C C Chaos Raiden Nov 24, 2011 Hi. A bit of info for MGS: Rising. http://www.officialplaystationmagazine.co.uk/2011/11/22/kojima-on-rising-%E2%80%9Cif-something-goes-against-everything-metal-gear-is-i%E2%80%99ll-say-something%E2%80%9D/
Hi. A bit of info for MGS: Rising. http://www.officialplaystationmagazine.co.uk/2011/11/22/kojima-on-rising-%E2%80%9Cif-something-goes-against-everything-metal-gear-is-i%E2%80%99ll-say-something%E2%80%9D/
Shadow Nov 23, 2011 Hey, DT. ^^ I just wanted to thank you for the offer to collab and RP. *really appreciates it* I actually do have some ideas I'd like to run past you, but I can wait if you don't have time. ^^;
Hey, DT. ^^ I just wanted to thank you for the offer to collab and RP. *really appreciates it* I actually do have some ideas I'd like to run past you, but I can wait if you don't have time. ^^;
Elliot Nov 21, 2011 Backstabbed! D: you never told me when you were baaaaaaack. Now I'm being a sad face... :c Yeaaah, Keed! no worriiez :3
Backstabbed! D: you never told me when you were baaaaaaack. Now I'm being a sad face... :c Yeaaah, Keed! no worriiez :3
Laurence Barnes Nov 20, 2011 hey dt what do you think of my entrance once you got beaten on chasing light
Blitz Nov 19, 2011 Thinking of starting it now, those who come in later shall be... welcome. Also, you're a VP in that rp.
Thinking of starting it now, those who come in later shall be... welcome. Also, you're a VP in that rp.