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A really great big thankyou!


The Dark Avenger © †
Premium Elite
Supporter 2014
Xen-Omni 2020
Well, I was going to leave this until tomorrow, but since I received the trophy a little earlier than I expected, I'm posting it up now instead.

I joined this forum back in 2007. And today marks 8 years of being here which I'm very proud of.

Now I know what some of you are thinking. Who is this guy? I've never heard of him.

Well, I've got a few nicknames. And I'm in no fewer words a Legendary dark purple knight. A sociopathic baby killer (thanks @Chancey289) a snake that wears trousers, the protector of the four realms of Oblivion. And if that wasn't all...

An enthusiastic badge-hogger. But most here will simply know me as LoD. My most common and preferred nickname that people associate me with, one which I dearly respect.

I'd just like to take some time (Not to brag or boast) but to speak about when I went Platinum. I wanted to show my support to this community and my appreciation. And I thought a good way to do so would be through going Platinum. Then this cropped up - let's buy devilmaycry.net together - And it made it that little bit more special, because it meant I could help more dramatically than I had previously. And I'm not trying to blow my own trumpet, I'm merely expressing how wonderful it was to help dmc.org in this way and how much I hope it helped. Thankyou to all of those who have also shown their support here. Not just those who chip in with donations, but those who help keep this place going with all of your posts and the great behaviour the vast majority of this community upholds. It is seriously appreciated, so thanks.

Moving along, I would also like to say thankyou for a really pleasurable and wonderful time here these last eight years. I couldn't have asked to be a part of such a great community, so thanks everyone and here's to goodness knows how many more years!

Lastly I'd like to talk about being a moderator here for almost a year now. Don't worry, I won't bore you all for too long. There were a couple of things I wanted to say;

1) I was aware that new mods were needed. I didn't exactly think I'd be picked as one. But when Steve approached me and asked if I wanted the position, I couldn't turn it down. No doubt there were lots of others that would have fit the bill, just as well or if not better than myself. It was a huge honour, one I'm truly thankful for. I hope I've done you guys proud.

2) Secondly, I hope I've done the rest of the staff proud. I couldn't of asked for a better team to be working alongside, @Steve Powell, @Dark Drakan, @Angel, @Meg, @berto, it's been a pleasure! :)

You have no idea just how much I appreciate everything.

Thanks dmc.org =]

Edit: *just a small detail I left out* I suck.

Dark Drakan

Well-known Member
Pleasure to have you here, ive met a lot of people over the years on forums we have owned & it has been great having you in our community and seeing you evolve into a great member of staff and one of the biggest contributors we have ever had on any of our forums. Thanks for being everything we look for in a member, maturity, willing to learn and happy to help when needed as well as doing so much for this community it is appreciated.


Fake Geek Girl.

Hug for you Spider-Bro.


The Dark Avenger © †
Premium Elite
Supporter 2014
Xen-Omni 2020
@Dark Drakan: Well, you're welcome. Thanks a lot. It means a lot to me, especially coming from the Dark Lord of the Forums. Y'know, since I am The Dark Avenger, perhaps an evil partnership would be a good idea?

Thankyou for the kind messages, guys and girls =)

Angel said:

You're right...I can't believe I didn't add that to my coma-inducing monologue ;P


the devil is not as black as he painted
this is my first active forum, i don't know how mods would and should act, but LoD you really are a memorable mod, you interact and embrace members, and you're still strict.. i'm sure the forum is proud to have you..

and i don't really understand what this thread is about, see this? this is how much i respect you, i don't understand and i write anyway.. and congrats!

PS : your signature, where are those characters coming from?
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