Rebel Dynasty Aug 7, 2015 Getting a wisdom and molar removed. Be back whenever the knock-out drugs wear off. >.<
Rebel Dynasty Jul 24, 2015 WoN is in two competitions simultaneously. I won't beg, but anyone who would like to read it and vote, you can find it in the links below.
WoN is in two competitions simultaneously. I won't beg, but anyone who would like to read it and vote, you can find it in the links below.
Rebel Dynasty Jul 22, 2015 Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar. :/ I find it irksome when someone is accused of being petty when they were simply being honest.
Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar. :/ I find it irksome when someone is accused of being petty when they were simply being honest.
Rebel Dynasty Jul 20, 2015 Okay, since I'm having an OCD moment and a couple of others have pointed it out, show of hands: who can/cannot see my avatar?
Okay, since I'm having an OCD moment and a couple of others have pointed it out, show of hands: who can/cannot see my avatar?
Rebel Dynasty Jul 5, 2015 Aside from using wifi and sneaking on a couple times a day for PMs--I'm officially back. ^^
DoomSlayer87_Sss May 28, 2015 Conas a tá tù mo chara ? (How are you my friend) in case your wondering lol
mrrandomlulz May 24, 2015 Happy birthday! Enjoy it while it lasts, because pretty soon I'ma have to reset this three day cycle so I can do more pointless sidequesting
Happy birthday! Enjoy it while it lasts, because pretty soon I'ma have to reset this three day cycle so I can do more pointless sidequesting
V May 24, 2015