LordOfDarkness Nov 29, 2008 He should obey the rules... We only steal cake from pirates, not other ninjas
LordOfDarkness Nov 29, 2008 :ninja:: *Laughs as you pointed it the wrong way and it blows all your men up*
Esura Nov 29, 2008 So your an old school Sonic fan too huh. I cant wait til Sonic Unleashed is released for PS3. I heard it was good.
So your an old school Sonic fan too huh. I cant wait til Sonic Unleashed is released for PS3. I heard it was good.
LordOfDarkness Nov 28, 2008 Ah damn, well I'll see you later. And if you can check this out quickly, Steve wants our opinions on the idea to add more ranks. http://forums.devilmaycry.org/showthread.php?t=12213&page=8
Ah damn, well I'll see you later. And if you can check this out quickly, Steve wants our opinions on the idea to add more ranks. http://forums.devilmaycry.org/showthread.php?t=12213&page=8