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  • I see. Oh, you want to be a manga artist? Good luck on becoming one. :D

    Of course. :D What games that you have currently? If you have Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood, we can play together with Meg. :D
    I believe that would hurt. Do you really want to hurt me? Do you really want to make me cr... Anyway...*Coughs in Matrix code*

    See you when you jack back in ;) *Matrix Hug*

    No not a problem.

    I would also understand that after time, all of this Matrix talk may annoy. Sorry if that is so. Have fun watching your sis, take care ^_^ Don't forget to jack out ;)

    I think perhaps The Matrix could be set to reload itself again after Neo makes his peace with the machines and deletes Smith. However Hope enters The Matrix in time to find Neo, in whatever state he is in, and helps him to defeat The Architect and The Deus Ex Machina.

    Along the way she could meet certain allies and certain enemies. But one ally could stick out the most, more than others.
    lol, nice humour you have there partner ;)

    Seriously though. Do you want to add an ally? I don't think Hope could bring The Matrix down all by her little self.

    Hope's past is pretty much set in Zion, during the wars she was only a child suffering from the effects of the war. Losing her family members to the machines. She hasn't entered The Matrix, not until after Revolutions.
    There was a bunch of snow up on top of our garbage bin and when I went to go put it by the curb... Snow city.
    Yeah, tell me about it. :lol:

    And now my fingers are frozen from accidentally sticking them into a pile of snow. XD
    What I think Hope needs is an ally. I mean Neo has Morpheus, but his main ally I would say was Trinity.

    Hope could do with an ally. Any ideas for names and a back story? I'm thinking the ally could be a Program within The Matrix? =/

    What do you think partner? ^_^

    Glad you agree ^_^ Would you like to co-write this with me? =/ Or am I getting on your nerves about it? I'm sorry if I am :(

    *Ninja Hugs*

    That's why I named The Protagonist Hope. Because she is hopefully going to bring about that peace in which everyone ultimately hopes for. Personally for me the only peace can be is if humans take complete re-control. Obviously the machines are far too powerful, but something needs to stop The Architect and destroy The Matrix. The Source must be the key to destroying The Matrix, and Deus Ex Machina must by the ruler that needs to be defeated.
    I can't believe I was cowardly enough to edit out my last post when I had made a great point that I now can't remember... >_<

    I'm forgetting a lot, lately... I can't even remember what color I used for Kian! XP
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