'm nearly dead, I'll wait until my health is extremely low before I say "screw you" and even ATTEMPT to leave.

I also HAVE to see the entirety of the map in video games. This is most prevalent in .hack, where the dungeons are (besides story dungeons) randomized.

Perhaps it's for that reason that I love fully randomized games, like .hack and Diablo.


Well-known Member
Hmm..I'm not really OCD. but sometimes I'll have reoccurring thoughts. I'll play the same dialogue over and over again in my head. Its not really a problem though.


Enma Katana no Kami
DreadnoughtDT;217261 said:
I have very slight OCD, nothing that impacts my life, but jebus...

If there are enemies in a room in a game, I HAVE TO KILL THEM, no exceptions. Even if I'm nearly dead, I'll wait until my health is extremely low before I say "screw you" and even ATTEMPT to leave.

I also HAVE to see the entirety of the map in video games. This is most prevalent in .hack, where the dungeons are (besides story dungeons) randomized.

Perhaps it's for that reason that I love fully randomized games, like .hack and Diablo.

wow video game related OCD. i have never heard of that before. you may have a one of a kind issue. you should feel proud of that.


OCD drives me bananas. (not the good delicious bananas either....the bad spend-your-life-in-an-asylum bananas)

Perfect example: I'm drawing a pic of Vergil. It's coming along nicely when....one of the pupils is bigger than the other! After spending the whole English period obsessing over it I had to chunk it. TT


I am Nero's Mom & Obsessed fan girl
^I got the picture OCD back in college. I was an art student.
The amount of times i threw a piece of work anyway was unbelieveable.

@Dreadnought: Sorry to disappoint you, I've got Gaming OCD too.
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