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4 L of Energy Drink Causes Coma for Gamer

You ever gonna drink Monster again?

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Supporter 2014

14-year old Henrik Eide Dahl fell comatose with kidney failure after consuming 4-liters of energy drink during a 16-hour LAN party.

"There are times when caffeine can be a gamer's best friend. When you're a teenager looking to maximize the hours you have to put into Skyrim, for instance, a nice hit of Coke (the Cola variety, of course) can be perfect to keep your eyes open even when your brain's begging for them to shut. That being the case, there are limits to what caffeine can and, more importantly, should do. For instance, if you find yourself comatose, you may want to reevaluate how many energy drinks you're consuming.

That's a lesson that Henrik Eide Dahl to learn the hard way. Dahl, a 14-year old resident of Norway, recently landed himself in the hospital after he drank four liters of energy drink during a 16-hour Call of Duty LAN party. "I was playing Call of Duty. Then everything went dark and I passed out," said Dahl. Dahl was flown to a hospital where he was treated for kidney failure and fell into a coma. After he fell unconscious he was kept alive with a respirator and a drip. "When I woke up, I was terrified. The first thing I remember from the hospital is that my brothers were sitting at the edge of the bed and crying."

Dahl spent 13 days in the hospital where doctors treated him for damage to his lungs, kidneys, cardiovascular and central nervous systems. Even after being released he's still on medication to help recover. Government officials, in turn, aren't sure if caffeine alone was necessarily behind Dahl's hospitalization. "I've never heard of such a powerful reaction to caffeine here in Norway," said Margrete Meltzer from the Norwegian Institute of Public Health. "But there are more substances in energy drinks than caffeine, including some amino acids and artificial sweeteners, so it may be a combination of several things in the drink that has triggered the reaction." Regardless of which chemicals put Dahl in his "life-threatening" situation, we feel safe in saying that four liters of caffeinated anything is a bit much."

... It'll kill ya.

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Devil hunter in training
Sadly, I'm not surprised. Drinking that much is bound to cause serious problems, especially in younger people. The boy was lucky in a way. There was a case a while back about a woman who drank so much that she went into cardiac arrest and died at work.

A friend of mine was rushed to hospital after he stupidly drank too many. They had to sedate him and gave him medication to stop his tachycardia.
I won't touch those kind of drinks anymore. The only time I did, it made my heart go so fast that I don't want to risk that again. That was only drinking 2 small cans.

If people want to drink them, fine, but be aware of what they can do, and be careful about how much is consumed. The problem is, I don't think there is a lot of awareness about what drinking these can do. Each person is different and would have a different tolerance to these drinks. For one person, drinking only 1 can could cause serous problems. Other people might be able to get away with drinking more until a problem happened. But people don't find out until it is too late, then they either die or have serious health complications.


Devil hunter in training
I wouldn't drink that sh*t in the first place, who knows what's in it?!
I've tried Red Bull, it didn't give me wings... just made me fudging sick...
I don't like those kind of adverts. 'Red Bull gives you wings'...and heart palpitations. :facepalm: Those adverts try to say it's something fun to do, like a quick energy boost. I know the point of adverts is to hype a product, but they should make people aware of the potential health risks. It can only take 1 can to kill a person or mess with their health the first time they try it if they are really unlucky.


Devil hunter in training
Meh, you can drink too much water and die of it.

I heard of that. I think one of the papers called it 'wee for a wii'. I guess she overloaded her system and diluted it too much. No wonder she died considering the amount she drank. That was totally in excess over a relatively short amount of time.
With these energy drinks though, some people only have to drink one can to have heart problems that require medical intervention, compared to drinking litres of water very quickly.

Got to admit though, when I think of bottled water, I don't usually associate it with death.


Oldschool DMC fan
Got to admit though, when I think of bottled water, I don't usually associate it with death.

It takes a lot to kill someone with it, more than your stomach would normally let you put in it, but anything is death in the right amount. People on gaming marathons or obsessives are prone to being dumb about their intake or regular habits though. Like that couple in S Korea who were so busy gaming they forgot to feed their kid.


