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Rebel Dynasty
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  • Hai! I haven't been on the forum much lately, but just wanted to stop by and say YOU ARE AN AMAZING WRITER. Keep going, no matter what, you've got this. Once I get some 'me' time, I'll be spamming you with reviews. Hope you're keeping well. xxx
    Rebel Dynasty
    Rebel Dynasty
    Aww, DS! -Tackle hugs- Thank you so much. You've seriously just made my day, you have no idea. I'm not quite halfway through FotS yet, but I reckon your encouragement will get me through for at least the next few chapters, or so. ;) I've been keeping pretty well, thanks. How about you? ^^
    Hi. Um...mum accidentally told the entire guild my Zeus is up for grabs. If you still want 4th...might be a good idea to donate asap. :S
    How're you, btw?
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    D: I'm sorry you're feeling burned out. Any chance working on something else would help? (Or gaming?)
    I'm alright, I guess. Neck's bothering me but...eh. Could be worse. =) Been going through really sporadic bursts of inspiration, though. :/
    Rebel Dynasty
    Rebel Dynasty
    It's okay. Alternating between scenes seems to be helping, somewhat. :) Sorry to hear your neck's been bugging you, though. ^^; (Don't know if you're up for it, but I was thinking I'd jump on skype in a few hours, once I've gotten a few things done, first.) Which direction is the inspiration pointing you in? ^^
    I'm glad it's helping somewhat. ^^ Hopefully it'll be enough until you can take a break?
    Thankies. =) I think the Tylenol's helping some...for once. I'm definitely up for it if you are. ^^ My inspiration's pulling me...basically nowhere. I start getting the urge to work on "something" and then I pick up a fic and ten minutes later I just can't think. x_x
    Hey, Rebel, if you see this would you mind popping on Skype for a moment? Need to ask you something extremely important. Hope you're doing well. =)
    I must be one of very few people that likes the original "hack dub" of Cardcaptors.. >.> Trying to find the complete set is impossible.
    That part on DBZ:Abridged where Mr. Popo is saying, "All these squares make a circle." Well, he's not wrong. xD
    okay, i was just starting to watch the first ep. "o god no more marijuana plant" and "it's sonic the hedge--" i already lmfao.. thx for mentioning this on your status, gonna download the crap out of em
    Rebel Dynasty
    Rebel Dynasty
    Lol, glad you like it. xD No problem.
    Director Bison
    Director Bison
    DBZ abridged has gotten so good
    it's pretty much a legit dub of the show at this point
    I feel like my left eye is twitching out Morse code... >.>
    lol, hard to talk to peple when we're like that, sends out wrong message
    hope its nothing serious.

    lol Absolitude you reminded me of that one scene from F.R.I.E.N.D.S
    Rebel Dynasty
    Rebel Dynasty
    Nah, I don't think it's serious. It's said to usually be a sign of stress (same can be said when a muscle in your jaw twitches, too), or maybe it's eyestrain from all the reading I've been doing on a screen, lately. ^^; (LOL! All I can think of is Chandler when he had to refrain from making smart-ass comments during New Years).
    have you downloaded reeves' full dress original size? i was just restriciting the full size download
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    Rebel Dynasty
    Rebel Dynasty
    Yup, I have. ^^ I've got the full size for all three. Thanks for giving me a heads up, though. Gave me a chance to double check. :)
    Been busy with your writing lately I take it? :p
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    Rebel Dynasty
    Rebel Dynasty
    Actually quite the opposite. xD Forcing myself to take time off to catch up on other things that need doing. Sorry, I probably should have told you. I'm still up to RPing, btw. ^^ Have you decided on what we should continue with, or should I roll the dice and see what comes up? ;)
    Whispers of Nowhere draft two, complete. 12,281 words less than the first draft, and 297 pages from the original 338. Gods I'm tired. x_x
    Oxycodone, thank you for taking away the pain...but can I have my brain back, now? O_O
    That's what all heroes think!
    As Shia La Beoff puts it: "Just DO it!"
    Besides, you're the only one who can see the truth!
    Wait, why am I the bad guy? I didn't sign up for this role!
    Wait for the plot twist LoD, you're actually the good guy, guarding the souls of the good people of DMC.org so that the evil lightbringers cannot get em!

    Besides, with all these license agreements you have to sign to use any game or anything, I'm sure there is more then one place I've sold my soul to lol.
    Getting a wisdom and molar removed. Be back whenever the knock-out drugs wear off. >.<
    Rebel Dynasty
    Rebel Dynasty
    Thanks guys.^^ Other than a minor issue while getting the IV, the procedure itself seems to have gone well. ^^ Right there with you, DS. I am not a fan of dentists at all. ._. Luckily I only had the one wisdom (still beneath the gums). The molar was a bigger issue, but since the roots were tangled, both came out. :) It's a relief, now.
    Dante's Stalker
    Dante's Stalker
    Good to know it went well. Nobody recorded you doing or saying silly things while under the influence of pain killers after, did they? >> People seem to love doing that lol *hugs*
    Rebel Dynasty
    Rebel Dynasty
    I have this huge blank spot in my memory from the anesthetic that has provided amusement for the hubby. Luckily, no recording. xD
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