About the DMC1 Remake "leak"

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Aug 20, 2024
My home is not of this world
Are you convinced? Or do you think it is a hoax?

I'm more leaning on the side that it is a hoax. Kamiya (who's currently working with Capcom) said he knew nothing about a DMC1 remake and that if people wanted it they should ask Capcom. I doubt they've gotten a new mysterious director of the franchise and on Capcom's leaked announcement list of 2024-2027 there was no mention of a new Devil May Cry.

I think people are taking Dan Southworth's statement far too literally lol, although, apparently the other person that "leaked" it and provided information such as what engine it would use and camera angles etc, is a trusted source and is the same one that said there would soon be news for Need For Speed, which ended up being true.

Dan Sourthworth is terrible at lying though so maybe people are interpretating his words correctly lol

Dan didn't voice vergil in 1 though, plus nelo angelo had no speaking parts.

If it is real, and considering he said 2004 it leads me to think it is DMC3
To be fair, if they did remake DMC1 I could easily see them expanding Nelo Angelo's role since Vergil's importance to the franchise has skyrocketed since the original game where he was just a tragic victim of Mundus.
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I will believe it when i see it i guess, would happily play a remake of any of the original 3. Especially if combat is overhauled in 1 or 2
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Nelo Angelo spoke in the DMC1 comics. I think he was even calling Mundus "father".

I'm seeing leaks about DMC6, a Fortnite crossover, and more costumes for Peak/Pinnacle of Combat. No remake.
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I'm hoping it's fake. There is one thing about DMC1 that everyone wants and that is to turn it into DMC5. DMC1 is the only game in the franchise that still retains that OG RE feel and any remake, even if Kamiya directs, will toss that out first and foremost. Gone is the tone, gone is the atmosphere, gone are the small details that made the game unique and are replaced with new and improved for modern audience and consumers standardizations. DMC1 could not be made today. What we'd get is a standardized and sanitized version with half of the soul that made it a masterpiece and replaced with another DMC4 & 5. Not even another 3. For as good as RE4's remake is it still lacks all the charm, schluck and spirit of its original. DMC1 will get the same. While RE's remakes are all way too serious I'd be a dollar that DMC's hypothetical remakes will not be serious enough.
If it was a DMC3 remake I'd be super happy but, for 1, just a polish and finetuning is enough. Don't remake it.
Yeah, I’d be wary of a DMC1 remake in the exact same way how I’m always skeptical of rumours about Persona 1 and 2 remakes that come about. The charm is that they are products of their time and turning them into DMC5/Persona 5 might appeal to the wider audience, but it would turn me right off.
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It's funny, because I'd hate to see a remake of DMC3. :confused:
Is that because Itsuno isn't there to supervise it?

DMC3, even a straight up polish, gameplay is the same, movement, enemy animations, stage design, movesets, timing, blah blah blah, just touching the graphics themselves, would be a pretty tall order. Even if you remade the game to PS3 level graphics, to the level of DMC4 or even DmC, that would mean rebuilding the game. You can't use the same polygons, you'd have to remodel everything, which, yeah, time consuming but not impossible, but then you'd have to rebuild or replace the textures. I bring this up because the game is huge. There are so many stages and different levels and rooms that the notion of a mere graphical rework would be a pretty tall order.

The game does have pre-rendered cutscenes, which did not age well because they are from pre-HD videos, if they kept all the data they might be able to use the same capture performances and audio. Even so, at what point is it just better to remake the game?

Speaking of, hypothetically speaking, if I were in charge of remaking DMC3 I would try to keep it as close to the original. There is only one thing I'd insist on. This is something I've mentioned before in other places and people threw a fit but those elitist fks in 4chan and reddit can eat my a$$; they want everything to be geared towards them ignoring the general audience and forgetting that they don't make up enough people to sustain the franchise. Anyway, the one thing I'd insist on is that not all 4 styles be unlocked from the start. My hypothetical set up is like this: you select one style from the menu or statues, as you would in the original. Once you reached lv. 2 with it that style is permanently attached to a direction on the d-pad. Now you can select another one that you switch between the two. And then the 3rd, and so on. This way, people can be eased into having 4 styles instead of getting all of it dropped on them at once.

