1. If you want to see an example of how they change their translations for western audiences you can probably find the original DMC3 manga translation from Devil's Lair and compare it to the TokyoPop.
The two examples that I remember most clearly are when Arkham approaches Vergil in the book. There, Arkham tells him about the story of Sparda and Vergil responds something to the effect of 'leave me alone' while in the TokyoPop I think he says 'yeah, great story, can't wait for the movie.' The other is when rabbit tells Dante he wants to buy his amulet and will pay any price. Dante pretty much says 'no, thank you' and in the TokyoPop translation he says 'and I want a smaller d**k. I guess we're both ass out of luck.'
2. Yeah... Something I've complained about, repeatedly, is how the DMC canon is so jagged. What was an establish lore in one game gets tossed out as soon as it becomes inconvenient in the next game. I've also mentioned how the fans seem to have more attachment to the lore than the developers do since they throw everything and anything out on a whim. Because this is how they treat the canon nothing is concrete. Itsuno changed so much of DMC to align with DmC because he made friends with NT and he loved the work they did in that game, even if it made no sense or was never a part of the original canon.
1. I remember the "can't wait for the movie" quote - Not very Vergil. However, I don't remember the "smaller d-" quote. Although, tbf, that line is pretty Dante XD
2. Which proves to me that Capcom doesn't give a fig about the franchise, unless it makes them money (and - in my eyes - Itsuno is now proven to be the joke that I've always assumed him to be

Even my DMC OC's universe has more consistent lore than this franchise.