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  • Yeah, it's not quite the same now - although I don't know what Steve has got me (other than the books) so I still have one or two surprises left in that instance.
    It gets slightly crap as you get older I think - I've bought myself a few presents which takes the surprise out of it all a bit, but I know Jessica has no idea what she's got under the tree so seeing her get all hyper over it all will be cool :D
    It's on ITV right now and is a bag of poo - it really is :lol:

    Wheel of Time is a fantasy epic spanning eleven books (and one prequel no one reads) and was meant to be finished in a twelfth book but Robert Jordan sadly died last year of a rare condition so I don't know when it will be finished. I'm a huge fantasy genre fan and it is brilliantly done, so well worth the money IMO.

    What do you want for Christmas this year? And nothing crap like "happiness" or "peace to all mankind" - this isn't Miss World :lol:
    in the person above u thread , dk said u were hyper last night , but i said u werent hyper , u were happy as your headphones started to work
    To not get completely wasted on Christmas,Christmas eve, or new years eve, or new years day. :lol: Don't get to drunk. If you get drunk don't drive. :lol:
    Sounds like an advent calendar I'd love...I'm not supposed to drink at all but I figured these things I'm eating don't count. This time of year I really miss alcohol too :(

    Britannia High sucks - never seen it before but it's full of rubbish people. And yet I can see myself watching it every week if I'm not careful :lol:. I keep looking at the presents under the tree and trying not to squeal too much with excitement - I did get one early from Steve because he had to check he got it right before the returns limit ran out; I've got the full set of The Wheel Of Time series of books by Robert Jordan (if you've not read his stuff, I command you to go out and get them!) and I was so excited I was jumping up and down (I love books more than anything else apart from music :D)
    Yeah...I'm so weird today :lol:

    I've been given these chocolate things I mentioned by my dad - you can't get them in this country and they actually have an alcohol content of about 2%. All I can taste is whiskey (and I haven't had a drink for 3 years, so this is an interesting sensation :lol:) and I'm watching some crap on TV called Britannia High...

    And it's nearly Christmas!!!!! Woooooo!!!!
    Me too!!! I'm so excited....we had a mini-Christmas day yesterday at my sister's with my dad (he's hardly ever in the country) and I've been a bit mental ever since :lol:

    I've still got sniffles but it's all good - although I sneezed into the mic today at church which was both loud and badly placed within a contemplative song :lol:
    Im sure i posted just now....
    "maybe im just jealous of the weather for being able to look down on us and laugh its ass off while we sit at home freezing our own asses off"
    yeah... all your dreams are dead. eghhh
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