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30 FPS and 60 FPS


Ignorant and closeminded - That's me :D
Just wondered if higher FPS meant better picture quality?

Chimera Khaos

Hades Leading General Commander
Higher frames per second are better than lower frames per second.
Higher FPS will make your playing and viewing experience much smoother and things wont appear choppy like they do with low FPS.
However, anything more than 60 FPS doesnt mean much because the human eye doesnt notice anything faster than about 60 FPS.


Ignorant and closeminded - That's me :D
Higher frames per second are better than lower frames per second.
Higher FPS will make your playing and viewing experience much smoother and things wont appear choppy like they do with low FPS.
However, anything more than 60 FPS doesnt mean much because the human eye doesnt notice anything faster than about 60 FPS.
Thanks for info on 60, but really i asked only about picture quality.
In a fps comparison tool 30 fps background and objects looked a bit more blurry.

Chimera Khaos

Hades Leading General Commander
Thanks for info on 60, but really i asked only about picture quality.
In a fps comparison tool 30 fps background and objects looked a bit more blurry.

Basically yes, but as before, don't go anything higher than 60...
Really no point...


Keyser Söze
Yes but a PC is in a different class as you can always upgrade eternal components making it run smoother faster etc.
Standing on they're own, 360 & PS3 are very powerful consoles & nothing to be sneezed at.

In that case my Ps2 is also a very "powerful" console ;)


Keyser Söze
lol Microsoft & Sony do become happy, after they brick your system when they see you go online with a moded console.
Anyway the frame thing 30fps objects would move faster but at 60fps or higher the objects would move smoother ?

I was talking about Harmless Pc games modding lol

I guess the FPS only matters when it comes to games like call of duty and battlefield where every second you're trying to outrun your opponent the FPS shouldn't affect the smoothness though


Keyser Söze

Oh you mean like FalloutNewVegas moding lol.
I think it says alot about a developers poor quality work if you have to mod the game to make it better.

Well if the game's fun and you play it more that often especially guys like me who plays sports games modding it with new things like jersey and adding new handcrafted textures are a delight to my eyes especially when you're not paying for them like those console owners do for DLC's

I'm pretty sure years later we'll be laughing at ourselves as we "Used to pay for this junk?"

Dark Drakan

Well-known Member
Depends on what it is trying to render, faster paced games with faster animations will need to run at a higher FPS as there is more going on, on screen and at a faster pace. So to run it without it looking choppy the FPS must be higher, however if its rendering a huge space and lots of things in the background and the graphics are more detailed it can afford to run at a lower FPS to preserve the quality of the visuals and prevent jagged edges and screen tearing.

Moding lol.
I'm talking about something that's not frowned upon by the manufacturer.

Modding is encouraged by some developers (map making kits and full SDK's) Bethesda, Valve, Crytek, ID Software and Blizzard have always openly supported modding. Its not just used to improve a game its to help some gamers get into game development and also let them add things into their game. Ive seen some great mods and some really fun ones that have some great ideas in them. Not about getting one over on the developers or about making it 'better' as such. 4 of my favourites were Desert Combat for Battlefield 1942, Garrys Mod for Half Life 2, Eagle Red for Command & Conquer Red Alert 2, Earths Special Forces for Half Life. There are loads more but cant think off top of my head.

The Fable fanbase has had people screaming out for Lionhead to release an SDK for it for years as Mods can allow a game to have a MUCH longer shelf life. Luckily we had some talented Modders who managed to make their own for the originals and they made some kickass mods. However Lionhead have still not supported the idea and such Fable 3 isnt played by many people anymore but the originals up until last year were still played on PC's with Mods. Some people tie in Modding with Cheating but they arent the same thing when people develop full mods. I mean Counter Strike started as a Half Life mod and ended up a full retail title as did Quake Wars, Enemy Territory & Team Fortress to name but a few.


