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  • first i got out yesterday>_>but i still have to go once a week to get check its so stupid>_>

    im here because i want to.and cuz at least i have a few friends here>_>happy to know?oh and i never said that i didn't apreciated the modds work.its just not as awesome or cool as everyone says they r.
    what question?yeah good ur not drunk.u still have to be more careful u know>_>people here r so s****id and get offended quickly>_>
    whats ur problem whit me?u drunk.i was only saying at some point of view that why r they always changing stuff so much>is that to much to say?u drunk?
    Aw...nothing like a shameless ego-boost in the evening :D

    thanks, LoD - it does mean a lot to us when members are being complementary rather than moaning about stuff. Steve works so very hard behind the scenes and all the staff (Tony, Keaton and Dark Drakan) put a lot of time and effort into keeping things relatively in order and dealing with problems as and when they arise...

    Hopefully the new ranks will indeed give people something to occupy themselves and make them concentrate on making some good quality posts without spamming all over the place...
    Well for a little while now we've been bandying around all kinds of ideas in the staff area to promote this place and encourage people more - seems after all this bickering everyone could do with something to give them a little lift, you know?

    We entertained the idea of a sig of the week type thing but we reckoned people would just ask others to make sigs and then it wouldn't be fair...plus not everyone has an image programme or can even use one and those who can are still in the minority, so it would be horrible biased...

    It's just a shame there are limitations in terms of the software we use - sure, we could add on a ton of mods to make some of the ideas happen but then the site would not only load slowly but also be potentially vulnerable to viruses, hackers and all kinds of problems. Shame, really...
    It's actually not a bad idea - but can you imagine the uproar if the rep-hoarders were to see their count suddenly reset? In the words of the Kaiser Chiefs - I predict a riot :lol:

    Might be something we can look into, potentially, though...I'll throw something at Steve's head and see if I can grab his attention for more than 30 seconds to ask if it would work...(I don't need to throw anything, I just like to :P)
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