Hell Fighter 17 was all machine & android 17 was part human just as 18. Hell Fighter 17 has the ability to telepathically communicate with and override/brainwash the cyborg, as well as fuse with him to become one super fighting machine. Super 17 right.
Still that contradicts with the concept of "Fusion"
As seen by cell absorbing 17&18 he got only as strong as FPSSJ not SSJ3
even Android 13 in the movie got any stronger than a MSSJ
But here andriod 17 who's supposed to be a good guy gets evil for no reason and becomes stronger than SSJ4 goku ? perhaps wasn't 16 fully mechanical ?
Only Portara fusion has that capability to divide the power 1000X times
Actually if it wasn't 17 instead if it was Cell&Freiza's fusion it would've BEEN much MORE interesting !
Imagine Ssj4 goku fighting something like an Immortal celliza together In hell
rather then a cracked up 17
And Perhaps i hated how the "Hell invasion" was treated so comically it should've been more like
"Thunders in the sky"
"people getting blasted in bits"
"Gohan going Ssj2 against ssj2Raditz"
"Vegeta toying with Ssj Nappa"
"Goten&Trunks using fusion and fighting hordes of Evil SSJ Saiyans from hell"
I mean THEY HAD be strong after all these years !! GT had SO SO much potential and they just all poured it down the drain'
Heck !! why didn't myuu&Gero just make saiyans in hell go Crazy ass **** ? or make a saiyan Android ?
Since they just know that they are arguably the most strongest beings ever but they had to come up the most boring idea ever :ermm:
I'm also curious about this "2013 movie"
This takes place just after the defeat of kid buu and before he meets uub and ends Dbz
That means either this is going to be just comical like "Yo son goku&friedz" or something new
Because the Viallan has to be stronger than Gotenks,Gohan(Unlocked),gokussj3&Vegeta ss2
but the trailer seemed like its going to be something serious.. .what could it be like ?