Solid Ocelot
There shouldn't be a difference in video quality between 30 fps and 60 fps, as fps stands for 'frames per second'. It's like with a piece of paper - if you draw pictures on about 200 pages, then start browsing through it, it'll move fluently, whereas if you use only twenty pages, it'll look choppy (like in an old, badly made cartoon).

You should only spot a difference if the image on screen is moving. If stationary, it'll be of equal quality.

As for Bayonetta, I really doubt it was at 30 fps. Maybe at 50 fps, which was the standard for the old television sets, I believe - also known as 50 hertz, whereas today we have 100 Hz or even 500 Hz etc TVs.

I have noticed a difference between fluidity of 50 Hz TVs and 100 Hz and up - 50 Hz actually winning, since 100 Hz and up seems to be superfluous for games.

Dark Drakan

Well-known Member
Higher frame rate you'd have more slow downs right ? Because of all the events on screen.
And wasn't Bayonetta was at 30fps & it's said DMC-Reboot will be 30fps.
And i know Bayonetta is a fast pace game.
Yes PC game moding isn't frowned on but console modding is by Sony & Microsoft. While some developers don't care & or setup modding tools, which i don't wonder why they don't see it as insulting. Like going to a 5star restaurant & saying can i have some ketchup for this.
Console manufacturers like Sony & Microsoft probably Nintendo to doesn't really welcome that.
I was told Microsoft has a hissyfit if you put a 3rd party cooling fan on the back of their systems.

Like I said it depends what its animating and if its in real time (not preset animations) or merely there to fill the background (cars on a loop in the very far distance or birds circling). Console modding is a different form of Modding, Modding (modifying games is very different). Its not insulting as it can vastly improve the shelf life of the games and help sales. I know people who have played well supported games for 10+ years because of great new mods coming out with new features that werent possible on the tech the devs used at the time the game came out. The Oblivion mod for example which vastly improves the visuals, water effects and lighting and makes the game still look fantastic on systems to this day.

Modding isnt for saying you can make the game better its for including things you think would be cool in the game that arent there. I mean the first thing people wanted to do in Skyrim was make Dragon Mounts, something which you cant currently do in the game but the modders have managed to do it. Bethesda didnt include it yet (because it unbalances the game) however if you want it in your game you can download a mod now. Also can ride Sabretooth Tigers (I forget their in game name) as mounts in mods and cant in the game, it doesnt necessarily improve the game but its pretty cool to be able to do it. Also Modders added new Dragon Shouts of their own that arent currently in the game. Bethesda are one example and they love to see what people can do with mods as it can also influence future enhancements and DLC. Modders can also release unofficial patches to fix issues that havent been sorted in official patches. Was a case some time ago with KoTOR II where the game was released unfinished for whatever reason and the ending was incomplete and the modders worked for years to create a full ending to the game.

Also sometimes where developers forget to remove some things in games (bridges that go nowhere or to invisible walls etc). Ive known modders create whole new towns on the otherside of the bridges just to keep the immersion in the game and its taken them many months to create them. The game is perfectly fine without the areas and can play from start to finish with no issues at all but its a nice touch for them to do something like that for nothing, just their own challenge and gratification. Some of these Mod teams end up being purchased by developers such as Splash Damage (Wolfenstein modders) who went on to create Quake Wars and worked on Doom 3 and Brink. Valve would never have created half of their most popular titles without the modding community with games like Team Fortress, Portal, Counter-Strike, Left 4 Dead and Day of Defeat all starting as mods or were originally meant to be mods and not stand alone games.

Microsoft didnt like the thing about the cooling fans because some were poorly made (with plastic connectors) and they were melting to the back of the consoles and ruining them. Then Microsoft were getting all the angry phonecalls about the console breaking and having to sort all the issues out when the problem was with the 3rd party fans not the console itself.

