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Activision Comm Manager: 'Stop Threatening Devs'


Supporter 2014
I played CoD on the PC when NO ONE else played the game. It only blew up when it went modern.
Well, maybe it went "ultra-mainstream" when it went modern, but I was under the impression that everyone loved it when it first came out. I only thought that it had only expanded the market when they went modern, and not "finally broke into it".

I played the first one... then I heard the second one was disappointing. I thought that would be the end of it. How wrong I was.

The first one was a great experience because it showed different sides of the war and took quite a bit from "Saving Private Ryan". I know that the first MoH took the "Normandy" scene from it, but still, it was CoD that made me play through the whole thing because the level design (back then) and pacing were so interesting.

The first time I experienced a slo-mo "aftershock" after a shell landed near me (another SPR reference) affected me for the rest of my gaming life.

So, there was:

CoD 1

CoD 2

CoD The Big Red One (wat)

CoD Something Else

CoD Modern Warfare

So, because there were so many games released, I had thought that it was always big in it's own way. But I guess in a sense, you'd be right as well. It's just a matter of perspective and scale, really.


Fake Geek Girl.
Well, maybe it went "ultra-mainstream" when it went modern, but I was under the impression that everyone loved it when it first came out. I only thought that it had only expanded the market when they went modern, and not "finally broke into it".

I played the first one... then I heard the second one was disappointing. I thought that would be the end of it. How wrong I was.

The first one was a great experience because it showed different sides of the war and took quite a bit from "Saving Private Ryan". I know that the first MoH took the "Normandy" scene from it, but still, it was CoD that made me play through the whole thing because the level design (back then) and pacing were so interesting.

The first time I experienced a slo-mo "aftershock" after a shell landed near me (another SPR reference) affected me for the rest of my gaming life.

So, there was:

CoD 1

CoD 2

CoD The Big Red One (wat)

CoD Something Else

CoD Modern Warfare

So, because there were so many games released, I had thought that it was always big in it's own way. But I guess in a sense, you'd be right as well. It's just a matter of perspective and scale, really.
I actually thought the 2nd one was better than the first and had some fun with it back then. I thought that D-Day finale was impressive. No other game did stuff like that at the time. Now I hate this series with a passion and if I could have any series go under it would be CoD in a heartbeat.


Supporter 2014
if I could have any series go under it would be CoD in a heartbeat.
Seconded. It'll go down, eventually. People thought WoW was going to last forever (well, eleven years is still a really long time) but they just lost three million subscribers last month. The torch has already been passed on to someone else.

It will end up being the same thing for CoD. Someone will (eventually) make something more deserving and therefore, make everyone forget CoD even existed.

Dark Drakan

Well-known Member
CoD has the privilege to be the biggest game on the market. It has all the money and resources to make a fantastic AAA game. Yet, they just toss out the same exact game over and over again because they know people will buy it. They aren't trying. All these other big companies try to spend so much money developing a game to compete will CoD and I can swear CoD doesn't even spend half as much reusing the same engines and just repacking the same goddamn game again and again with a new subtitle or number. They have an audience that will buy anything they do. They know this. And get like all the money in the world. Being that rich asshole. The one who would like buy a huge mansion and use like only one room in the entire house. Get what I'm saying?

Thats down to Activision and them forcing the developers to push the games out every 12months, hence why they had such trouble with Infinity Ward. They werent comfortable doing this, so Activision brought in Treyarch and then it went from there, until multiple teams were having to work on them to get them out every year. I fully agree with your statement and with the lack of effort and recycling the engine and repacking things, re-releasing old maps and making people pay over the odds for them too. This is all down to Activision not the developers simply choosing to be lazy.


Well-known Member
I remember how the CoD Immature reacted when Infinity Ward removed Favela map only for 7 days, They kept whining for 5 month threating the studios and the Islamic gamer community.

Dark Drakan

Well-known Member
I remember how the CoD Immature reacted when Infinity Ward removed Favela map only for 7 days, They kept whining for 5 month threating the studios and the Islamic gamer community.

There are a lot of 'entitled' gamers around these days who seem to think that they are entitled to whinge and moan until companies are forced to give them what they want. Like a child who screams, crys and stamps their feet until people give in and give them something just to shut them up. Companies dont remove things because they want to simply remove them, there are always reasons behind it and its never taken lightly. I mean if you have purchased a game and it doesnt work properly then by all means you have a right to want answers and fixes but some of things people whinge about blows my mind.

