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V's patron
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  • thx z, and your sig is also cool, you made that yourself right? i'd assume you're into art/design?
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    V's patron
    V's patron
    i didnt there was a member named chocolateghost who made it for me.

    i would love to know how to draw and design but alas words are to be my medium.
    aww, this chocolateghost is good.. lol, i'm the other way around, fond of visual art but sucked at words, even in my own language, well, as long as it pleases ourselves..
    V's patron
    V's patron
    no worries, you'll get better just keep practicing.
    Hey man if you wanna show that image on your sig you have to include that link between
    . Or use the Insert Image function. Otherwise only the link will be visible, not the actual picture.
    Hey I saw you read and liked one of my older fics, D'm'C. So I just thought I'd let you know that I wrote up some more. If you ever get the time to check it out, let me know if you like it.
    Have you watched the PoP movie, pal?
    V's patron
    V's patron
    I do have other interests besides PoP but yeah i saw and i digged it. Most of the changes outside of the new prince's past i liked and I thought it was the first good videogame movie adaptation in a long time.
    Yeah that's what I think too, glad you liked it.
    V's patron
    V's patron
    I did like the Assasin villians for the film and it would have been cool had they been brought over in the Forgotten Sands.

    I didnt mind Dastan as a character tho and it was funny seeing all the changes since the screenplay was done by the original creator for POP
    Hmmm does that avatar mean that you tried the PoP reboot and you liked it? ;)
    Hmmm pretty sure Ubisoft called it reboot back then.
    Pretty much, 2008's PoP was for Prince of Persia what DmC is for Devil May Cry.
    V's patron
    V's patron
    Well Ubisoft said they paused the brand so right now I'd say it was dead but there were articles that talked about failed prince of persia projects so maybe they are just waiting for the right idea.
    V's patron
    V's patron
    Funny thing is Sands of times was a reboot itself because it didnt have much in common with the original POP for the snes.
    Snow Villiers is just naruto after puberty hit
    V's patron
    V's patron
    Dont really see that one tho because Dante never claimed to be a hero nor act as shonen-y.
    I dunno, man---every time Snow says "baby", or sweeps back that coat or insufferable K-pop hairline, all I see or hear is DMC3 Dante. :P
    V's patron
    V's patron
    well when you put it like that.....there is a similarity but not neccesarily that deep.
    You're a Prince of Persia fan, I take it?
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    V's patron
    V's patron
    i think WW because of the theme song I stand alone but the two thrones had the dark prince which made things interesting.

    I wanted to try out the reboot but they made it too dumbed down.
    WW? Ha, cheers man! It's awesome! Though I prefer The Sands of Time, but only by a little bit.

    What about... The Forgotten Sands.... brrr...
    V's patron
    V's patron
    I only played the Wii version and it was ok gameplay wise. It was serviceable filler storywise which is fine but i wished they did try to push the envelop a lil more and try something more ambitious.

    By ambitious i just meant something thats a lil more unique than the pattern they were developing.
    After years of lurking, critiquing, and self doubting I finally published a fanfic. Hope the other stories i write feel just as good..
    V's patron
    V's patron
    V's patron
    V's patron
    @WolfOD64 TBh I dont think Dante as a character would have a hard time appealing to western audiences since he feels like your average Marvel hero and look towards the hellboy films , supernatural etc so he's not totaly helpless like Goku/Ryu from street fighter was in order to appeal to western audiences.

    the problem with 4 and the anime (and 3 to a lesser extent) was one of execution not neccesarily anime roots.
    True. Also, I didn't know that you were joking. Well played.
    So you read some of my Spider-Man 4 script. I see you also liked it. Thanks for reading it. Did you think it was okay as a script? I haven't written a script before so I need a bit of feedback. Thanks again =]
    V's patron
    V's patron
    try writing it in rawscript.com, that might help with the format
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