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  • I find that quite hilarious. Firstly. Put your rant into some readable paragraphs. Second. Make an actual good point. Oh, and exactly my reason:
    "im new here"
    If you're new. Then you have no clear view of whats been happening on this forum for quite some time. Even moderators are getting ****ed off with Aseroth, as are various members.
    You have an extremely warped mentallity. As do many other children and pre-pubecent teens running around here on DMC.org. Esura is a friend of mine, and a single thread isn't a highlight reflecting this forum. I'm not going to bother reading the rest of your BS.
    Oh, and I never avoid anyone. I flame the **** and troll people if they annoy me on other forums, I'm taking it easy on Aseroth. So don't think you're an exception that I cower from some pitty text.
    Now...end of arguement.
    Ok Hun.. you had to leave 15 minutes before I got a good connection...
    BTW.. Call me Luna if you like, but my Real Nick Is Desi.. Later .

    Having a nice bitch fest about me hm? For the record. You never owned me either. If so. Say how I did. Grow a little?
    Hey SB2. Oh, and please call me LoD man, it is my nickname. In fact, I'll tell you most nicknames to end your confusion.

    Omenminator: Omen
    Dark Knight: DK
    Demons Destiny: DD
    Black Monster: BM
    Sparda TM: Sparda or Dante
    Little_D's: D
    Black Angel's: BA
    NerosDevil: ND
    Keaton: K-Man
    Dark Drakan: D2
    devilmaycry: dmc
    biohazardmaster: bio
    Luna13: Luna
    aka958: aka
    Vauxchen: Vaux, Vauxy, hammy or my favourite...V-Man :P
    snake101: snake
    Devil Hunter 95: Devil Hunter, DH95 or DH
    Lord Esura: Lord, Esura or Spike
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