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  • Hehe. Alright, I think it's about time I call it a night. I tried staying up as long as possible but now I need to rest my weee lil eyes. xD
    I hated doing that. ;_;

    I know, same here. It doesn't really seem like being a goody-goody will do much in Dead Space though. :lol:
    Lol, those sound fun to kill. XD There was something similar like that in a game, they were fun to shoot and you watched them explode.
    Lmao. :lol: Anyways, I should be heading off soon. Thanks for sharing your info about Dead Space. :)
    I'm surprised, I thought there would've been a lot more considering there is a larger population lol.
    Yeah, that's right. I hated those fkn twitchers as well...they scared the living **** out of me. XD
    Ahh, ok. Now things are starting to make sense, sorry for making you explain it so many times in many different ways. XD
    Ok Ok, so let me get this summed up. It's pretty much a huge scale field experiment...but how did they infect everyone on one of Saturn's moons? Did they break another petri dish by accident? :P
    Ok, I guess I missed that part. Sorry. XD

    Right, until another was made and Issac is going through another horrific nightmare all over again in Dead Space 2, right?
    That's fk'd. ._. So everything was man-made, even the hive-mind. It started out as general curiousity until the unitolgist started experimenting. They infected those people on purpose to see what would happen...and the only way to also destroy the Necromorphs was with that Marker that Issac destroyed?
    So...it technically started out with the one marker until they decided to test it out on the colony?

    My mind is seriously not working! I bet you anything it will click tomorrow when I wake up. :lol:
    Reverse engineered from the black marker? btw, doesn't that mean that Necromorphs were man-made as well then?
    Ohh... alright.

    See, this is the point where you should back out. :P
    Anyways, I got to get to bed. Good evening/in my case good morning. ^_^
    Just about the Marker being man-made and Daniel's being an undercover agent...how is it connected to the Necromorphs and hive-mind? What the hell does it have to do with planet?
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