Yeah, I’d be wary of a DMC1 remake in the exact same way how I’m always skeptical of rumours about Persona 1 and 2 remakes that come about. The charm is that they are products of their time and turning them into DMC5/Persona 5 might appeal to the wider audience, but it would turn me right off.
Yeah, unfortunately I've been to reddit and 4chan and those nimrods either don't understand the importance of things like the atmosphere or tone. They just want more of the same. They either don't understand or pretend they don't.
I'm hoping it's fake. There is one thing about DMC1 that everyone wants and that is to turn it into DMC5. DMC1 is the only game in the franchise that still retains that OG RE feel and any remake, even if Kamiya directs, will toss that out first and foremost. Gone is the tone, gone is the atmosphere, gone are the small details that made the game unique and are replaced with new and improved for modern audience and consumers standardizations. DMC1 could not be made today. What we'd get is a standardized and sanitized version with half of the soul that made it a masterpiece and replaced with another DMC4 & 5. Not even another 3. For as good as RE4's remake is it still lacks all the charm, schluck and spirit of its original. DMC1 will get the same. While RE's remakes are all way too serious I'd be a dollar that DMC's hypothetical remakes will not be serious enough.
If it was a DMC3 remake I'd be super happy but, for 1, just a polish and finetuning is enough. Don't remake it.
The good thing is, if there’s a remake, the government won’t blow your brains out for playing the original, nor will they put you in prison.

DMC1 doesn’t “need” a remake, but it would be nice to play as Dante again for 20 missions. and I have a feeling that we either get a new type of combat system without style switching OR if there is style switching, it gets changed up a bit.

I’m tired of Nero and I don’t want to play as a 60 year old Dante so I’m cool with a remake. With the revamped camera angles, it would be nice to have the possibility of actually seeing Griffin in his third fight.

TBH, I feel like the hatred for remakes is artificial. Some YouTuber doesn’t like remakes, therefore everyone else must have that opinion. This is a major problem in the DMC community.

The Resident Evil 4 Remake was even better than the original, so who knows, Capcom could make the remake better than the original game.
I'm fine with a remake as the first two games haven't aged well storywise for me. Expanding on it like Mega Man X did with Maverick Hunter for the PSP would be ideal.

However I'm not that interested in it so I'm cool with playing DMC6 or something new over it. Hence why I'm excited for the upcoming anime.
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If they remade DMC3 I hope they don’t add style switching. I’ll be crucified by many for having this opinion, but I just don’t think it would be right.
I thought the style switching made the game seem easier on the Switch - Unless it's because I find gaming on a handheld easier/better than on a TV :unsure:
The good thing is, if there’s a remake, the government won’t blow your brains out for playing the original, nor will they put you in prison.
That has got the weirdest and most over the top way anyone has ever said 'the original still exists.' You even managed to throw in a 'first world problem' angle in there. You know, that is the same argument people made when DmC was replacing DMC.

Look, this whole argument misses the point people are trying to make about remakes. No, it's not a blind hatred of remakes, it's an incapacity to articulate the why. I loved RE1's remake but there's the rub. It was the same director remaking the game with the technology he didn't have before. Most remakes forgo the whole experience in order to focus on modernizing the game. Thet miss a whole lot of what made the original memorable. It's not the big things, it's the small and subtle things. The graphics the combat, the accessibility, are all that people tend to focus on.

I'd love a remake done right but I don't trust Capcom to pull it off. I don't know that I'd trust Kamiya to pull it off. I'd trust him with a Bayonetta remake and an Okami sequel because those are the things he does right. Atmosphere, tone and bravado aren't. That was probably Mikami's department since the only games Kamiya did that nailed that experience, that horror/action balance and both were produced by Mikami. I think the two of them would make a great remake for DMC1, but just one of them? I don't see it. And that's the ideal version of that scenario. The way capcom is treating their REmakes I don't know that they'll even bother trying to make DMC1 anything like, well, DMC1.

Yeah, it's my favorite game so I can be overprotective and overbearing about it but that's also because there is only 1 DMC1. The closest thing we have to DMC1 isn't DMC2, 3, 4 or 5, it's that remake of RE1 and Onimusha 1. The game is one of a kind even in its own franchise so the thought of losing that is not great. 3, 4 and 5 are basically a trilogy of their own. Gameplay, themes, narrative, cast and even the way the world works (DMC1 isn't he kind of game where people ride missiles or have robot hands or have something as stupid as Patty in the cast), all those things are shared across those games, they are alike and clear part of the same series, but DMC1 is not like any of them.

