I guess if you feel it best to leave, then that's what you have to do man. All I can say is, I found you hilarious :lol: And you made the place a little brighter and fun. Too bad the staff like to catch onto your posts and things quite a lot. probably best go some place where they just let most things slide, that would be best. But dmc.org is like this to prevent anything bad from happening. Nothing bad usually happens here, as it's pretty well maintained by staff and members. So overuse of swearwords, or references to anything sexual is deemed wrong and offensive, and is removed. It's all to do with age however. If only adults were here, then us current members could feel free to swear as much as we so wished, and post mild sexual things without fear of youngsters reading them. But then again, we can't stop guests from looking at it, or younger people joining *Despite the very fact that the dmc games have age restrictions. Under-age, you can't purchase the game, yet you can join a site and read and watch and look at things to do with it, which is equal to playing it. And I think if we did just run amock in this place, then people would view this place as wrong and therefore decide to not join.
As for the softies, I guess I am one of those :lol:
I'll miss you Esura, I hope whatever site you go to next you have fun. And stay well and everything