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Eris Strife
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  • Chinese looks terrible complicated lol. I wonder how they type Chinese on computers, I'd like to see their keyboard haha. English is so simple with an alphabet of only 26 letters.

    Norway is a very long country, down south the spring has normally started by now, but this year it's really late. They still have full winter south. Up north spring is about two months later than south, we don't get real summer before late in May. Spring here is usually April -> mid May. Last year spring and summer came early, this year it seems to come late. :)
    I'm gonna put up the story of Dante getting tormented soon. May not respond for quite a while. XD
    As for winter problems, we don't have many. It's because we are used to it and it's not often that the winter really trouble us. We are near the coast so we do not get the kind of winter they have in Siberia. Our winters are not so harsh thanks to the ocean nearby, it carries warm water from south. But we sometimes have temperatures down to minus 30 Celsius, this winter have been much colder than normal. But I like cold winters and warm summers, so if only we are in for a warm summer... I'll be happy.
    If Oslo is a wonderful place to visit depends on what you like to see. It has a few famous museums but it's not known to be a beautiful city (several beautiful buildings of course, but that's not enough to call it a beautiful city).
    Norway is more known for beautiful nature, and for someone living in a city island, mountains and fjords must be a pretty sight? Many countries have beautiful mountains, but the light up north makes it look different. I'm sure the same is true for places far south, like southern Argentina. :)
    I had to look up Singapore in the encyclopedia. I see that you have four official languages, English one of them. I thought your English was very good, but that's not so strange if it's one of your official languages. ;)
    I also see that you have the same population as Norway (about 4.5 millions in 2002).

    I've heard about the author Roald Dahl but I don't know any of his books. I looked him up as well, and I see he was British but was of Norwegian family.
    Oslo was founded just before 1000 AD, and the city became capital of Norway 1299. After it burned down in 1624 it was rebuilt under the name Christiania. The name was spelled Kristiania from 1877 to 1925. It got back its old name Oslo in 1925.
    LOL...well he was messin' around a lot so he didn't actually get around to closing ANY yet. Xevnas and Moises however managed to practically destroy the first one, which is where we're at currently in the RP. Meg has stepped in to repair and seal the hellgate. I'm thinking we should all go chill out with coffee and biscuits afterward and celebrate a job well done, and diss on the younger demons (Xev and Moises) for messing up. That's just me though, if the RP doesn't steer one way or the other, I'll probably jump back in there and get it moving on.
    Okay. I trust you've read the rules and understand the plot. Any questions, at any time, fire at will at either me or Trish67, we're pretty good at catching them ;) Other than that, welcome to the RP :) Feel free to squeeze Eris in there wherever you see a gap.
    I saw you're in the writer's group. I'd love to read some of your stuff. :)
    (Part 3/3)
    The other extreme here is December, if the weather is cloudly we don't get daylight, and if the weather is good we get reasonable daylight from around 10am to around 2pm. That's four hours, not much.
    (Part 2/3)
    It takes some hours from sunset till darkness so I don't notice exactly when it gets dark unless I pay close attention to it. The time of the day this happens is also in constant change.
    I know that near equator, where the sun rises in a stright line and descends in a stright line, the change from bright to dark goes really fast. Far South and far North on the Earth, the sun rises and descends much slower because of the angle the light hits the Earth.

    On the middle of the summer, the sun does not go down, when it is at its lowest position, it is still visible above the horizon. So we have midnight sun here for about a month. Well, in theory at least, provided the skies is clear.
    South in Norway, they never have midnight sun but daylight maybe lasts to around 10pm (and then the sun sets a couple hours before that).
    (Part 1/3)
    I guess you have used every square meter of land? Land must be very precious when you are so many people on a little island.

    The farther north you get, the darker the winter is and the brighter the summer is. I live in northern Norway and in the darkest time of the year (December) we don't get full daylight at all. The sun does not rise above the horizong so we can never see it during those weeks. Right now we are in between the darkest and the brightest time, so we get reasonable long days with sunlight. I'm not sure exactly when it gets dark now, but it's daylight at least till 5pm.

    (It seems these messages can be maximum 1000 characters long, so I have to split this in three messages..)
    I looked on the map. You'd have to expand very much before you are threatening Indonesia...
    And I see that you're almost on the equator. So you have the same hours of daylight/darkness all around the year? Here, the days are short at winter and long at summer.
    How are you reclaiming land mass? By filling up bodies of water?
    Do you have good relations with Malaysia?
    Nice to meet you. :cool:
    Thanks for the request. :) I thought you were a guy (don't know why), now I see you're a lady.
    How are things in Singapore? I know where it is but I had forgot it's an island. How close is it to the Malaysian mainland?
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