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  • I need to vent off a little steam. Need to breathe, need to breathe. Seriously finding it hard to do even that right now. Anger, hatred, surrounding me. This is terrible, I feel like I am suffocated. Just wake up or something. Just wake up from a horrible dream. Why can't it be a dream? Damn it, why does curiosity have to be the death of everything? I wish I had woken up later. I wish I'd of never known. You can't close doors that have already been open. You could chuck yourself out of a window though :(
    Going through a seriously tough time right now. So I don't know if I will be on much. I just need some space. Or to throw myself in front of a train, I don't know which yet. Train sounds nice though.

    >_> I never left. I just didn't come online 'cause i got screwed over by zeh council and other places :/ >.> being alive isn't easy.

    Didn't you say that you were leaving, like, aaaaageeessss ago? Seeing as it's been a year since ya last spoke to me AND REMOVED ME FROM FACEBOOK xD
    Hi LoD. I can't say I know you but it's very clear that you mean alot to alot of people here, and I hope you'll be back soon. :)
    Thanks, LoD. But as it turns out I'm feeling good. I don't even remember which of the many things was upsetting me that day. :lol:
    *sniff sniff* If you don't mind, let me know when you have a minute. ;_;
    And since you will be the acting Game Director if I am not around, you can give input, supervise, and give advice in any way you see fit. If possible, make sure everyone agrees with your decisions.

    Yeah, same here. Thanks to this DmC flaming and bashing crap, my bad mood is getting worse than ever.

    How are you?

    P.S. - Nice thread you made back there. Hopefully, these guys will know what the hell is going on and start to think twice.
    Should I am not around, and if the Team DMC is progressing, I am leaving you in charge, since you are the Executive Producer.
    Well, I've been known to make good first impressions on forums (I can be found on several KH forums and one or two Bleach forums, though I've pretty much stopped caring about Bleach :lol: ) so I'm sure that helps. ^_^

    Thanks! :D Same for you!
    I'm doing alright meself. :lol: I'm going to school in a little while, but I'm chilling for a few minutes first.

    Indeed I am! :D Very warm welcoming from folks here so far!
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