Reminds me of these articles from a while ago.

5 Signs your an Entitled Gamer

Entitled Gamers, Corrupt Press, and Greedy Publishers


Well-known Member
Companies dont remove things because they want to simply remove them, there are always reasons behind it and its never taken lightly.

Favela map removed after a request from a muslim gamer because there was an Islamic sacred texture was written in bathroom and that was offensive to us as a muslims. The problem is the western gamer (even the gamer who not into CoD game) kept complaining about:

1- Favela map removed because it's offend the muslim gamer.
2- Finding Infinity Ward apologize to muslims gamer on Youtube, Facebook and twitter is disgraceful to them.
3- CoD it's an American game so we have freedom to do whatever we want.

Here is some videos of gamer are complaining after Favela map is removed



Smile it confuses people
As for the topic at hand,

Conclusion: Fanboys can be retarded.

So there were new details revealed on Lightning Returns, and there's a bunch of people in a rage about Lightning getting bigger boobs and ones that 'jiggle' too. Me? I'm laughing my butt off over it all, just because of how the developers came out with it. It sounded like something right out of a comedy! :lol:

I think the issue could be gamers take games too seriously. Yeah it's okay to be dedicated and to be a huge fan of something. But when you take it too far that you're getting less enjoyment out of it because of it, it's worth getting your panties in a twist about. I mean god, I am so ticked Steve Burnside hasn't come back yet in Resident Evil, but I'm not going to threaten Capcom to bring my baby Burnside home. XD

That's why I like the old games better. You never had any of this, because gamers weren't as connected as they were then.


Fake Geek Girl.

So there were new details revealed on Lightning Returns, and there's a bunch of people in a rage about Lightning getting bigger boobs and ones that 'jiggle' too. Me? I'm laughing my butt off over it all, just because of how the developers came out with it. It sounded like something right out of a comedy! :lol:

I think the issue could be gamers take games too seriously. Yeah it's okay to be dedicated and to be a huge fan of something. But when you take it too far that you're getting less enjoyment out of it because of it, it's worth getting your panties in a twist about. I mean god, I am so ticked Steve Burnside hasn't come back yet in Resident Evil, but I'm not going to threaten Capcom to bring my baby Burnside home. XD

That's why I like the old games better. You never had any of this, because gamers weren't as connected as they were then.

I just heard about the boob job for Lightning in the new one. A lot of people are like "tis no bueno."

I also read about how they talked about it. They were so enthusiastic and sh!t it was quite amusing. I really couldn't care less. I don't really see the point of it but, I also didn't notice a difference and I was never planning on playing Lightning Returns anyway. The 13 series is awful and no one likes it more than Square-Enix themselves.


Supporter 2014
Well, I'm interested in Versus (or FF15 or whatever) and the Lightning Returns games -- but only because I'm interest to see how SE takes on the hack n' slash genre. IMHO, they're actually kind of rare these days, so I'll take whatever I can get.



So there were new details revealed on Lightning Returns, and there's a bunch of people in a rage about Lightning getting bigger boobs and ones that 'jiggle' too. Me? I'm laughing my butt off over it all, just because of how the developers came out with it. It sounded like something right out of a comedy! :lol:

I think the issue could be gamers take games too seriously. Yeah it's okay to be dedicated and to be a huge fan of something. But when you take it too far that you're getting less enjoyment out of it because of it, it's worth getting your panties in a twist about. I mean god, I am so ticked Steve Burnside hasn't come back yet in Resident Evil, but I'm not going to threaten Capcom to bring my baby Burnside home. XD

That's why I like the old games better. You never had any of this, because gamers weren't as connected as they were then.
they jiggle?


Fake Geek Girl.
Well, I'm interested in Versus (or FF15 or whatever) and the Lightning Returns games -- but only because I'm interest to see how SE takes on the hack n' slash genre. IMHO, they're actually kind of rare these days, so I'll take whatever I can get.

Isn't it partially being done by the people who did Kingdom Hearts?


Fake Geek Girl.
I actually have no idea... although, doesn't that still technically count as Square? Not pure Square but -- you know what? Forget I said anything. I'm lost.

