Heard some really good things about this from those who play tested it, many of them loved it and cant wait to see the end product in action.
All this positive talk gives me hope, I'm trying to avoid as many gameplay videos as I can because you never know what kind of scares can be spoiled.
I skipped IGN's "How scary is Outlast" and those scares at the beginning of the game got me when I played, if I watched the video first it would have spoiled it, but now IGN has stupidly put a "How scary is Alien Isolation" and spoiled some scares for people now.
Oh yeah that won't raise any suspicion, they did it with Colonial Marines too.
Well this is a different development company & i don't think they'll pull a GearBox smurf up.
Even though i think the concept story idea isn't very creative, it looks good............BUT so did Aliens: Colonial Marines at this point.
I think what they should do to ease gamer's minds is have a playable demo at whatever upcoming gaming event is next.
But there are few core differences.
Yea i feel that way about games i have to spend time running from something but then i remember there's great games that are setup that way.
HauntingGround is a great one.
Oh okay.
I hate that too. I dislike running away from enemies & not being able to fight back but some games it works.
And in this it should've been obvious it's going to be a hide & seek style play as it follows suit with the films.
1 Alien equals no or limited weapons
Multiple Aliens equals plenty of weapons & usually a team.
It's what an Alien game should be.1 Hour in:
Lots of walking, pretty graphics, game runs fine.
2 hours in:
Alien finally shows up but only briefly, got past it no problem on Hard.
2 in half hours in:
The human and android segments suck ass and swallow, still loads of walking around, starting to get bored.
3 hours in:
Alien shows up for real and holy s**t is this thing scary and so not scripted, it's already killed me once and I'm currently trying to survive round 2 against the f**ker.
My first impressions are the game is kinda boring and annoying for the first 2 hours, but once that Xeno shows up s**t gets real.
I know, James Cameron's take is more of a Xeno kill fest, but even in that movie it was still about the threat of the Xenos instead of shooting them up.It's what an Alien game should be.
Alien was never about action and shooting Xenomorphs.
I mean, I was watching Alien not long ago and if you time that film, the alien doesn't appear until roughly a hour in to the film with a total screentime of about less than four minutes.
I partly agree. Alien is a big franchise and this is one of the greatest games made last year. 2 million is great; but not enough or maybe barely enough in this scenario.Alien Isolation sells over 2 million copies and is considered......weak.