Recent content by ToCool74

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  1. ToCool74

    Dante and Claire

    Most likely a inside joke considering Dante's character was originally Leon for the initial prototype version of Resident Evil 4 so having him have a girlfriend named Claire seems to be a obvious joke on that considering Leon and Claire's relationship while not romantic is the source of plenty...
  2. ToCool74

    Remake DMC 1-3 next? Or Just 1-2?

    I'm one of the few who actually liked DMC2 and I would totally be onboard with DMC2 remake, perhaps expanding on his character and why he is less talkative and cocky in it, one of the fan theories is that he became depressed after DMC1 and "killing" Vergil and I would love for a DM2 remake to...
  3. ToCool74

    Xbox series x

    The name may be uninspired but everything else about it sounds great in comparison to Sony's PS5, especially the fact that there is going to be full backwards compatibility from day one, as someone who has invested in many games on my Xbox consoles through the years its great to know I won't...
  4. ToCool74

    How strong is Nero?

    Nero got a "incomplete" (or non transformed) DT in DMC4, he did not get a "full" transformed DT until DMC5.
  5. ToCool74

    Can Dante transform it without weapons?

    So pretty much this thread is not really you asking a question but more you bashing Dante and saying he sucks and is weak? The reason I came to this conclusion is apparently you already have the info you need.
  6. ToCool74

    Suitable name for Nero's mother

    Having a special scene made for a expanded Devil May Cry 4 that is a game that largely focused on Nero's exploits in Fotuna (and Nero confirmed to have Sparda blood) and then showing Vergil's time there before those Nero events many years ago (and then taking the time to conspicuously focus on...
  7. ToCool74

    All about Dragon Ball/Z/GT/Super

    Gameplay released. I'm pretty sold for the most part, I'm mostly interested in just how far the story is going to stretch, if it stops at the cell saga like so many other games have done it would knock this game down a coupe of pegs in my book, I at least want to reach the end of DBZ (aka Buu...
  8. ToCool74

    All about Dragon Ball/Z/GT/Super

    Legit question how old are you? Is it really that impossible for you to have maturity in a discussion and NOT just completely take a huge crap on everyone's opinions that differ from your own? At the end of the day you do realize this is ALL subjective right and your opinion is no better than...
  9. ToCool74

    All about Dragon Ball/Z/GT/Super

    That's the point of a discussion though, there are going to be disagreements and just because we disagree with you or this new change in origin does not make our posts "alarmist nonsense", like seriously dude you seen incapable of getting your point across without completely belittling others...
  10. ToCool74

    All about Dragon Ball/Z/GT/Super

    @Morgan I think its very obvious I did not mean Goku's ENTIRE history copied Clark Kent's so you bringing up the question of whether he crushed Martha Kent like Grandpa Gohan just comes across as you "reaching" to illustrate some kind of point to discredit my own when really it does not work...
  11. ToCool74

    All about Dragon Ball/Z/GT/Super

    There was that one line in the dub where Vegeta says that the moon beam he used was made by a brilliant scientist named Bardock during the saiyan saga, its something even the TFS abridged series has poked fun at but nothing cano but that could still change once more info on the move is shown to...
  12. ToCool74

    All about Dragon Ball/Z/GT/Super

    My main gripe with this new Bardock canon and Dragon Ball minus is the fact that before Goku's origin was eerily similar to Clark Kent aka Superman in the first place, now with the whole Goku being a 3 to 4 years old and seeing his loving parents before he is sent off and Badock and Gine being...
  13. ToCool74

    Dante vs The Crow

    Lets see, a undead revenant who typically fights human criminals and also has a severe weakness should someone know about the crow vs a very powerful nephilim who regularly fights extremely powerful demons and other beings.....sorry this isn't even a real discussion Dante clearly wins and this...
  14. ToCool74

    Dante’s Trailer

    Its all subjective really, but you simply can not deny she has hardly aged, this is no big deal so no need to feel the need to defend it to the end and yes this is obviously a series about demon hunting and nonsensical events but as I said she is human in this world and I would have at least...
  15. ToCool74

    Dante’s Trailer

    Listen I've heard of aging slowly, hell I've actually seen people in my life age incredibly well into their 40s and 50s, but this right here with Lady is clearly different since it seems she has not aged at all, she still looks to be in her early 20s just like she was back in DMC3, she has...