Yea but I think that the dude that made Kingdom Hearts doesn't technically work on Final Fantasy games. Like how Shigeru Miyamoto is part of Nintendo but he's also not the creator of every Nintendo franchise and doesn't work on everything.


Smile it confuses people
I just heard about the boob job for Lightning in the new one. A lot of people are like "tis no bueno."

I also read about how they talked about it. They were so enthusiastic and sh!t it was quite amusing. I really couldn't care less. I don't really see the point of it but, I also didn't notice a difference and I was never planning on playing Lightning Returns anyway. The 13 series is awful and no one likes it more than Square-Enix themselves.
Yeah it was amusing. I'm wondering if it was intended that way.

And blah, I don't like FFXIII. I've tried playing it and I keep stopping because the long corridors and constant battles just wear me down after a couple hours. Plus there's nothing in the story or characters really keeping me invested. Sazh is probably the one out of the lot.

Although I really did enjoy FFXIII-2 a lot! Everything they did wrong in FFXIII they did right in that sequel, it's just a shame it didn't have a big budget like FFXIII. Even Lightning Returns is said to be as half the length of FFXIII-2 was, meaning it won't be that long a game.

That's probably why they're pouring so much into the costume thing, to add to the replay value since they said it was one you play a couple of times over. I still want to go get it though, just to see things conclude. T.T

they jiggle?
Yesh they went into great detail about it, saying they would jiggle more depending on which outfit and support came with it. And then mentioned equiping a small shield and a certian arm swing animation would get you a good shot at the jiggles.

I swear they were talking about it like it was some combat strategy. It's funny, but I do wish they could've put effort into giving the other cast members new costumes after 500 years, instead of focusing more on the...boobs XD at least we know where all the attention to detail is going.


Fake Geek Girl.
Yeah it was amusing. I'm wondering if it was intended that way.

And blah, I don't like FFXIII. I've tried playing it and I keep stopping because the long corridors and constant battles just wear me down after a couple hours. Plus there's nothing in the story or characters really keeping me invested. Sazh is probably the one out of the lot.

Although I really did enjoy FFXIII-2 a lot! Everything they did wrong in FFXIII they did right in that sequel, it's just a shame it didn't have a big budget like FFXIII. Even Lightning Returns is said to be as half the length of FFXIII-2 was, meaning it won't be that long a game.


I'm not the biggest Final Fantasy fan out there but, even I know 13 just shames its lineage in pretty much every aspect. The gameplay was just stupid. Controlling one character is a really dumb idea. And the characters are all just ewww. Not one person in the cast is likable or compelling in any way. I HATE HOPE SO GODDAMN MUCH.

The game tries to be 7 so much it's just awful. Lightning herself is just bad. She was trying to be the female Cloud but, Cloud had more personality than her and his personality wasn't even his! Plus it's ridiculously linear.

The graphics are fantastic as the game looks beautiful but, you can't explore or get immersed in this world because the game is just running down a pretty hallway for about 40 hours hitting the X button. And it's not like the story is any good either. Paced like a ant pushing a brick through the desert and also not coherently explaining what the f#ck is going on half the time is stupid. It's like Yahtzee said, he was only able to understand more when he read the text wrap up through the loading screens. You are supposed to weave the story in to the narrative and not hand the audience a glossary when they walk in.

Then again I can just summarize the whole thing as "save cocoon" and call it a f#cking day. BOOOOOORING.

I didn't play 13-2 but I heard while the gameplay was improved the story and all were still pretty bad and I guess the time travel stuff didn't make sense.

My favorite FF game will most likely always be 10. I adored 10. (10-2 doesn't exist) The reason why I like 10 so much is because it was the only FF game to actually get me to devote my time to it. Like I said, I was never really big in to RPGs. FF10 however was good enough to get me hooked and invested in the game more so than any other. It's not just my favorite FF game but one of my favorite games of all time.

Dark Drakan

Well-known Member
I havent enjoyed a FF game since FFX and doesnt look like im going to be that bothered by any more any time soon at this rate.


Fake Geek Girl.
I havent enjoyed a FF game since FFX and doesnt look like im going to be that bothered by any more any time soon at this rate.

I'll wait for Final Fantasy 15. That's not a typical Final Fantasy though and I think that's actually going to be a good thing this time around.
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