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I still found DMC 4 Dante to be more laid back, cheesy, almost uninterested in the mission. You could say that's because we had Nero anyway, but still.
Course you get that feel. In DMC1, his... "mission" is very much a personal one, while in DMC4 it's not. He's not even the focus.

DMC4 is Nero's personal matter, not Dante's.
Where did I say otherwise? =/
Nowhere. Why, where did I say you said otherwise? XD
Nowhere. I just got the feeling you were implying it.
My personal opinion is that while DMC1 Dante was definitely focused on revenge, he still broke into cheesiness plenty of times. See, THAT's how you do it: employ the wit and corn at appropriate times, and seriousness at other times. However, I actually agree with @Foxtrot94, since DMC4 was more or less Nero's story...which makes DMC3 Dante worse IMO, since it was HIS story, and he STILL was one-note and moronic.
DMC2 Dante was one note. Anime Dante was one note. To a degree, DMC4 Dante was too. DMC1 and 3 Dante were not.
Yeah, but I'm not defending DMC3 Dante. He too should've been more like his DMC1 self, imo.

In any case, I agree with what Spardamort said.
Oh, wait, he's right, Vergilius. DMC3 Dante DID take ONE second from being a corny loser at the very end of the game to deliver one of the stupidest, melodramatic speeches about "wanting to STAHP Vergil", so yeah...he was serious for two whole seconds of the game, and the REST of the game he was one-note.
You really like to blow that line out of proportion. Make fun of it all you want, but you're still wrong. Aside from the fact that that scene was among the best crafted in the franchise, there were other points in the game where he got serious, and all your hate is never gonna change that. Time you deal with it.
@Vergilius DMC1 Dante is only the way he was in that game because he was focused in his revenge. His "true" personality is the one he has where the deal is over (ending) and when it's not yet begun (beginning), and it's very similar to his DMC3/4 self.
I don't know what makes my weep with laughter more: the fact that you think my "opinion is wrong", or that you think it's "among the best crafted in the series." Fox, you're preaching Catholiscm to an atheist...just skip along now, before my lungs collapse in on themselves.
Well I mean, people were laughing at the theory that Earth was spherical too, so... it's not that your lungs' explosion would change anything.
And by the way, my "hate" is never made with the intent of "changing anything"...I'm not that egotistical or self-absorbed to think my opinion has any bearing over the quality of this franchise. And what exactly are the consequences of me not "dealing with it"? That's a little dictatorial. "INSULT DMC3 DANTE, AND SUFFER THE CONSEQUENCES".
Again, what you preach and what an individual will believe, are two different things. We aren't even debating anything factual. This is all subjective to the Dante each of us prefers...if you even feel calling that a "debate."
Oh I've got things to say about what's subjective and what's not, in general and regarding your claim. But that's a very heated topic so profile posts ain't the place.

But I will say that the number of times DMC3 Dante gets serious in the game ain't subjective so your claim that he only does once is indeed factually wrong.
You can call people "wrong" all you like -- it won't change their opinion on the matter and you can't force people to like what they're not into.

You're being aggressive on a profile that's not even yours. That in itself is morally wrong.
I'm not questioning Wolf's taste and likes. That's subjective. I'm discussing objective data. He says that DMC3 Dante only gets serious once. That's wrong. I can recall other 6 moments where he were.

Also, Verg, I won't take lectures on not to steal by a thief. Get it?
They probably all display brief moments of seriousness, but DMC 1 and DMC 2 are the most serious. Can you guys actually agree on anything without finding the need to laugh at each other's points or argue a case until your blue in the face?...seriously.
Well my blood is green so at max I can get green in the face.