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  • dude i get really sick if i dont help people call it a gift or a curse i dont really care but what i do care about is you ... call me a lier if u wish dosnt change a thing ur a person who deserves to be happy

    how can you say that about your brother hes looking out for you? because he loves you but u wont exsept that ofcorse... listen ive got an art exam tomorrow and a hospital opperation so im going to have to go get some rest ill speek to you 2morrow ok please try and take it easy good night
    i get what u are saying and i agree people deal with there problems diffrently, but some people choose not to do anything like urself and then complain.

    friends are nothing special? whats that about it sounds like a childish come back. unlike most people i dont give up but maybe thats what u want, you dont answer my questions u say u dont want to talk to people yet you stay online... u say to alot of people 'you dont understand' haha the thruth is YOU dont understand. you dont understand what people do for you what people feel for you.
    that or you dont care what people feel about u... if thats the case stop logging on all the time alot of good nice people are hear for you but u just want to talk about pain
    tbh u havnt proved anything to me your perants dont like u, many of perants dislike there kids to the point of neglect. its when u say things like 'i have never been loved' that makes me belive u r after attention because that is a lie proof little D was begging you to call for help because she loves you

    and friends are special because they take the time out of there own lifes to invest into there friends ... kinda like what im doing now with you =)
    sigh right im going to pm you somthing really personal to me if u promise not to say anything to any1 because u will be the 1st person i tell
    listen i may seem harsh at times but i want u to understand i genrally do care what happens to you.
    i understand it might be hard for u to get why a stranger is trying to help. to anwser ur question thats just how i am it makes me sick not to help those in need im not trying to impress any1 not even you if u said to me i hate u that wouldnt change what im trying to do =) what you think friends? we can get to no each other better =)
    I feel like theres nothing good inside me anymore...everyone hates people say bad things about me ...they just don't know how does it feel to be alone,to be left out in the dark,to be kicked and insulted when your down...i honestly feel sometimes that it isn't worth it...living isn't worth it.....sometimes i just want to scream,cry,cut my self or even try to kill my self..maybe im all empty inside me maybe im not worth anything..but one thing that im sure of is that as long as i keep living i will just be miserable...i can't keep on pretending that i can laugh that im happy that i can smile..when is not true.when i know that deep down inside i can't stand the pain anymore

    WOW is that MCR next hit or somthing? this emo stereotype has to stop really its perfetic. right im going to ask u 1 more time and please answer me straight i want to help =) i dont care if u belive me or not do u understand?

    Why are you so sad?
    what made u feel this way?
    i dont think i can get any clear
    'hes stupid i know that hes lying.he doesn't care about me.im not looking to him.ill ask him to leave'

    you most be stupid if u think im lieing or just so wrapped in self pity u dont want to know which is it?

    'i don't like attention i don't like people to help me.thats why i told you and everyone else to stop trying to figure me out.i was never love no one cares for me ok.things are better like this.better yet things are better if i die'

    if u really didnt want help u wouldnt be sat there now talking to me and little D

    its funny how u think you are the only 1 who has suffered haha
    u will be trust me plesze i do love u n i dont want anything to happen to u ur too much part of my life for me to let u go
    there is nothing to understand with u because no1 knows whats wrong. ive asked twise now to share with me whats wrong make me understand so i can help u but u have made no effort. why? oh wait i can guess what u are going to say .... 'u dont understand me no1 understands me' somthing along those lines?

    funny how u changed subject.... again. im not like most people i dont get fooled easly. do u like the attention? do u like people pleading with u. pleading that u will not hurt urself?
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