The Resident Evil 4 Remake was even better than the original, so who knows, Capcom could make the remake better than the original game.
I disagree. I don't think the remake is better, period. I think the remake is better in many areas, does a lot of good things and builds well on the fundamentals of the original, but it also comes up short in so many others. Yeah, it's got great gameplay and balance but it's also rather forgettable. To simplify it a bit, are there any scenes from the remake that have become iconic memes? Or is the game even as talked about as the original was this far from its release? People have been talking about 4 since it came out. It made a splash across gaming for years, the influence it had cannot be understated, and people did their damndest to copy it. I don't see that for its remake. It's a good game, absofkn'lutly, but I don't see the longevity that RE4 had and I think it's because it lacks soul. Yeah, the game was cheesy but people quoted it to no end. I can't think of a single line from the remake that's become iconic. It's so grounded it could never be. Ada is so monotone she sounds like they just used the takes where she was memorizing lines (fly, my pretties) and Leon lost his swager.

That's what I think people aren't unable to articulate. It looks better, it plays better, it's story is more cohesive/better written/better acted/less stupid and so on, just doesn't cut it. As odd as it sounds, that doesn't make a game memorable. If that's the case then God of War is better than DMC. In a lot of these remakes something is lost. No different than a movie remake that has better special effects, bigger stars, a more modern story and yet it still doesn't compare to the original.

DMC4 combos all look the same to me.
Well, yeah. I know that pulling off that stuff requires real skill but I find it to be pretty boring, as an expectator. Can be clever but I just don't see the appeal anymore. After the 15th time watching a guy jump cancel for 3 days it loses its allure.

I thought the style switching made the game seem easier on the Switch
The game is balanced to have the players using one style. Having more options breaks that balance so it's become a different experience. You also have, how many years (?), of practicing style switching? We're not really playing the game the way it was meant to be played.

What is going on with the leaks everywhere you look? They can't seem to keep a secret.

Back when DMC1 was fairly new Drew Coombs mentioned that in a lot of the roles he got after he was asked to do the Dante voice so Dan being asked to do the Vergil voice didn't ring any bells or alarms. After more videos and discussions I'm not so sure anymore. I do think, however, that he is not working on a DMC 1 game but 3. This is mostly because they wouldn't ask him to do his voice like he did in 3 since the game is set in the time of 1. Not when it's around a 10 years gap. His older voice would be the better fit.
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That's what i was saying and thinking, he was asked to do his 2004 voice for vergil which ties into how he would have sounded for DMC3.

Also 3 would be a more popular and bigger sell as a remake for them, and may then lead to a remake of one if it sells well.
Whoops. Double posted. Did not mean to do that. Haven't turned my computer on in days.

Anyway. I stay stand by my statement that having the combat system allow the player all the styles at once is to much for normies. The git gud elitist a'holes only care about their instant gratification. Having a reasonable baseline for every one is the best way to get a bigger audience, not by shaming them for not being experienced from the start.

Another reason I'm thinking it's 3 is because of the Switch version. It'd been so easy to resell the game in all systems and Campaign
Capcom likes money so why didn't they? Maybe they've been working on it since 3 released in the Switch. I think that's the best tactic. If they announce the is the game and it's too far away people will just get the original. If they announce it and it's only a few months away they'll wait. I'm just theorizing here but I think they'll announce the game and it will have a very close release. If it's all true, that is
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Whoops. Double posted. Did not mean to do that. Haven't turned my computer on in days.

Anyway. I stay stand by my statement that having the combat system allow the player all the styles at once is to much for normies. The git gud elitist a'holes only care about their instant gratification. Having a reasonable base line for every one is the best way to get a bigger audience, not by shaming then for not being expired from the start.

Another reason I'm thinking it's 3 is because of the Switch version. It'd been so easy to resell the game in all systems and Campaign
Capcom likes money so why didn't they? Maybe they've been working on it since 3 released in the Switch. I think that's the best tactic. If they announce the is the game and it's too far away people will just get the original. If they announce it and it's only a few months away they'll wait. I'm just theorizing here but I think they'll announce the game and it will have a very close release. If it's all true, that is
I see that happening too. Regarding styles, I've always had the belief that players should have to start with 1 style and unlock the rest as the campaign continues. I think it encourages people to use stuff like gunslinger more, which is my favourite style :P
If it is a remake of 1, I hope they rectify the Nelo Angelo spelling mistake and finally call him Nero Angelo as it should be.
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