I apologise for the length of my posts lately havent had any time to get on the forums with my Internet being at my old house. No connection at my new house yet so ive been away from boards for ages and only able to log on at work for short periods. So havent had chance to post anything so mouth is running away with me. :lol:​

Dark Drakan

Well-known Member
Yes i know all that & think doing all that is so cool in PC games like Bethesda titles & i consider it very artistic. But just like Peking Duck perfectly prepared & you were the chief that made it & before hits the table & it's even tasted the customer asks for ketchup & salt.
Wouldn't that be a little unsettling to you.
If i were a developer i'd find it embarrassing that modders can create character models & improve textures when my development team has been working on the title for years.
Its normally because the games development has taken many years and the tech they used to design the visuals in the game over those years is actually outdated by the time the game releases. Its not that the development team couldnt do the same thing but it wouldnt be cost effective to totally overhaul a game before release. I mean Duke Nukem Forever for example took 12 years to release and went through 3 different engines and still ended up looking dated (and crap). These modders arent simply people who throw things together and manage to create better models etc. They are dedicated teams who have extensive knowledge of modding titles and the mod tools who put a lot of time into their work & are normally quite respected by the developers. Would be like the chef cooking an already amazing dish and another chef adding some great side dishes to make it the ultimate meal.

Also On PC new GFX cards are released all the time and have to update drivers which improve visuals too and patches are often released to go hand in hand with this and improve quality. However drivers are released quite often and the dev teams would spend forever tweaking things after release to keep the visuals in line with the advances in technology so modders come in and do it all for free & consistantly even after the games have stopped being supported by the developers. The developers have had to built the game from a couple of lines of code into a full title whereas the modders have the framework to work from. They can have a whole team concentrating on a handful of aspects of the game and adding things or trying to improve them in different ways with no deadlines to hit.

Its all about gamers personal taste and everyone would like to see some different things in a title that might not ever be added officially so it gives them the choice. Also gives the game a wider appeal to people who might not have bought the game in the first place with the huge overhaul mods that can remove some elements that some people might not like in the game and replace them with something else.

Its win win for the developers really as people still have to purchase the game to be able to mod it/download mods to use for it. So they get cash regardless and also dont have to dedicate that much of their team to creating new content (maps/weapons etc) if its well supported by the modding community. Its quite well known that the games that support the modding community have the longest shelf life and often sell the most units.

I mean some mods are total conversions and take years and are still going to this day for example Earths Special Forces (DBZ mod for original Half Life). Half Life came out 14 years ago and I purchased another copy for this mod and this was a screen from it (still supported now by the mod team):


Its a shame JohnDoe and Keshire arent around here anymore as they would have given the most in depth answers in this thread as they are quite well known in the modding world. They could have explained a lot of the things about FPS and Modding in a lot more detail and better than me. :lol: I know there were other modders here too at one point and they analyse a lot of these things to make sure their mods dont effect the perfomance of the game that much so could have answered too.


Keyser Söze
Wouldn't that be a little unsettling to you.
If i were a developer i'd find it embarrassing that modders can create character models & improve textures when my development team has been working on the title for years

Now that's like transforming an innocent girl into a really nasty yucky one lol

And no one should find it embarrassing just because someone works on your decade old game to improve it textures and character models that's like unofficial re-production

Its win win for the developers really as people still have to purchase the game to be able to mod it/download mods to use for it. .

So true i just now purchased a game which looks GREAT with mods as i love that even if the gameplay is not changed i just brought the game to apply those mods

Look at this for example >>>

The original game's textures aren't this much detailed at all

Dark Drakan

Well-known Member
I think it's amazing modders can do that & can possibly get hired by developers.
Can those modding tools be used to create an entirely new game or is it just for advance editing ?

Well they can use the base engine and make entirely new models/levels and such so could essentially make another game. Like I said above that DBZ mod is based on the Half Life engine but you wouldnt be able to tell by looking at it as nothing but the base engine remains, they have changed everything else.
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