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  • ....Holy ****... I remember having a dream when I was young that was very much like that. All the furniture turned into monsters, and I ran through the house, getting away multiple times, finally hiding myself in the attic, and the dream ended....
    :lol: The great and almighty fear of the dark. Normal for the young kids. I only had fear of it when I saw a scary movie, cuz I always saw some monster in the dark after the movie.
    Actually, while I live with my parents, the latest I stay up is about 10:30. Yesterday, I was surprised at how late I was able to stay on the computer. It was midnight, and normally, my dad gives me problems for staying on till 10... Also, while I was staying with my sister Violet, I would normally sleep for only 3 hours. Go to bed at 3 in the morning, wake up fully rested at 6 am.
    Doesn't look like it though.

    It looks more like a boring competition.

    So, what'cha doin'?
    I meant work! What the hell did you think?!

    Trying to sneak out, you and your perversities...
    GL with that bed thing pal.
    Haha. :p

    I've got nuffin'! You got sumffin'! :p :p :p

    Hey wait... That didn't sound all right!
    It's still called working days, you surely have school, right?

    I have school for two more weeks. Two more weeks of doing nothing because we are done with everything and there is nothing to prepare for to the next year. We use those school days to just hang out as friends as it may be the last time we hang out together as a group. :(
    Annoying... This is why I hate time zones...

    But, we do get a little time to post to each others. That's one good thing with me staying up until 01:00PM each and every day except weekends.
    I don't know why but I go to sleep earlier at weekends, I should do that every working day...
    Thought so, on both statements.

    I've recently woken up, it's 06:32 right here. So I slept the whole day you were actively posting to your pals.
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