Recent content by Kurisu

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  1. Kurisu

    Getting Yakuza 4, 5, Dead Souls and 6 as birthday gifts is a good choice, now I just need to...

    Getting Yakuza 4, 5, Dead Souls and 6 as birthday gifts is a good choice, now I just need to finish watching the Yakuza 3 let's plays since I couldn't find 3 at any store. Have fun with Kiwami those who are gonna get it from PS+ and s u f f e r w i t h t h e f i s h.
  2. Kurisu

    What have you bought recently?

    Bought Kiwami 2 last week. I finished Kiwami 1 yesterday but I need time to heal myself after that ending so it's gonna have to wait. I bought the Steelbook Edition which looks amazing.
  3. Kurisu

    She sounds good, at least for me. Didn't know they changed her VA.

    She sounds good, at least for me. Didn't know they changed her VA.
  4. Kurisu

    What are you currently playing?

    Yakuza Kiwami since I finished 0 two weeks ago. Trying to do all the subquests I can and looking at a grown up man hide under a cone. The usual.
  5. Kurisu

    Dante’s Trailer

    I did, but some friends said it's not the first time a demon changes it's name to Angelo, plus Dante said something about "knowing all of his moves." Again, I don't know what to think about it.
  6. Kurisu

    Dante’s Trailer

    I'm gonna have a horrible time with them since I hated them in 1. That aside, some people have theories that the boss Dante encounters is Alastor. I don't know what to think about that.
  7. Kurisu

    What are you currently playing?

    Yakuza 0, trying to defeat Amon. Jesus Christ I hate him so much.
  8. Kurisu

    [SPOILERS] Lady, Trish and Dante's Devil Trigger, villain's name

    Sorry for the late reply, being busy playing Yakuza 0 and going to college. There's a blocker extension for that, I don't really know if there's something similar on the app though.
  9. Kurisu

    What have you bought recently?

    Bought Trish and Lady costumes for DMC4, DMC4's theme, and... Yakuza 0 and Yakuza Kiwami. I heard good things about this saga so this is gonna be great.
  10. Kurisu

    [SPOILERS] Lady, Trish and Dante's Devil Trigger, villain's name

    I was yelling with some friends in voice chat watching the leaks. Also my first reaction was saying "WHY DOES V LOOK LIKE KYLO REN?" Now a friend compared him to young Joe Jonas and I losing my ****. Anyway, the prologue is... Intense. Really intense. Too bad it doesn't have audio 'cause I was...
  11. Kurisu

    What have you bought recently?

    Jojo figures, one of Josuke and one of Crazy Diamond, both are banpresto if I recall correctly. I find hilarious that the Josuke one is bigger than Crazy Diamond.
  12. Kurisu

    What are you currently playing?

    Persona 4 Arena, need to finish all the stories.
  13. Kurisu

    Dante's new look

    Oh, he did? Welp, then now I'm interested where did Dante go all this time.
  14. Kurisu

    Dante's new look

    Dante in the game cover looks cleaner than in the trailer, so I guess he just has to take a shower and that's it. I like the old look they gave him even though he looks like Hank and I call him grandpa now, and I think he came back from hell so that would take place after DMC2.
  15. Kurisu

    Rumour: Devil May Cry 5 to be Announced at E3 2018?

    At first I wasn't convinced by Nero's design 'cause the short hair, but after sleeping and seeing it again I dig it, he looks cute. Dante in the other hand, looks like Noctis's Dad.