Devil hunter in training
It takes a lot to kill someone with it, more than your stomach would normally let you put in it, but anything is death in the right amount. People on gaming marathons or obsessives are prone to being dumb about their intake or regular habits though. Like that couple in S Korea who were so busy gaming they forgot to feed their kid.
I just don't know how people can do that kind of thing. It's almost scary. I heard of a guy who did a gaming marathon and died at his computer because he didn't eat, drink, sleep or take toilet breaks. I don't know how someone could go so long neglecting basic needs so much that they died.

I like a good gaming session, but I know I still need to eat, sleep and drink. :tongue: Then again, I'm not an obsessive like these people.


I am Nero's Mom & Obsessed fan girl
Mind you, it's not just gamers killing themselves.
Healthy people can do it through exercise too (even without 'Hyperactivity in a can'). Today, it's about 'pushing limits' and people sometimes take it too far...

Sparda's rejected son

For Edenoi!
Supporter 2014
I wouldn't drink that sh*t in the first place, who knows what's in it?!
I've tried Red Bull, it didn't give me wings... just made me fudging sick...

Well funk! *Tosses Red Bull* I wanted them wings dog-gone-it!

But seriously this is why I don't touch those energy drinks ever. Scary stuff. Life lessons are freaking scary, I honestly hope he fully recovers. More importantly next time I see someone drink that stuff, I'm pull a Dante on their @ss.!

Rebel Dynasty

Creator of Microcosms
I like some energy drinks, but I find my tolerance toward them waning. My stomach hurts horribly if I have anything other than Red Rain (I'm thinking it might be one of the milder ones) and honestly, I wouldn't have more than two or three of them in an entire day; the rare time I've had more, the heart palpitations were enough to smarten me up.

I haven't had one in...probably months, now. I stick to coffee or tea for my caffeine fix; I also drink a lot of water to compensate.

Basically though, my view is this: too much of anything is bad for you. People need to learn self control, and moderate their intake of pretty much anything, healthy or not.


Well-known Member
"for gamer"

that much red bull can seriously kill a person, it just can't kill ANY person, and doing something for 16 hours straight is not natural, no normal person sleeps for 16 hours a day, no normal person does soemthigng they find pleasurable for 16 hours a day 16 hours of gaming is the bad in the same way 16 hours of doing professional sports non-stop is, just not a good idea in the first place, 16 hours of sex is bad and i don't remember the last time the media made a point of that, maybe i'm just getting worked up about the ridiculous culture built up to act mindless around gamers.

"gamers are slaves to the system, do nothing but grind!" says the working man who spends 8 hours a day or more in an office cubicle.

"gamers are losers" says those people who care about the stupid little human ego to the point where being right is more important then the thing itself, so most people who don't play games.

"gaming causes violence" says the people who are a bit quick to follow the medias lead.

this is why the media disgusts me, nothing is portrayed fairly, it's not about informing someone it's about keeping the asses patriotic, it's most certainly bob barbas, the hero who couldn't avoid collateral damage is the terrorist and not somebody who got filmed AFTER the ferris wheel was set running through the city.

it's true that memes exist within society, ideas passed from on to another, however, for all the blood and guts in a game, moving the thumbstick or pressing a little shiny button or keyboard key does not make you a competent reloader, nor does playing as a war hero make you as mentally damaged as an actual one.

the meme isn't "KILLING IS FUN!" plastered on every wall it's "this game is fun and you, as a human, most likely want to be good at it, here's how things work around these parts"

returning to the energy drink, can we just give ourselves nightmares if we desperately need energy, or try stretching if you're an athlete?

how do i know the souls of the damned don't run the media (pretending i follow Christianity and it is unquestionably correct and believed so by the entire world) if they aren't even legally required to tell the truth.

and ads are even more unreliable, you don't even have to pretend that something makes sense.

"red bull gives you wing" yes wings, perhaps if the wings were symbolic of possible death, angel of death symbolism maybe, like you join the angle or something?

not making any sense but they can sell it anyway, if i were to post that on a rare intelligent corner of the internet, i'd probably be laughed at for being stupid.

the non-gamers of the world don't even treat gamers as people in some cases, just because they like their hit of entertainment in a convenient and virtual world that absolutely hates science with a passion.
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